Chapter 32: Roman Hayes

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After our brief stint in the station, we decide to head back to the clubhouse. Granted, it took another half an hour for both Bear and Gears to get Lexie to leave the club. She was throwing a drunken tantrum and pissing off both men to the point they were basically steaming at the ears.

Lexie is our Queen and our Angel but she can be a massive pain the ass. Because of her titles she sometimes gives the impression that she is above the rules we set in place, we just want to keep her safe especially since she's gonna be the main target. 

I mean, she can't fight, she's wife of the Prez and daughter of the treasurer. She's not only an untapped source of information but also the perfect leverage.

She couldn't withstand torture nor could she fight attackers off. Hence why we try hard to protect her, even Peyton knew that. While I was watching the scene she was making, I was once again made grateful for my woman and her strength. Thankful for the fact that I don't need to worry about her 100% of the time - I will anyway but that doesn't matter - because she can protect herself.

Hell she'd probably be more effective than me as proved by the missions we've been on together, she's saved my ass both times. Saved the club and stopped us from getting charged today. Yeah, she's better at my job than I am. Am I even needed anymore?

Well we finally wrestle Lexie back into the club, letting her continue her tantrum by locking and slamming the bedroom door behind her. Stopping Bear from entering after her. Weirdly, that's the same room she refused to stay in for longer than ten minutes a few hours ago so jokes on her.

Poor Bear though, I don't know where he's supposed to sleep. With everyone back from runs we don't have any spare rooms that he can crash in like he normally would, the ones that are empty are unfurnished. 

"Fucking hell." Bear groans as he walks into the lounge where we all are, "I swear that woman can be cute as hell one day and the next a complete mental case. I never know where I stand till I'm knocked on my ass."

"You can take my room, I'll sleep at Peyton's." I toss him the key to my room and he catches it without even turning his head.

"Look at you, actually allowed to sleep in her bed. Lucky you haven't experienced the tantrums."

"I don't really think Peyton is the type but we'll see. Besides she's terrible at being mad."

"You only think that now because you haven't experienced it yet. Trust me, it will happen."

"That's why I'm never getting an Old Lady, can't deal with the hormones or the feelings. Fuck 'em and chuck 'em is too fun to pass up." Rubble states, grabbing at his dick like an idiot.

"Yeah, I said that too." Bear replies with a smirk, knowing that Rubble is likely to take the fall as well.

"I did too." I nod at Bear, knowing that he's the only other man here with a steady woman. A few have had them before but they either left because the life was too much for them or they died. 

Finding a woman that's strong enough to stay with a biker is basically impossible, they've gotta put up with the possibility of us dying, of being in danger themselves, of risking their children. I'm just glad I did, I doubt I could've gone much further without her. "Right, I'm heading out."

My brothers bid me goodbye as I make the short trek to my bike, I reach the house within minutes and unlock it with the key Peyton gave me this morning knowing that she wouldn't be home tonight.

It feels weird getting into her bed without her but I do so because I have no other choice and I fall into a fitful sleep.


I hardly slept last night so I just start my day at fucking five o'clock in the morning. I swear as soon as her pretty ass is back we are taking a fucking nap.

I head straight to the clubhouse knowing that there will be food there in a few hours and I can just chill and watch TV in the lounge until everyone wakes up. Hopefully Peyton gets here soon because I get so fucking bored without her.

It's hours before I even see another human and it's Lexie. Still angry and glaring at the space in front of her like it kicked a puppy. I guess she didn't sleep too well without Bear, I think it's karma for locking him out of their room for no fucking reason. She gets coffee and sits next to me, still not uttering a word.

I suppose she's giving the lot of us the silent treatment for dragging her out of the bar, thought this was a trait she'd grow out of. I've known her since she was fourteen so I figured a lot would've changed but I guess not.

Bear was twenty four when they met and he refused to go near her, I mean he was so busy trying to restart the club under his name and he was fucking brutal, he had no time for the little girl that was fawning for his attention. 

He held out until she was eighteen which is when she gave up with the sweetness act and slammed into his office. She actually yanked the club whore off of him and demanded he take her on a date. He was twenty eight at this point so didn't even know what was happening, I assume he was just grateful that Gears wasn't aiming for his balls.

Gears and Lexie turned up together about ten years ago from the nomad chapter, Gears had a hand in starting everything up but when his Old Lady died he hit the road with his three year old and came back eleven years later. Gears has always been supportive of her and I'm pretty sure that when she was born, he already wanted her to be with Bear because apparently her mother used to say it a lot when Lexie was only little.

I think they're a good couple, it was hard earned by both parties, but Lexie still has some growing up to do. That's why Gears was so happy to have Peyton join the family, they should settle each other out.

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