Chapter 28: Roman Hayes

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I saw red.

The minute I saw that bullet wound I felt an overwhelming rage come over me. I wanted to bring all these bastards back to life and kill them.

All of them.

Peyton is currently talking to the Feds about what went down here while the rest of us are cleaning up the mess this attack caused. Lexie flitters about commanding us and handing out cloths, mops and brooms. She wants this place clean by eleven which is about two hours away and I think that's quite unrealistic.

Not like we have a choice though. Even though Lex is incredibly sweet, she runs a tight ship and we all listen knowing that we will have to deal with both her anger and her husband's.

The Feds clear out with the bodies and Peyton drops onto the couch, rubbing her eyes and yawning.

It only takes another hour for the clubhouse to be back to its usual standards as thirty men are being run like mules non-stop. We all settle into the lounge and I have Peyton on my lap, I stroke up and down her thigh, trying to lull her into sleep since we still have to go and knock over their warehouse in an hour.

She needs a power nap. 

I've already tried convincing her not to come but she refuses, saying she wants to get back at them for even thinking of hurting any of her friends and I can't help but admire her more. Bear obviously wants to know what happened, he also knows that Peyton needs to regain her strength for the next fight so Romeo suggests showing the footage from the cameras.

Let's just say for the next forty minutes we're watching the entire attack in HD and cheering, wincing, shouting and swearing. Peyton still manages to sleep through it, her breathing even and her heart slow. I pull her closer and watch as my brothers recognise the strength that I saw in her from day one.

I know they're even more secure in their idea for swearing her in. This woman is more Rider than all of us together. Normally chapters don't swear in women, I mean I've never heard of it happening before - across any of the chapters - it may cause some friction but we've got enough to show that she's definitely worth it.

We can prove them wrong almost instantly.

"We should probably start heading for the warehouse, d'you think she's up for it?" Gears asks. I know he sees Peyton as another daughter because of her close relationship to Lexie and her care for him, he's worried for her.

"I'm always up for a good fight." Her voice startles me considering I thought she was basically unconscious a second ago, she unfurls from my lap like a cat and stretches, popping a few joints and warming her shoulders.

We make sure everyone we're leaving behind is fully prepared for a fight as we can't be sure that it won't happen again. We leave half of team A there as well just to ensure their safety while fifteen people follow Peyton and I to the next warehouse. "Don't die on me." Her voice is a whisper and her hand a vice grip on my own.

"Only if you do the same." A soft kiss and a fist bump later, I'm boosting her onto the first floor and creeping through.

We complete the mission without any issues and we help them load the merchandise into our trucks, just to ensure that if back up comes we can help. Thankfully nothing happens and we're able to pull away from the convoy back to Peyton's house. Peyton fell asleep as soon as her ass touched the seat so I make sure not to disturb her as I settle her in the bed.

I knock out next to her and thank Apollo that we both survived the night. I don't think I've felt the fear I felt today when that emergency light came on, I cannot and will not lose her or I will die alongside her.


We sleep into the early afternoon, well she sleeps and I watch the TV quietly so that it doesn't wake her. She's hardly moved throughout the night which shows her exhaustion. 

My phone rings softly since I turned the volume down this morning to make sure that if it did go off it wouldn't wake her. Bear is obviously the one on the other side, interrupting my peaceful day with my woman. "If this is about Church, we're not coming." I mutter which makes him laugh.

"No, I'm just calling to check in. How is she?"

"Unconscious but breathing so that's enough for me."

"That's good, she's probably exhausted. But we've thought of a name for her."

"What's that?"


"She'll love it." We talk for a few more minutes before I end the call and roll so that I face her. Her hair is spread out behind her in tangles and she's smiling, her hand rests on my chest while the other cradles her neck. 

Deciding I'm too bored without her, I surge forward and cover her face in light kisses, her light giggles indicate that my tactic worked and she pulls closer to me.

"Hi baby." I greet, stroking my hand down her cheek as she comes to. 

"Hi, what time is it?"

"Half one." She starts laughing and clambers out of the bed, she falls over and I laugh at her before helping her back up. "You are the picture of grace, my darling."

"I'm beauty, I'm grace, I'll punch you in the face." I laugh harder and swing her over my shoulder, carrying her down to the kitchen so we can eat and she can drink tea. I've noticed that she gets grouchy if she hasn't had any so I make it quickly and grab some coffee for myself. 

Her shirt slips off her shoulder and I catch the garish red mark that freaks me out a little, if it had been further to the left she could've fucking died.

As if she senses my gaze and spiralling thoughts, she reaches over and squeezes my hand gently. "I am okay, I am here and I am hungry. Can we go out and get some brunch?"

"I think we're a little late for brunch." She gives me a look that says 'do I look like I give a fuck?' before dashing up the stairs to get ready for the day. I'm gonna ask her today to be my Old Lady and my Angel so that when she's sworn in tonight before the meeting with the Mexicans she won't be so surprised to see the property patch.

I'm fucking scared, man.

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