Chapter 16: Roman Hayes

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After round two and three, Peyton has fallen asleep. Her face resting on my chest and her hand on my stomach, soft and sated. 

Absolutely beautiful.

I've never really been a player, never had sex with the club whores - did not want to risk an STD - but I have slept with a few women. Could not even compare to her, I didn't think anything would. Not just sexually but in terms of intelligence and ferocity, this woman laying on my chest outmatches all of them.

Her beauty is unreal, her regality astounding and her ability to put together information so quickly is extraordinary. This entire woman here is extraordinary. She can keep up with me as well, in every way, and even though she knows what I do she trusts me. Nothing feels better than this.

I fall asleep at around three am, sleeping soundly again with her to chase the bad away.


I wake up to soft kisses littering my chest and gentle fingertips gliding over the expanse of my chest before reaching up and brushing through my hair. "Good morning, baby." I say softly, catching her attention. She gives me a kiss before carrying on with her teasing.

My phone rings just as she reaches my dick and I give her a look that tells her not to do anything. I answer the phone just as her mouth descends and I jerk in surprise, my head falling back onto the pillow as I mutter a quiet "Fuck."

"Reign," I try to tune in to the words being said by my President but with my woman going down on me, I can't fucking concentrate. I rest my hand on the back of her head and beg her with my eyes to give it up for two seconds, she just gives me a look that says 'no.' 

For fuck sake.

"Yeah?" My voice is evidently strained and becomes even more so when she begins to caress my balls, taking my entire dick in her mouth with little effort. I would be jealous and demand how she can do this so well but she basically has my brain in her mouth.

"Church in twenty minutes, bring Peyton." The woman in question massages my thighs and the base of my dick, as she licks it like a fucking lollipop. 

I can't last much longer.

"Okay." I hang up immediately and savour the last few seconds before I explode down her throat, she swallows and pulls up, wiping her chin with a cheeky smile. "You're gonna get punished for that later."

"I'm counting on it." She whispers and plants a kiss on me. "Now, go and shower. We need to get to the clubhouse."

"Yes ma'am." I have a quick shower washing off her scent regretfully. I come back into the bedroom and find Peyton fully dressed in a little blue summer dress that kisses the middle of her thighs and hugs her perfect curves. I'm thankful that the neckline reveals one of my marks since she looks good enough to eat and I'm not sharing her with my brothers.

She pulls her curls from their bun and they fall down her back messily, inspiring more dirty fantasies that I don't have time to act on. She clips on a necklace and a few bracelets sliding a diamond ring on her right hand and diamond earrings into her ears. 

She spritzes on the perfume that coated my skin last night before brushing her teeth quickly, resting against the doorframe of the ensuite soon after. 

Good Lord, she sucks the air out of my lungs just by standing there.

"Are you going to get dressed, love?" She pulls me out of my daydreams of slamming her into the closest wall and ravishing her until the only word she knows is my name; back into boring reality where I have to get dressed and go to a fucking meeting. 

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