Chapter 41: Peyton Lennox

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I slip into my seat in Church reluctantly, debating whether or not to clamber into Roman's lap and snuggle into his warmth. I would probably fall asleep though and this is likely very important.

God, why does HR have to ruin all my fun?

"Slasher has voided the pact, not so much of a problem on our behalf but it may make it easier for HR to destroy them. Doing that gives them a foothold in our territory, we need to crack down on these bastards now." Bear growls, his eyes are looking slightly crazed as he slams his fist on the table. "Saviour, please tell me you have a plan."

"Yeah I do, Reign is not gonna like it." Roman immediately sits up in his chair and focuses on me. "I'm going to have to put on a red wig, green contacts, a fuck tonne of makeup, a very short dress and pretend to get drunk at a bar so that Twitch will take me back to his where I can knock him out and ransack his apartment."

"Hell no." Is all Roman says, relaxing back into his seat like that means anything to me. I roll my eyes and tell Romeo to pull up Twitch's latest hang out. The Moonlight Bar on Beaumont. Owned by some Russian mob guy who is relatively harmless, at least to me.

"I can go tonight, get all the information we need. Gives us a bit of an advantage, we get all the information we can out of him and then we can take it to HR."

"You're not going." Roman's voice is completely void of emotion as he brushes his forefinger against his bottom lip in concentration. I gather he is trying to keep himself calm because he either wants to shout and throw a tantrum or bend me over this table and fuck me into next week.

I'll take option two please.

My subconscious is such a slut... I love her.

"Tonight it is then, I'll send Boulder in with you. He can watch from the bar, I'll make sure he leaves his cut at home."

"Aye Prez, whatever you need." I reply, he nods in thanks before banging the gavel on the table to dismiss us. Roman grabs me by the wrist and drags me out to my car, throwing me into the passenger seat and driving us to the house. He throws me over his shoulder and I fight the giddy laugh that's trying to surface. 

Oohh, this is gonna be fun.

"You keep putting yourself in danger without me." He tugs off my shirt, "You never listen to me when I tell you no," Jeans are removed and goosebumps flare up across my skin in anticipation, "You have no respect for my authority when it comes to your safety." The bra hits the floor along with his shirt. "And I'm pissed at you. So, you will not moan, scream or grunt, understand me? This is punishment for disobeying me."

I know he's not in charge of me and I'm a strong, independent woman and all that, go feminism or whatever. But when he's looking at me like that, knowing what he intends to do to me, I concede with no argument.

He pushes my hands up onto the pillow and holds them there while he tethers them together with the cuffs. He doesn't lock me to the bed frame this time but demands that I leave them there, I get spanked if I move them. Though I'm tempted to do just that, not only to get what I want but to infuriate him too. 

Why not, I'm sure I'll get more out of him that way.

While I'm preoccupied with sussing out the quickest way to piss him off, he has removed my underwear and driven into me, budding up to my uterus and causing my eyes to roll back as he hits me right where I need him. 

Fucking knew it.

I bite my lip as a tear falls from my eyes, trying to withhold all the noises my body is begging to make. This way too fucking hard. He pulls out to the tip before thrusting back in, I dig my nails into my palms hoping to anchor myself so I don't pass out from the pleasure. 

I don't want to miss a second of this.

He bites into my breasts and neck as he thrusts at an almost vicious pace as my hands start to bleed from my claws. I fight the urge to wrap my arms around his neck and force him to kiss me. He slaps my outer thigh and I crumple into my orgasm, sending out a silent scream as it rushes through me.

He flips me over and drags me up by my hips, pushing his way back in and I lean forward to bite onto the pillow in front of me. Trying to take the pressure off my mangled hands. "Was it worth it, baby?"

I know he wants me to say no but oh my God that would be a lie. "Hell, yes." I continue to defy him which escalates his pace. I lock my jaw as he spanks my ass for talking even though he asked me a question. 

I would've been spanked for ignoring him too so there was no way out of that situation.

His orgasm triggers mine and I gasp in a breath as he pulls out, still tightly gripping the pillow in my hands. I use the heel of my hands to wipe my tears away before rolling onto my back to look up at him. He is gorgeous with the messy hair and the sweat rolling down the sharp plains of his stomach and the curly hair on his chest is perfectly thick and at this point I'm grateful I defied him.

I grab the key for the cuffs and quickly pop them loose, rolling him to lay on his back while I straddle his abdomen. He looks up at me with a alluring mixture of love and lust so I lean down and kiss him deeply, biting at his tongue and sucking his bottom lip into my mouth.

Round three is about to begin with me in charge when my phone tings, Mari popping up on the screen. I texted her before I was gifted with my punishment as she's coming over to help me get ready for tonight. While I have wigs, I'm not amazing at laying them but she is so she's gonna give me a hand. Lexie's coming over to do my makeup and it looks like I was very occupied by other things to remember that. 

I would've invited Lucia too but Matías took her on a spontaneous trip to Bora Bora.

"Go shower, I need to strip the bed and remake it before the girls come over." His jaw drops as I feel his boner brush against my lower back as I manoeuvre myself off of him. "You can have blue balls for thinking you can dictate what I can and can't do."

He rolls his eyes and smacks my ass as he walks passed me into the bathroom, while I get to de-sexifying the room so that my friends don't have to worry about where they can sit while they change my appearance to appeal for some asshole who I will hopefully get to kill.

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