Chapter 14: Roman Hayes

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I can feel her getting overwhelmed so I keep her close to me, anchoring her while her world sways a little. I know she's strong, stronger than most, a fighter to her core but right now she needs someone to hold her steady while she struggles. 

I'm happy to be that for her.

Slasher goes through everyone's names and she takes them in but, in her anxious state, I can only assume that she won't remember so, I try and do that for her. Squeezing her waist in comfort as she shakes slightly.

After another hour of them fawning over her, she gives me a look that tells me to get her out of here as soon as possible. I hint at it with the others and they let us leave, not before demanding for her to return with grabbing hands.

We ride for ten minutes before I feel her panting chest against my back so I pull up on the side of the road and spin around to take her helmet off before she suffocates. I tug off the leather jacket I put on her and watch as she gulps in large mouthfuls of air and grips my hands tightly as if they keep her grounded.

"Peyton, listen to my voice, okay? I'm here, you're safe, we're on our own." I continue speaking to her softly, hoping to ease her anxiety and bring her back down to Earth. The cloudiness in her eyes clear first and as if she finally sees me, she reaches out for a hug and I pick her up and sit her on my lap, feeling her tense muscles relax against me.

"I'm sorry." She whispers after a few more minutes, her breathing relatively back to normal.

"No, never be sorry for that. Ever. Understand me?" She nods with a soft smile and I place a gentle kiss on her forehead. I don't move for a little bit, not wanting to end this moment or remove her from my lap. She's soft and smells amazing, radiating warmth. I could probably stay like this forever, on my Harley with the most beautiful woman I've ever seen curled up in my lap.

"We should probably head back, my phone is blowing up and I can guess that it's Lexie."

"Okay, baby." She slips off me and puts her helmet back on. The ride back is too short for my liking, having her wrapped around me as we head back feels too good to end.

Lexie is already outside waiting when we pull up and she sequesters Peyton away to the room Bear had built for her awhile ago. I swipe a beer from the bar and sit with the guys, they ask me about what happened and I explain, leaving out the anxiety attack because I doubt she'd want them to know that.

I tell them that everyone reacted well to her, fawned over her and wanted her to come back and they weren't upset by my presence even though I'm part of a rival MC.


A few drinks later and a Rider party is in full swing. We've got club whores getting on our men with sharp claws and fake smiles, we've got the alcohol flowing and the music blaring as we drink ourselves into delirium.

Love me a Rider party. 

Though I would love it more if my woman would come out of that goddamn room. I get my wish about half an hour later when Peyton comes out with Lexie close behind her. Peyton is pulled onto the dance floor and they dance with each other, grinding and twirling while mouthing the words of some song that I've never heard before.

Everything else is tuned out as I focus in on Peyton's curvy body swaying to the music with tantalising perfection. Her golden skin catches the lights as her hair is brushed through with her hands. Her hips roll and call out for a grabbing. My dick tightens in my jeans and for once I don't mind it.

That is until a club whore makes her way over to me and starts to caress my chest with red fingernails. A throat is cleared behind me and I sigh in relief, thanking the Gods that someone was sent to save me from an STD. "He's mine bitch, find yourself someone else." The club whore - don't even know her name but she's here often - growls at Peyton who smiles sweetly in response.

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." Her sweet smile throws the club whore off due to the viciousness of her statement. She decides to leave and Peyton giggles softly, she is a walking contradiction I swear. She can be the sweetest, softest human being I've ever come across and then become a vicious, cunning little vixen and damn if I don't like it.

"Thanks for the save." I take her hand and pull her towards me, we're closer to the same height now that I'm sat on a bar stool and she's stood in front of me. Her hands land on my chest as do her eyes.

"I'm sorry for chasing away your date." She mumbles so quietly, I barely catch it. "I know that I shouldn't have, I mean you might've wanted to be with her but I couldn't help it and I'm -" I cut her off by lifting her head and bringing my lips to hers.

She accepts my kiss with fervour, sliding her hands up and into my hair while I rest one of mine on her hip and the other on the back of her head so I can control the kiss as I choose. She's so responsive to my touch, I feel her shiver as I caress the skin that's been revealed at her waist. I squeeze hard enough to release a gasp from her which I use to my advantage.

I slip my tongue into her mouth and hers feels like silk against mine. The kiss gets heavier as we nip and bite at each other before soothing it with gentle licks. Her knees basically give out so I grip her around the waist to stop her from falling to the floor.

I pull back from the kiss to give us both the chance to breathe and she doesn't open her eyes for a good few seconds, her soft pants are music to my ears. "I don't care about the club whore, I only want you. Hmm, you understand me?"

She nods but it's not enough for me. Her eyes flicker open and I press my point. "Use your words, sweetheart."

"Yes, I understand you."

"Good." I take her into another searing kiss, enjoying every minute of it.

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