Chapter 15: Peyton Lennox

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I didn't mean to let jealousy take over, honest, but Lexie egged me on and I just thought, fuck it. I was certainly rewarded for my efforts with a kiss that weakened my knees and fired me up in a way I've never experienced.

I was close to giving all the bikers a good show on this bar but he pulled away before I could commit to my dirty fantasies. His words settle my nerves but tighten my thighs and stomach, his dominance proven in his demands and the kisses he gives me.

He takes complete control and I let him.

I haven't had many sexual relationships but in all of them I control the situation, socially and sexually. With Roman I'm willing to succumb to his orders because I know I can trust him. "Are you staying at mine tonight?" I ask about twenty minutes after our make out session concluded, after which I just sat on his lap and we flirted playfully.

"Is that an invitation?" He tickles my side and I squeal slightly, smacking his hand away.

"Take it as you please."

"I'm gonna take it how I please." He whispers in my ear, his lips brushing against it causing a shiver to rush through my body. My stomach and thighs tighten again and I'm very willing to take him up on the offer.

"Prove it." My lips touch his as I speak and I can feel his reaction to my words, poking me in the butt. I am not gonna be let down tonight, that I'm sure about. He slides me off his lap, grabs my hand and drags me out to his bike.

I decide to tease him and stroke his stomach and his erection as we ride, he growls deep in his chest and the vibrations hit me hard. He grips my hand and places a kiss on the back of it. "Careful, or I'll crash the bike."

When we pull up outside mine, he nicks the key and throws open the door. Slamming me against it when it's shut behind us. I groan in pleasure pain and reach for him, taking his lips greedily with my own.

His cut is removed and placed on the sideboard while I just throw my shirt on the floor, revealing my cotton bra. I didn't dress up and I don't even regret it because he looks at me like I'm the sexiest woman he's ever seen. I savour that feeling as his caress becomes more needy. I quickly lock the door before he picks me up and carries me to my bedroom, throwing me on the bed and climbing on top of me.

His weight presses me into the mattress and I moan softly as his lips press butterfly kisses to my neck and chest, teeth nip and his tongue licks over the love bites that he marks my neck with. He slips off the rest of my clothes, leaving me left in my matching cotton set and him in his jeans.

"This is unfair, you're too dressed." He chuckles and his chest vibrates against mine, giving me the shivers. I've never needed someone as much as I need him right now. He slips off his jeans and drops his lips back down to my chest, he looks at me for permission to remove my bra and I give it to him desperately.

As soon as the cotton is taken off, his mouth latches onto my nipple while his hand caresses the other. He bites and soothes as my stomach tightens to the point where it is almost uncomfortable. I rub my thighs together to try and ease the feeling but I know nothing will help, only he can fix this. 

"Roman, I need you."

In reply to my breathless request, his tongue enters my mouth again as if to reassure me that he's here. He sucks my bottom lip into my mouth and I moan in desperation. 

I grab at his biceps and let my hands explore wherever they want, the curls on his chest to the abs on his stomach and the muscles in his back, digging my nails in as his teeth take the nipple he had neglected earlier.

In my sexual escapades before, foreplay was not really a part of it. It was a quick fuck and chuck and be done, hardly ever got off myself with them and as soon as they left my trusty vibrator had fixed any problem that hadn't been fixed. 

But with Roman, I was ready to cum in the midst of his first kiss.

His kisses carry on down my body, licking and savouring every part of my body before he starts nipping at my thighs. I jerk and moan, moving my hips upwards and searching for the relief that only he could give me. His grip tightens and he shoves my hips back down onto the bed, "Patience, baby."

He pulls my panties off and groans with excitement. "God, you're gonna be the death of me." Then he goes straight in for the kill. My eyes roll into the back of my head as his tongue laps at me, the pressure builds up in my stomach as he rubs at my clit with his finger.

"Oh God." I moan and he chuckles, his beard tickles the insides of my legs as I grip his hair with my hand, basically grinding on his face. Fingers slide in and out at a torturous pace and I moan his name as I race towards my climax. "Fuck me." I call out as pleasure hits me in waves, Roman lapping up my orgasm avidly so that he doesn't miss any.

"Oh, I will." He promises and nips at my thigh again, making his way back up to my mouth. He takes me in another kiss and I can taste myself on him, along with the whiskey we were sharing earlier.

He takes off his boxers and slips a condom onto his dick. "You want this, baby?" His voice is strong and laced with lust. It's a demand. Dirty talk was never my thing before but listening to his husky voice just fires me up even more.

"Yes, please, yes." He drives all the way in and I arch my back off the bed, tightening around him with a content sigh. I feel like I've been waiting forever for this.

"Damn." He moves out only to surge back in again with the same intensity and drags a moan from me and a groan from him. "God, baby." His thrusts are hard and hit me perfectly, silencing my moans with sloppy kisses. His hands grip my ass, thighs, breasts, everything he can get his hands on, hard enough to leave bruises. While his lips, teeth and tongue stroke and attack my neck, jaw and ears as he whispers all sorts of dirty things that should never be repeated outside of this room.

Then his eyes remain locked on mine as he thrusts into me, heightening the intensity as we recognise the emotions in each others eyes. Lust, contentment, excitement, a heady combination that would bring me to my knees if I was stood up.

I reach my orgasm first, I call out his name seconds before he explodes in me and growls in satisfaction. He rolls off of me just as his arms collapse under his weight and removes the condom, tying it and putting it in the bin in my room.

I curl into his side as he gets back to the bed and place a few kisses on his sweaty skin.

Told you it was gonna be the best ride yet.

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