Chapter 38: Roman Hayes

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Watching her stand up for us, her frustration evident in her words, just makes me want to squeeze her into a hug until she feels better. She's basically been betrayed by her own father and she's trying so hard to hold it together but by the way she grips the knife at her belt I can tell she's about to launch herself at his throat.

Her strength is commendable. I would've done it already.

I reach out for her, keeping my eyes on her father, begging him to make a move that would allow me to tear him apart. Pact or not. She accepts my hand and allows me to bring her close to my chest. Her heart beat is rapid and her breathing seems a little odd, she isn't having another panic attack that feels different, this is anger.

Fury even.

"I need to get out of here." She mumbles, moving away from me, grabbing Lexie and walking into the pink room, slamming the door behind her.

"You need to leave, void the pact or don't, I don't care. Just get out." Bear steps up, blocking Slasher from my view, his straight back and tense pose brings the rest of us to stand beside him, promising swift death to anyone who would hurt him.

Slasher realises he's outnumbered, him and his men stepping down. "Send my daughter over tonight, her mother wants to speak to her."

"I'll tell her but I won't force her." Bear's arms cross and he leans forward, Slasher decides that this is the best time for him to take his leave and he vacates. His men glare at us with deep hatred and malice which we return tenfold. They may think they're stronger than us but we're smarter, having taken down more of their men than they've ever reached on our side.

They're brave walking in here demanding something of that calibre, just because Peyton is related to them by blood does not ensure her allegiance. She is my Old Lady, my Angel and she ain't walking out to be a fucking Fire Demon. 

Over my dead body.

I look over at the door which Peyton slammed and debate whether or not to ask her to come out. She obviously just wants to be with Lexie right now so I take a seat close to it so that when she is ready to see me she'll find me as soon as she opens the door.

"Stop looking like a lost puppy Reign. Spend some time with the boys." Romeo slings his arm over my shoulders and gestures for the prospect to get me my usual. I take the whiskey gratefully and neck it, tilting it back to the bartender for more.

Let's just say it got a little out of hand


"Baby." I drawl, reaching out for Peyton who has finally reappeared from the pink room. I'm drunk, no doubt about it. I can hardly stay upright on this stool and my brothers are the same. "You are very pretty."

I wrap my arms around her waist, her hands settling on my shoulders as she looks at me with a small smile. "Are you drunk, honey?"

"Blame Romeo and the prospect, they kept giving me whiskey." I hiccup and grip her even tighter, nuzzling into her neck with a soft sigh. "You smell good, like strawberries." Her soft giggle makes me pull back just so I can see the cute scrunching thing her face does, booping her nose and planting a few kisses on her pink cheeks as I watch her laugh.

"You smell good too, like mint and whiskey."

"You know my other girlfriends didn't like me as much as you do, they all left me."

"I know you were sad when they left but I'm happy they did, because I get you all to myself." She tightens her arms around my neck, her eyes glittering with amusement as she stares at me.

"You deserve an award for putting up with me."

"You are my award."

"That is true, I'm a catch." I smirk to the best of my ability since I can't really feel my face.

"Dork." I nip at her lip for that remark before snipping back.


"Nerd." Another bite, this time on her jawline.


"Mine." I look at her in surprise, noticing the lust in her eyes that is most likely reflected in mine. I kiss her heavily and languidly, taking her out at the knees and bringing her into my lap. Driving my tongue over hers like a starving man, my fingers bite into her skin as her nails dig into my shoulders as if to anchor herself to me.

A loud roar and a smash breaks us apart, Peyton looks over my shoulder to survey the issue while I continue to stare at her. I'm worried that if I stop I'll wake up out of my drunken dream and she'll be gone, I couldn't handle that.

I meant what I said earlier, any other women I even considered making my Old Lady gave me every reason not to. Wanting to spend my money, wanting me to separate from the club, wanting me to trade in my bike for a fucking truck. Peyton is none of those, Peyton is fucking everything, every man's wet dream wrapped in leather and damn, she's mine.

Runner is the one kicking up a fuss, I can hear his shouts as he's the only one who speaks Spanish besides Peyton.

She winces about whatever he is saying and I let out a disgruntled growl when she slides off my lap and heads towards the attractive Latino. She gives him a hug before pulling him out of the room gently, squeezing his arm with a soft smile.

I pout, pointing my glass back at the bartender begging him to give me a refill before I follow them out of here, slam my fist into Runner's face and take my woman to bed and make her understand that I'm the only man she should think about.

But I know she wouldn't leave me so I relax onto the bar and spam her phone with emojis and 'I love you' and 'I miss you' before knocking back another shot and slipping off the stall and heading up to my room. 'I'm in my room.' Is the last thing I send before I pass out, still fully clothed, on my bed.

I'm getting too old for this.

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