Chapter 9: Peyton Lennox

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I liked being in the restaurant with them. It felt good to laugh and joke and just fuck about with people that I feel at home with. I haven't known them long and I know their reputation is bad but we're a lot alike that way.

I think they're good for me. 

I've spent so much time on my own, got used to it and I've never really been a fan of change. Within a few days I've been able to secure friends and laugh so hard my body hurts and I think it's worth it, whatever trouble they're in I'm willing to get involved. I want to protect them, I wasn't lying earlier when I called them family.

It doesn't take blood to make a family. Nor does it take a lot of time either. We clicked, that's that.

I rub my forehead with my hand and rest against the island, my heart picks up as my brain starts overthinking again.

Reign is mostly my problem, I mean someone so broken yet so beautiful. I just don't think anybody notices what I do, the tenseness is not something he means to do, it's a reflex, an instinct even. He comes from a dangerous past, whether it be domestic abuse or war or something of the sort, he has been through it just as I have.

I want to help him but I don't know how much I can do, I can't even help myself. I struggle daily with my mental health, I mean I focus on the good things so that I can try and avoid being dragged down. I blare music obnoxiously loud to block out the dark, my phone case is yellow to give my life a little colour and I keep my favourite foods on hand to drown my sorrows.

I've learned a lot about my own triggers, certain things set me off and make me twitchy for the rest of the day. Other things make me shut down completely, refusing to move or make a sound. Those times are scary, somehow the things you fear the most become your best friends, your bedfellows and they don't leave you alone for hours, maybe even days.

I look up at the clock and sigh, I've been stood here thinking for an hour. It's amazing how my time escapes me so quickly, I never realise it until I bring myself back. I grab a doughnut to comfort me a little and head up the stairs, still happily munching as I get to my room.

I have a quick shower - after finishing my doughnut, obviously - without washing my hair and change into some cotton shorts and a bralette since I get too hot too quickly. Just as I'm about to clamber into my bed, my doorbell rings. I slide my gun out from beneath my mattress and head down the stairs, I check through the peephole before opening it.

"Reign, are you okay?"

"Roman." He mutters, his face looks kinda sad and stressed. I'm sure that's what I look like too.

"I'm sorry?"

"Roman, my real name... is Roman." I nod in acknowledgement and step aside, closing the door behind him. I grasp his hand gently and squeeze, pulling him up the stairs with me. I don't really think that he wants to have a chat right now so I just lead him up to my bedroom and carry on with what I'd normally do.

I turn the air con on and brush my teeth, he settles in my bed having stripped down to his boxers and is staring up at the ceiling blankly. I turn the TV on quietly just to have a little background noise and slide into the bed with him. I roll onto my side to look at him and he turns his head to see me.

"Are you okay, Roman?" His lips curve into a small smile as his eyes slip closed contentedly. He reaches across and pushes back a stray hair from my face, gently dragging the back of his hand across my cheek.

"I promise I'll tell you all about it, I just wanna savour this for a bit. Can we do that?" I rest my hand on his and nod with a small smile. I let my eyes close, trusting him to look over me and for once I actually sleep without waking up throughout the night.


I wake up and feel warmth radiating across the bed, I know who it is and I'm enjoying his presence very much. He's not touching me, except the hand that rests on my stomach protectively and my face creases into a small smile as I realise what has happened.

I had rolled onto my back, him on his front so he reached out and placed his hand on my stomach. It's not heavy, it's comforting if anything and I sigh as I turn my head to look at him. He looks different while he's asleep.

Calm and peaceful. 

The lines that form on his forehead during the day have disappeared into his tan skin and from this close I can see subtle freckles across the bridge of his nose. His beard is well trimmed so that it isn't overly long and the dark bags under his eyes have relieved their colour. He wiggles his nose in the cutest way and I fight back the chuckle.

I slip out of the bed and fix myself up for the day. Thankfully my curls decide to behave and I put on some makeup with a happy smile on my face. I choose a yellow dress with spaghetti straps and a square neckline that stops mid-thigh and pop on some converse before dashing down the stairs to make breakfast.

I hear him coming and my heart rate picks up as he appears in my kitchen looking like a lost puppy. "I woke up and you weren't there." He grumbles, he really doesn't have a filter when he's sleepy apparently. I'm grateful my makeup is covering my reddening cheeks as I turn to the coffee machine and pour some for him.

"Did you sleep alright?" I decide not to question him on his motives since I doubt he'd tell me; I also don't ask him about how he found out where I lived considering I know the nosey bastards did a background check on me. I thought that was rude but I guess me being close with Lexie, they definitely want to make sure I am not a threat to them or their Princess.

"Yeah, sorry for just turning up."

"Don't worry about it." I wave him off and pass him some food while grabbing some for myself. We eat quietly together and it's weird of me to think so but I think this could be my new normal. I certainly wouldn't mind.

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