Chapter 24: Roman Hayes

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Seeing her leave with him brought a rage in me I didn't think I was capable of, my possessiveness reared up and took hold of all my senses. All I saw was red. 

Though I knew if I pissed her off I'd be banished to the couch so I kept it under control, for the most part.

I head to the clubhouse about an hour after she left, deciding that this house is nothing without her in it and take a seat in the lounge with the guys. Bear is going over what we spoke about with Peyton the other day and they're all excited for the upcoming fight.

"So when is the first warehouse being taken?" Boulder - the man who fought Peyton in the ring yesterday - inquires, rubbing his hands together at the opportunity to acquire some new toys.

"I'm gonna ask Peyton if we can hit it tonight."

"Why are we asking her if we can do this?" Boulder continues, he's club to the bone. Born into it and his favourite thing to do it break bones. He's a scary motherfucker but I'm the one with the reputation.

"Peyton and Reign are the ones going in and clearing it before we storm it and steal everything. They can do it quickly and quietly."

"Alright, where is she now?" Boulder continues his interrogation but demands this from me.

"She's out with the Fed."

"No she's not." Peyton stumbles in, arms laden with bags and three boxes stacked on top. "Whew, that was fun. Had to break into his apartment for that, I don't even wanna tell you what I found out. I am scarred for life I swear."

"You can tell us later, you up for hitting the warehouse tonight?"

"Sure, you better bring your lorry we're taking a lot of shit." The boys grin with excitement while my stomach knots with worry. 

I don't care about me, I just want her to be safe.


We hang about at the club until it gets dark and Peyton changes into black jeans with a tank top and a leather jacket thrown overtop. She slips a knife into each knee high boot, one into the holster on her leg and another in the holster on her back. She takes two katana blades from the armoury and clips them to her back before turning to me.

She looks hot in all black and leather, carrying weapons. I can't even call her a Rider's Angel, she is a Rider of Apollo. A goddess of her own really. " I bring her into my arms, I squeeze her tightly trying to soothe the panic I'm feeling.

We take off in her car since it's quieter than my bike and the guys with the trucks hang back so that they don't know what's happening. "Okay, so I hacked a satellite and tracked heat signatures. There are twelve of them in there."

"Stay safe, baby. Don't you dare die on me."

"Only if you don't die on me." I give her a soft kiss before passing her the comm for her ear. We check that it's working before heading in. I give her a lift up and she rolls onto the first floor, while I pick the lock on the side door.

I creep in, knife in hand and use cover as I sneak towards my first target. I see Peyton take down two men at once, little noise created from her action and she creeps towards the next one. I grab mine and drive my blade into his throat. I drop him behind the shelf and head towards my next.

Two of them sit playing cards with peanuts as chips, they're chatting aimlessly as they play and I look at the cards he has. He really should fold. I throw one knife into the head of one and drive another into the back of one's neck. 

Are these people supposed to be good?

Just as I'm about to move on, I turn around and a man stands there with a gun pointed at me. He's only little, scrawny and can hardly hold the gun but a scared man - as this one is - is pretty fucking risky. I doubt I'd be quick enough to get a blade to a place that'll stop him from shooting me before he, you know, shoots me.

That is until Peyton drops down from the balcony and drives her katanas down through either side of his neck, rolling off of him as soon as he hits the floor. "You are slow, come on. You've killed three men in time that I've killed nine and turned off the silent alarm before more people come running."

"Sorry, I was busy admiring you."

"And you said I shouldn't come, who just saved your life?" I roll my eyes and bring her into a vicious kiss that she returns. "You guys can come in, it's clear and full of goodies."

Fifteen of my brothers walk in and praise Peyton before hauling all the shit out while Red wires the entire place, Peyton helps him because she also has a proclivity for pyrotechnics and she seems to be the only one he really talks to.

"You've got a good one there, Reign." Mac tells me, clapping my shoulder in pride. Mac is basically my father, with broad shoulders and barrel chest. He's my height with similarly long hair and brown eyes. He raised me from when I joined, trained me, made me feel like part of the family and I will always love him for that.

"I know."

"Treat her right, I'm sure she's got a long list of men waiting for to be single."

"Don't fucking remind me." He laughs at my possessiveness, clapping my shoulder again.

"You know, I was just like you with Claudia. Could hardly leave her side, though I was never allowed to bring her with me on missions. I would say swear her in as your Old Lady but I have a feel Prez is leaning more towards making her a Rider than an Angel."

"I was thinking the same thing. She'll be my Old Lady and a Rider, I don't give a shit. She ain't leaving."

"What kind of cut d'you think she'll have?"

"I assume a Rider's cut but where we have our title she'll have Property of Reign, we need to get a nickname as well."

"I'm sure she'll get one. She's more than earned it."

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