Chapter 21: Peyton Lennox

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I don't think I've ever felt this much relief. To have told my entire story, every gory detail and still be accepted releases the weight I've had on my shoulders for years. After I had finished people obviously apologised and praised me, Lexie cried and hugged me for like half an hour and now we're all sat here eating pizza, drinking beer and swapping stories about our lives.

"Lexie, I have a request." I state, having moved from my seat on the floor to the armrest of the chair Roman is sat in, she responds happily and allows me to ask her this. "Can you please tell the others that you bit someone's dick in high school?"

Lexie goes so red and squeals so loud as she dives into the lap of her husband who is laughing gleefully at her discomfort. "I guess not, I'll tell it. I'm a much better story teller. So, our darling Angel, is actually quite the bad girl." Lexie groans and tries to disappear into Bear's chest, "Dude, don't interrupt, this is a good story. Imagine sixteen year old Lexie playing a game of truth or dare with a bunch of football players - bad idea from the get go considering she'd already been dared to snog one of them and had to explain why she was still a virgin - at this point innocent lil' Lex was waiting for her ultimate crush the QB to ask her out. He was fucking some cheerleader but whatever; she was dared to suck his dick. Let's keep in mind that she's never done this before so we can forgive the bad execution of the blow job as a whole but when she gets the hang of it, someone slams into the closet asking what's taking so long, she jumps and bites his dick to the point it starts to bleed. He screams like a little bitch, definitely deserved it even though he doesn't think that, and he's rushed to hospital with his holier-than-thou mother who was screaming at him for shagging before marriage."

At this point all of them are in stitches and Lexie is glaring at me with mirth, promising swift revenge and I know exactly what story she's going to go for. "Do you remember the first time you were arrested, Peyton?"

"Ah shit, I need more alcohol for this." I reach forward and drink more beer as she ponders how to begin the story.

"Imagine eighteen year old Peyton, always itching for a fight and an adrenaline rush. So she's speeding down the country roads of Scotland in a car that she stole from an old man; going at least a hundred on a thirty mile an hour road. At this point the old man had called the cops and she had two cars on her tail. She's singing along to music and dancing in her seat when the cops cut her off, she slams on her brakes and is basically dragged from the car. The cops put some cuffs on her, and being the kinky little shit that she is, she asks him if she can keep them."

"Don't kink shame me, Lexie or I will come for you and your sex life." I raise my eyebrow daringly and Bear squeezes her waist so she thinks better of it.

"Anyway, little trip down to the station in a holding cell and she actually asks the police officer that arrested her for a doughnut."

"He was an adorable little newbie and I knew he'd give me one."

"So there she was in the holding cell, munching on a doughnut and watching the news with the cuffs in her back pocket. Turns out the cuffs have more than one use, when a big gangbanger comes in he threatens her, asks her for sex so she breaks his hand and knees his dick so hard he throws up... on her."

"I was not amused."

"For that she took the cuffs out and put them over her knuckles to use it as a knuckleduster. Knocked him clean out and took her shirt off since it was covered in puke. Was released from jail despite the grand theft auto and the assault just because she got her tits out."

"Hey it was effective, I think I've still got those cuffs actually."

"Looks like you're in for some fun, eh, Reign?" Romeo is the one that speaks up and everyone laughs again. This feels good, just sat here with family and laughing about stupid shit that we've all done in our lives.

"I have a question, Romeo."

"Sure, Peyton, what is it?"

"How'd you get your scar?" I ask, this is when everyone but me cracks up, I can even feel Reign laughing behind me. I look to Lexie and she's laughing too.

"Do you need someone else to tell the story, Romeo?" Runner questions, taking a sip of his beer before rubbing his hands together in excitement. "Don't worry, I shall do it for you. He's a little teenager, okay? Only a bebé. Patched into the club and chasing tail to his heart's content, knowing that all the señoras will fall at his feet because of the cut. He has consumed enough alcohol to kill someone and he is feeling flirtatious, ready to charm some panties off, no? So a very pretty niña (girl) walks in, not wearing much and his mouth drops open and he begins to water."

"Drool. It's drool, Runner." Romeo corrects with a soft smile despite the fact that Runner is ripping into him and his poor life decisions. 

"Ah sí, por supuesto (of course) drool," He pronounces it more like dru-well which I think is kinda cute, "He gets up from his seat and tries to walk towards the niña, his beer bottle in his hand. He trips and the bottle breaks on the bar, he is too drunk to realise so he continues on his mission to lay the pretty lady. He trips again, landing on the floor and slicing his cara (face) on his broken bottle ruining his pretty face forever. May we mourn with a moment of silence." He places a hand on his heart and closes his eyes mockingly when Romeo tackles him to the floor and they wrestle. We cheer them on and I recognise their friendship.

I look down at Roman who is smiling happily, relaxed back in his chair as he swigs his beer leisurely. I like how at ease we all are, just enjoying each other's company.

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