Chapter 18: Roman Hayes

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She is definitely impressive with her quick wit and sharp mind, cunning as fuck - to quote Prez - and it's sexy as fuck. She has risked a lot for this club and is willing to do so much for this club without asking for anything in return.

"So, what's the plan?" Runner asks Peyton instead of Prez which makes a few people chuckle, including Prez.

"Yes, do tell darlin', what's the plan?" Bear asks seriously, knowing that Peyton knows what she's doing. I will find out how she knows how to do all of this, it can't just be because she is a bounty hunter. These skills have to come from somewhere.

"First thing is to tackle the next run, we could do with the guns and the money from that shipment. Can I borrow your laptop?" Romeo hands it over and she pulls up a few things, typing in code that I don't understand. I can hardly work my phone so I'm not even surprised. "I copied down all the routes they used, every person I've seen do it, the number plates, everything. Use it wisely. I have the bank details and as soon as they've withdrawn the money for the guns I will wipe the entire account and transfer it to us, cover my tracks and by then we'll be up by 250 mil, not including the 500K they'll be using to buy the guns.

After that it'll be a free-for-all. HR are gonna try and sell off everything they have to get their money back and they'll try the Niners but the Niners will be chasing their own tail once I've indicated that they have a mole."

"How are you gonna do that?" Blade asks, his tone is still cocky as he speaks to my woman and I want to knock his fucking teeth out. I know he only sees women as fuck toys not as people with functioning brains and that's gonna get him killed, I can't wait to see it if I'm honest.

"I've got Feds and coppers itching to take down the Niners but they don't have a foot in. I have a lot of inside information on them, I give it to the cops via a traceable website that leads straight back to the Niners, Niners'll find it and the coppers'll come knocking. They'll be fighting a civil war so won't be able to help HR, especially not with the coppers looking."

"Aren't HR cops?" It's Bear asking now.

"That's the thing, HR is only in this county. Built entirely for your destruction, they didn't even think about branching out into any other PDs, I looked. Went through CIs, paper trails and coppers when I was looking into them before. None of the HR coppers will be able to help, they've got no pull."

"Okay, so that takes out the Niners. They've been causing trouble on our guns trades for awhile but you said something about the Mexicans earlier." Romeo prompts and my woman lights up a little.

"HR will have to turn to the Mexicans because only you guys and the Fire Demons are the only other choices. It's not like they'll come to you. The Mexicans run drugs, guns and women and they're basically loan sharks. HR will be out of money and will try and sell what they've got to the Mexicans and ask for a float. I have ties with them, I just gotta get them onside and we can arrange either a cull or a coup. Your decision."

"So we could get them all arrested or we could kill them all?" Red speaks up which is a surprise, he must really like Peyton. I'm not worried about him though since he's committed to his wife, even though she died over two years ago now, and he's also too old for her.

"It's probably safer to kill them to be honest, I mean Sergeant Romero runs the operation from inside through a runner. What help would it be if they were all in the same prison communicating?" Peyton continues with a grave look on her face. 

"How do we do it? I don't wanna lose guys on this." Bear seems worried at this proposal, he cares too much about the club to risk it. He wants to keep as many of us as safe as possible.

"You've got the pact with Fire Demons and I can push for a pact with the Mexicans, that's multiplying your force by six. That's active members at least and they won't have the resources to drag this out. For now, I think we should just turn up the heat here so that they don't focus too much on the trouble we're causing with the Niners. So, the deal is going down in six days, we can fuck up as much of their operation as we can here so that they're desperate for it, they'll get sloppy."

"Do you know where their warehouses are?"

"I know of two, if Red strings them up, Reign and I can go in and clear them. Boys come in and nick everything then we blow them up." I look up at her in surprise, did she just say she's coming in with me to kill people? Hell no, my woman ain't being put in danger because of some petty shit, she will stay here with Lexie. "I can feel you getting angry Reign, we'll discuss this later." My jaw drops as I pinch her sides making her squeal. "If we leave about two days between them, they'll move to defend their remaining ones, not only letting us take more of them out but also indicate where the rest of their product is. The wounded make stupid decisions for survival."

Red chuckles gleefully at the idea of blowing things up while I'm on the verge of blowing up myself, I will not risk her. Ever.

"I need to set up a meeting with the Feds for the rest of this paperwork, I'll set up a meeting with the Mexicans as well. You just need to push the alliance with the Fire Demons, I'm sure my father will be quite willing to join if you just press the idea that I'm in danger or whatever."

"Right, Church is done. Let's call the boys in and get cracking."

I drag Peyton into my bedroom, slamming and locking the door behind me. "You are not going. I will not risk you, do you understand me?"

"Roman, I promise you I can look after myself. I understand that you're worried, I do, but the club needs me. You need me. Let me prove it to you, hmm? Let me show you that I can fight."

With her pleading eyes and soft touch, I cave and let her do whatever she wants. I doubt it'll convince me but letting her do it will make her happy in the meantime and that's enough for now.

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