Chapter 44: Roman Hayes

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Listening to her over the line had me calming down, especially once we knocked out the guards since I knew she could handle someone as weak as Twitch. But her way of getting herself kicked out had all of us in stitches, she went the whole way with this disguise and I love her all the more for it.

I'm happy to be able to see her golden hair again as well as her whiskey eyes, this whole thing just freaked me out a lot. Once again Peyton has shown why she's earned the patch and why I had no reason to be scared, though I will be replacing his touch with mine when we get back home.

Peyton gives the hard drive to Romeo before demanding that I take her home. I listen to her order with no complaint, speeding down passed the club house and throwing the car onto the driveway.

She's out of the car before I can even park and when I get into the house I can already hear the shower running. She's probably trying to get him off of her so I leave her for about five minutes before stripping out of my clothes and stepping in behind her. Gently stroking her hips and tugging her to press her back against my chest. "Make it go away." She whispers, her hands resting on mine over her stomach.

I lick over her shoulder and nip behind her ear, letting her relax into me as her hand reaches back to wrap around the back of my neck. I drag one hand from her hip and squeeze her tit softly, dragging a moan from her. This time I decide to go gentle with her rather than the desperate fucking we've been doing.

Every time she even looks at another man I want her to think of me. My other hand reaches her hair and I pull her head back to kiss her with everything I have, trying to make sure she only ever tastes me, no one else.

I turn her around before lifting her into my arms, leaning her against the tile wall and pressing against her. Her soft hands take their own adventure across the expanse of my chest before brushing my abs and digging into the base of my back. I take a nipple in my mouth and smile when she jerks and arches into me excitedly.

She tries to grind on me but I pull back, trying to drag this out because I know if I feel her warm heat right now I will not last. I reach around her and turn the shower off, carrying her onto the bed and layering kisses across her whole body, nibbling on her thighs and neck before flipping her onto her front and kissing the globes of her ass and licking her shoulder blades as she begs for release under me.

"I want you to only ever think of me, to know that I'm the only one that can touch you like this. You are mine." I growl into her ear and her shiver vibrates my entire body.

"I'm yours, Roman." Her submissive tone excites me as I nip her earlobe and roll her back over. "Please." She begs, her nails digging into my ass as she begs me to give her what she wants. I thrust in and her gratified smile appears as she throws her head back against the pillow, wrapping her legs around me to bring me in deeper.

Her folds milk me tightly, causing me to grit my teeth, trying to extend the time I have before I explode. I pull out to the tip before sliding back in and she rolls her hips in a way that has me seeing stars. 

She licks up my neck and latches onto my collarbone leaving a purple mark as I ravish her body, her moans are silenced as I kiss her deeply, sucking on her bottom lip and biting her upper.

I can feel her getting close and I'm right there with her. I rest my hand on the side of her face and turn her to me, "Look at me, don't close your eyes." She pants as we both race to our orgasms, watching her come apart makes me and our eyes stay locked on each other's as we come down.

"Damn." She sighs as I roll off of her, taking her into my arms straight after, right where she fucking belongs.


"We have enough to take them down, if we start crossing names off the list and emptying bank accounts while we can by next week we can fucking break into their place and kill them." Bear growls at Church the next morning, we all howl and hit our patches in respect for our Prez. "I do have one more thing to do today and that's hand out a new patch." We all look at him in confusion, "Saviour, today I'm bestowing you with a title... as an Enforcer. I figure you and Reign make a good team and I'd be privileged to call you my Enforcer."

The patch is handed to Peyton who eyes it with pride and a few tears. "Thank you, Prez." They shake hands and she grips the patch tightly, ready to run out of here and ask Lexie to sew it on for her.

"So, Romeo and Saviour, you're emptying bank accounts. We don't need that money, give some to the Niners and some to the Mexicans, the rest anonymously donate to charities of your choice. As for the rest of us, you're gonna get a name and you're gonna grab them. The Mexicans have kindly let us use their dungeons to store them until we can decide what to do with them. The higher ups will be killed straight up, Twitch will be killed just before the leader. This is over by next week, men." He bangs the gavel and Peyton takes off like a shot.

Romeo packs up his laptop and heads out after her while the rest of us wait for our assignments. I take the file and grin evilly at the name I've been given. Sergeant Rodrigo, the bastard that arrested us the other day.

Oh, this is gonna be fun.

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