Chapter 51: Peyton Lennox

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I can't feel my body but I can hear the most annoying beeping noise on the bloody planet. Good Lord, I can feel my heart beating I don't need to hear it on that fucking thing too. I kinda feel like I'm paralysed so I'm going to assume that the doctors dosed me with something or other.

The comfort of the bed is not standard for hospitals so I can only assume that Lucia kidnapped me from there and brought me to the mansion. It's a good thing I left her as an emergency contact because I really hate hospitals.

Right, next step is waking up, I normally hate doing so but I need to know that everyone is okay. That Roman is okay. "Come on, girl. Wake up. You've already used up all your holiday." Lucia's Spanish drifts in comforting waves, with her around I'm definitely safe.

"Working on it." I'm able to mumble out, her gasp is the only response I hear before she's crushing me in her grip. "Okay, help me up."

"Oh, sorry." She scrambles off of me and helps me sit up, my stitches pull slightly but not enough to irritate so I keep shuffling until my back is pressed up against the headboard. "Of course you choose to wake up when your man's gone to one of those meetings... church, it's called, I think."

"Shit, I need you to drive me to the club!" I scramble to get off the bed, my body protests against my movement, I just don't give a shit.

"He left like ten minutes ago, let's get you showered and dressed first. You also need to eat toothpaste before you kill someone." Damn, she's mean, she could at least pretend to care that I'm actually alive. Though I suppose she knows that I'm basically indestructible now, she's witnessed all sorts of altercations. 

She forces me into the shower after declaring that she'll choose my outfit and fix my hair when I'm out since I just don't have the energy.

If I'm honest that was the best shower of my life, not only they have the best water pressure but when you've been sleeping in your own blood, dirt and sweat for four fucking days you're gonna want a shower. Once I finished that I slowly lower myself onto the vanity seat, wrapped in a silk robe that Lucia is definitely not getting back.

She dries my hair into calm waves, different to my normally manic curls before putting a little bit of makeup on because I look dead. I don't really care, I just want to see Roman but apparently my man can't see me looking like shit. Imagine that's been said by a gorgeous Latina and you'll experience what I just went through.

When she's decided that I look presentable enough, she helps me out of the chair considering my body is still stiff in reaction to the drugs and the strain my body went through bringing me back from death. With her assistance I'm able to slip on some cropped blue jeans with a white cropped jumper that reveals a lot of the bandage that's tight around my chest.

It only took us about twenty minutes to get me ready and it's only a ten minute drive to the club so hopefully I'll be able to catch the end of the meeting. I need to know what happened while I was unconscious and what we've got going on now. Granted, I can't really do much, despite it not hurting I still have to be careful to not rip my stitches or cause me anymore problems.

I clamber ungracefully into the passenger seat of Lucia's Ferrari and settle into the beige leather. She then proceeds to break every speed limit under the sun to the point where we get to the club in five minutes. I struggle to actually get out of the bloody thing since it's so close to the ground, I'm tempted to just roll out to be honest. 

It would be effective and I wouldn't have to walk - sounds good to me.

Unfortunately, Lucia ruins my plans by helping me to my feet and into the club. I hurry towards the double doors behind which are all of my brothers and the love of my life. I swing them open and my eyes tear up as they land on Roman, he looks dreadful with dark circles and messy hair. 

He looks exhausted.

"Roman." I whimper, not caring that our brothers can hear his real name, the only thing that matters right now is that he's here. He hurries around the table and hugs me so tightly I think I might suffocate so I give as good as I get. I bury my face in his neck and enjoy the feeling of his soft skin against my face and his scent in my nose.

I reach over to squeeze Runner's hand, who looks about ready to burst into tears, trying to comfort him since I don't want to leave Roman's embrace yet. I'm enjoying it too much. "We knew you'd make it, Saviour." Bear says as Roman lets me go, keeping his grip on my waist but allowing me to greet everyone else.

"Thanks Prez." I shake his hand before he tugs me into a hug, he passes me to Gears who gently kisses my forehead and strokes the back of my head with tears in his eyes.

"We thought we'd lost you."

"She's basically unkillable, darlings. Don't worry, I've seen worse." Lucia chips in, her accent is very prominent but everyone understands her, causing Gears to squeeze me tighter. "Was it the mafia that shot you that time?"

"Oh, the Italians, yeah. They did feel bad about that, now I get free cannoli for life so maybe it was worth it."

"You're crazy."

"I get it from you." I blow her a kiss and smile when she does the same.

"I best head back before my husband finds out that I left the house without protection into what he considers enemy land."

"I'm protection."

"You're a cripple." She dashes out while I gasp dramatically. What a bitch.

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