Epilogue: Peyton Hayes

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It's been two months since I got stabbed and I have to admit some of the best months of my entire life. 

Granted, we still have beef with my father - I've seen my mother and had lunch with her quite a few times - and he refuses to acknowledge my presence. Pissed about my allegiances and how they don't benefit him.

I've noticed some traits in mama which give me the impression that he isn't the most loving husband on the planet and it makes me want to bring her into our club, for her protection. Though it's not safe enough to do that right now, he could kill her or me at the drop of a hat. 

"Come on, Sav. I wanna beat your ass!" Runner calls from the lounge, we're currently at the clubhouse and I'm in the pink room with Lex and Mari, I guess Runner feels neglected because he's always begging for my attention.

I roll my eyes and lift myself off the couch. I was given the all clear by Doc to start training again but I still have to be extra careful. I don't know why, I mean I can't rip stitches that aren't there, still I'll listen for now because I'm not going to scare Roman like that again. At least if I can help it. "Come on then, let's see whatcha got." I slip my jacket off and pass it to Roman, before following Runner into the ring.

Everyone else follows like the nosey bastards they are and we both settle into defensive positions. Despite being out of commission I have continued to train Runner, I've just been using Roman to do the fighting bit, giving them both pointers on how to beat each other up better. 

Runner has improved so much since we started a few months ago and I'm proud of the idiot, especially since he's about to show everyone that he is capable.

"Don't forget to tap out before you pass out." I warn Runner before he launches himself at me, his cocky smirk tells me everything I need to know about his next few steps. "Oof, don't get cocky, darling. You'll be too easy to predict." I sing and dive underneath his swinging arm.

He steels his face and goes again, almost landing a direct hit on me so I take his legs out from under him. He gets up swiftly and wraps his arms around my waist ready to tackle me, so I flip over him and kick him in the ass. 

God, I've missed this.

"Would you stay still for just a second, Sav? You're supposed to be a cripple." Runner points at me as he paces slightly.

"Ooh, you little bitch, come here!" I pounce on him and flatten him to the ground, he rolls us over and pushes my hands against the mat so I knee him in the bollocks and roll us back over. "Third time's the charm!" I declare as he manages to throw me off of him, I flip backwards and straighten up. "Again!"

This time, I'll admit, I struggled to keep up with him. Deflect, hit, deflect, roll, kick, flip, deflect, hit, hit, hit. He lasts close to ten minutes against me before I lay him out, "Okay, okay. I'm done." He groans, panting as he lays on the floor.

"Ten minutes, Runner!" I shout and dance about excitedly. "I think that's cause enough for a street party, don't ya think Prez?"

"Who can say no to a street party?!"


Turns out no one can say no to a street party. 

We've got coppers, Mexicans - including Lucia and Matías - college girls and mama came too. She's dancing with Gears at the moment and I'm happy for her.

She hasn't left Slasher but she finally admitted to me where the bruises came from and why she jumps at loud noises and shouts. I begged her to move in with Roman and I, just to get her back on her feet since Mari has already set up in a two bed house a few doors down and I have a spare room. She said she'll think about it, I think she's waiting for the Fire Demon beef to die down first so Slasher is less inclined to kill us.

I did offer to kill him but she said no. As of right now we're all happy and absolutely wasted.

"Where is my husband?" I ask Lexie as we both linger by the bar. Roman and I got married, it wasn't a big ceremony because we didn't need it to be. Just us two at the courthouse, vows and rings later now we're here.

"Where is mine?" She wiggles her eyebrows before clambering onto the bar and shouting for them both. Everyone stops and looks at us, I wave and Lex shouts again.

"We're here, Lex. You can stop shouting now." Bear and Roman were outside and only heard because the doors were wide open. They push their way through the grinding dance floor and I find myself admiring Roman. He's wearing a black v-neck with black jeans and leather gloves on his hands. Most of his tattoos are on show and damn, his cut makes his shoulders look so good.

His hair is pulled back in a messy bun and his mouth is curved into a smirk as he most likely notices the lust in my eyes. He looks mighty fine right now. "Hello husband." I greet, grabbing him by the cut and pulling him to press me into the bar. Bear helps Lexie down, who is giggling like a drunken school girl as he grips her tightly.

"Hello wife."

Life is perfect.

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