Chapter 6: Roman Hayes

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She's glowing. Hearing her laugh has brightened my day exponentially even though it's ten o'clock at night. She looked so carefree, so young and happy. Bright.

For a few minutes she had shed the fighter, shed the tension and was just her. And it was amazing. Even if she was a little drunk.

It gets to two am and I decide sleep might be a good thing to do but I head into the kitchen first to drop off a few dishes just so that Lex doesn't have to do them tomorrow. "Hello!" I jump and notice a human laying on the ground on the other side of the island. I peek over and see Peyton led on the floor.

"What are you doing?" I ask with a chuckle, she turns her beautiful eyes on me and smiles softly. 

God, she's fucking perfect.

"Well I was going to get some snacks but then I got bored and then I got hot so I sat down here now I can't be bothered to move." I reach down for her and she accepts my grip. As I lift her, she stumbles and falls into my chest with a giggle. "Sorry."

"Come on you, let's get you to bed." I lift her up and she laughs again.

"My bed is like a two minute walk from here, just round the corner." She sings and snuggles into my chest. "I should probably go home, I'm supposed to do paperwork tomorrow. Stupid paperwork. But the money I get after doing the paperwork is the best!"

So adorable.

I decide to carry her to my room and I settle her on my bed while I get comfy on my couch. She passes out pretty quickly with cute little snores and mumbles.


I jolt awake to a loud bang downstairs and so does my guest. I sit up slowly and look over the back of the sofa to see Peyton studying the room with the cutest disgruntled face on. "Am I in your room?" She asks me.

"Yep. Found you drunk on the kitchen floor, didn't think it would be fair to leave you there."

"Thank you. God, I need constant supervision when I'm drinking. Is there a bathroom near here I can use?" I point at my ensuite and she dashes in there like her ass is on fire. I have to admit she looked like a mess, her hair looked like it was backcombed, makeup smeared under her eyes, drool on her chin, the whole nine yards.

I thought it was cute.

The door opens after about ten minutes and she looks much more put together. "You're going to forget that you saw me looking like a rabid animal."

"Yes ma'am." She rolls her eyes at me and heads out of the room. I follow but slower, I tidy my hair and brush my teeth before changing clothes and walking downstairs. I find Lex with her head on the island, groaning about having a hangover while Peyton laughs at her.

"How are you not hungover?" Lex asks and Peyton's eyes go a little dark.

"I've been drinking since I was seven." Lex's head snaps up and I can see the tears in her eyes. "Oh Lex, don't get sad. I'm alright." I walk over and squeeze Peyton's upper arm and I feel her lean into my touch.

"Good morning, girls!" Gears shouts as he walks in, Peyton responds with the same enthusiasm while Lex groans at the loud noise.

"Morning Gears, sorry about your kid." Peyton kisses his cheek and gathers her things. "I will see you guys soon, I'm sure."

I have a run today, across the bridge to deal with some shit and I have to take the new patch will me. He was patched in last week as Forger, you can guess what he does. We're going over there to sort out some business with a fence who skimped out on us. I get to break bones and Forger gets to break bread with a new forger.

I don't have a problem with this guy, I'm just not used to being around newbies. They expect and need training and I'm not the nurturing sort, I've never needed to be. My job is to maim and kill people, that doesn't usually come with an overwhelmingly caring side.

"Forger! Let's go!" I shout up the stairs, hoping he's ready to go. I want to be on the road in maximum five minutes and I will leave his ass here and hope he catches up later. Two minutes later, Forger appears at my side with a grin that I want to smack off.

Why do I have to be the one that take him on his first run?

I straddle my bike and she growls to life. This ride is usually about an hour and a half long but I shed it down to an hour because of my impatience. Forger is good at keeping up, I'll give him that.

"They weren't lying when they said you were hard to keep up with." Forger stretches next to me and I roll my eyes. I'm not gonna dignify that with a response.

"Right, I've gotta deal with Francis, you make friends with the other guy who is not Francis. Cool?" Forger salutes and I fight the urge to smack him.

Just do your job, Reign. It'll be fine. I mount the steps with Forger breathing down my neck and open the door, it's unlocked thankfully. "Excuse me, you're not allowed in here." Some fake bodybuilder with an assault rifle accosts me as I pass through the threshold.

"You think I give a fuck? I'm here to see Francis." I push pretty boy back and walk passed him into the main room. This guy is rich, he made his money fencing things worldwide and now he has crystal chandeliers and silver platters. Like actual silver platters. Who wastes money on shit like that?

"You are the Enforcer from Apollo, no?" Francis' Italian accent appears and already I want to knock his teeth in, I'll get round to it I'm sure.

"Unfortunately for you. Take a seat Francis." He does as told but he has pretty boy from earlier and another guy flanking him with guns.

Ridiculous, I swear.

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