Space Battle

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My name is (Y/N) and I've volunteered to get a anti virus against the corona virus. My mom snf grandparents strongly disagreed to this,  but I do this to save the world, to save my future. I have to be honest that I always loved Star Wars and wanted to be into a space fight, but that's never going to happen. Such a sci-fi movies can't be real.

Going through these tests perfectly, I think I might be the chosen one. For now I'm the best one from the four who are participating. These tests were hard just with the air pressure. It was hard for me but I actually went through that test better than the others. It's almost May 1st and we will hear who gets shot to space. All these tests make me feel tired.

The man behind everything, he did horrible things to me. I want to leave this place, I want him to be gone, out of my sight. He raped me, and if I didn't tell anyone, I would we chosen for 100% sure. The bruises were on my body, and they won't leave.

After a few hours of rest and a strong diet we were hearing which one of us got close for the mission. We all learned about the controls on board and what to do when the fuel was down. I saw a few engineers working on the last finishing touch. Some paparazzi and some news channels were filming us for TV, so my grandparents and mom to watch. I was feeling insecure and sometimes while walking, my legs felt like snakes, or jelly.

"Hello volunteers. We reached the most blood-curdling moment of the day. We reached the time to announce the person, who gets sent to space for this anti virus."

Everyone clapped and some news reporters filmed the progress, taking pictures. It made my heart pound faster. The man who did these horrible things was talking, staring at me, and turning away again.

"We can see our volunteers trained hard for this mission. This mission is to save our society and save our planet."

He opened and envelope and eventually smiled. He was being a complete creep.

"This girl who gets sent to space is trouble but knows her place very well, trained to fight back and went through our tests very well. She's strong."

My heart was coming out of my chest. A girl. I'm a girl! Good to know I might be chosen, away from this hell hole, away from that man.

"The girl who is going to be sent to space, to save our society our planet is.."

My eyes closed. The world stopped for a few seconds. My breath hitched and I took a few deep breaths.

"(Y/N) (L/N)! Give her a grand applause!"

My eyes widened.

Me? I was going to be sent to space? My dream was coming true. Everyone yelled and applauded and I smiled even cried a little. I was happy because it was a dream for me, but also a relief that I won't see him again.

"Thank you very very much!" I cried out and my friends gave me a hug. They told me how proud they were of me, but if they really knew..

This was going to be a stress relief, and a hell ride for me.

It's a few days later now and the space ship was ready for launching. My friends, my mom and that creepy man stood there. I wore a comfortable outfit under my space suit, specially made for me. I walked inside the ship, legs feeling like jelly.

I sat down and put on my seat belt, security first. I pushed some buttons, did the temprature, and eventually the lights.

"Launch in 10 .. 9 .. 8 .." Okay, here we go.. countdown has started..

"7.. 6.. 5.." Okay here we go.. be ready (Y/N)!

"4.. 3.. 2.. 1.." My heart was pounding in my chest, wanting to come through.

"0!!" I shot up and go pushed back in the same time.  I got launched into space. I was scared something might go wrong. I saw the universe coming closer and closer. I closed my eyes and held my chair tight. I opened them again and saw black. I saw the planet earth getting smaller. I looked at the button I wasn't allowed to push.. I pushed on it. I shot forward and blacked out.

When I woke up I saw laser shootings, weird space ships. I landed right in the middle of a space battle. I undid my space suit because I was hyperventilating. I got scared. The fuel was down. Nothing left.. That's why I wasn't allowed to push it, it used the fuel..

I felt myself almost fall back. Something grabbed my ship and pulled me towards a giant ship. I saw battle droids.. Wait a god damn minute. Battle droids? 

That's where my heart almost stopped pounding. I'm in a galaxy far far away..

A/N - hello everyone who read this, I hope you liked this part. I tried to make it something cool and creepy at the same time. Follow me on insta @ savvi.x yes its a private but dont worry, I mostly add people back <3 Thanks for reading

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