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Third Person POV. [short]

Grievous went away to the cockpit and ordered to move to Sriluur, planet of the pirates, and the planet of Jabba the Hutt. Grievous was, like always, very moody. Ordering Droids around, and one mistake turned Grievous mad and he would kill the Droids. Poor Droids..

Grievous was done with the Droids. He walked out the cockpit, through the metallic, grey halls. A few Droids walked through the halls not even greeting Grievous, a normal phenomenal in Grievous his ship. Grievous stepped in the elevator down one level, to go to check on his apprentice, Y/N.

After arriving at the correct level, he walked a few hundred meters through the halls, Magna guards following him. "Wait here." Grievous simply said, and walked into the bedroom, seeing Y/N sleep  peacefully. 

Grievous POV. [short]

I saw her sleeping, in the Fetus position. She was comfortable and she didn't really snore. She truly looked like a Princess. I couldn't wake her up, but she was sleeping for good nine hours. I decided to lay my forehead on hers. A kiss wouldn't work, at least this seems as a sweet move. 

I shook her trying to wake her up, only to see she turned herself around. Her beautiful features, like her face, her arms, which she uses to swing her lightsaber, sprung out a lot while she was sleeping. She was more different than others. 

I am certain that I would ask her more about herself. Maybe even visiting her planet, for resources or for an army.

"Wake up Y/N." I said shaking her again, and she did open her eyes. Her eyes where truly beautiful. A colour I hardly see. E/C eyes. Sometimes it looks like they spark. She cried last time, and her anger was to be seen in her eyes. She did trust me enough to tell me that woman get threaten differently on her planet. How many tears would her eyes have left? 

"What's wrong General? Are we under attack?" She said getting up. "No, I want you to get dressed and move to the training hall. We will be visiting a planet for information, don't wear to warm clothes, it is a dessert planet." I answered walking out the room. 

Her voice was, so soft, yet so loud. 


Grievous woke me up to tell we are going to a new planet for information about the Republic. I looked through my clothes, just to find a dress, a Boho Dress, which I loved.

 I looked through my clothes, just to find a dress, a Boho Dress, which I loved

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[imagine without the leather part]

I wore some cute heels, fitting with the outfit. The dress was made of a soft fabric, making it hundred percent more comfy than normal. I grabbed my Sith Cloak and grabbed my charged phone and my lightsaber, hiding them in the inside of the cloak. I walked out to see Grievous waiting with his Magna Guards. 

"Ready to go, General." I said looking at him. He checked me out so I did a spin. "Approved, now let's hurry." He said walking in a fast pace, and as usual, me trying to walk in his pace since he was taller, and took bigger steps.

Arriving in the Hangar Bay, we took a small ship of his, so we could land carefully. It was really warm here, and the sun was setting, ready for the evening. 

We stepped in The Soulless One and flew our way down. I waited next to him, looking outside, waiting for his commands.

"You stay close to me, these pirates are dangerous." He began and coughed. "Don't trust anybody." He said groaning. "Understand master." I said looking at him. I put on my serious face and waited next to a few Droids and Magna Guards for the landing.

As soon as General Grievous landed the ship, the side walk opened and we walked down on the sand. Suddenly something came into me. "I don't like sand.. It's coarse and rough.. and irritating.." I said softly just loud enough for myself to hear. Anakin his quote to flirt with Padmé was, effective. 

"Follow me Y/N." Grievous said and I followed him with two Magna Guards and two  B1 Battle Droids into a club. I saw pirates. "Hondo." I heard from Grievous. "General Grievous." He said back in a drunk voice. He clearly has been drinking. I was blushing at the fact Hondo Ohnaka is here and he looks way better than in the animation The Clone Wars. 

"Who is that, pretty little thing over here?" He said walking over to me hanging his hand around me touching my hips and my cheek. "My name is Y/N, I've just heard your name is Hondo." I said clearly not interested in any bullshit. "Ah, such a pretty name for a pretty lady." He said slurry, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. "Hondo, I've heard you had information about the Republic, I am willing to pay for it." Grievous said breaking the silence.

"Oh yes, follow me." He said. I suddenly felt a hand grab mine and pull me toward himself. Grievous was being over protective. Kinda cute.

We walked to a table somewhere in a place of the crowd where his gang sat at the table, going wild about some cute skinny girls. I looked around and grabbed my phone to check the time on Earth, so I would be able to text them. And as I thought, it was around three A.M. midnight.

"Y/N, I have to take the talk. Sit somewhere. Stay safe." He said while walking away. 

I stood there completely alone. A big crowd, and strippers in their stripper outfits. Males thirsty for them. It was just like Earth.. Filthy place full of beasts. 

Anger washed over me and sat down to concentrate on good things, like Grievous, my dog [if you don't have one, imagine your dream dog] and my lightsaber. A male sat next to me, he didn't seem familiar. "Oh, hello there." I said friendly. "Hello there beautiful thing." The male pirate said, and touched my face. I felt awkward and felt scared at the same time. I had to stop him.

"Can you not please, I don't like this." I said moving his arm away. He suddenly hit me right in the face with the back of sword. It hurts and my nose started to bleed. I got more angry and the male grabbed my arm trying to pull me to him. "Stay off me!" I yelled and kicked his legs under his body. He fell down hard, and others start to group around me.

"Leave the pretty girl alone, she said she didn't want it." Hondo said and moved in the crowd of people. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nod giving him a fake smile. He sat down and I sat next to him, and Grievous on the other side of me. "Thanks you, sir." I said looking at him. "No problem pretty girl." He said and smiled giving me a wink. 

He gave me a drink, it smelled sweet but after tasting it, it was pretty sour. It was a  nice taste too, and the colour was, kinda white. It smelled like strawberry, but tastes like lemon. I felt myself getting much more energy. Hondo gave me another and I drank it again, getting light headed. 

A few party moment later I was with Hondo alone at the table talking a little, and he suddenly kissed me. I didn't care and kissed back. He wasn't a bad kisser, and his lips were softer than I expected to be. He softly touched my hips and ass and I felt myself getting a little exited.

"Enough." Grievous said and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Hondo. "But General-" "No buts Y/N! We need to leave." He said and I looked down. "See ya." Hondo said and waved me goodbye, falling on the ground. I grabbed my phone and my lightsaber from my Sith Cloak and walked behind Grievous. I suddenly felt myself getting dizzy and fall down.

A/N - Hello there, I have here the finished part of the story, kinda messy, but I tried. Follow me on insta @ savvi.x a private account. I love ya all, see you at the next part.

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