I Love You

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General Grievous told me to go to my room after training with the Droids. It felt weird. He has been really secret about a few things. He hardly spoke to me, and we still have to go on the second date, while that should been happening a day ago.

I was done training the Droids, so walked to the elevator down one level. It was a long ride, and I hardly can believe it did took long, or that it was just my imagination.

After the long elevator ride I stepped out and walked towards my room. I walked in on Grievous talking with someone, but hardly recognize the voice. Probably a vague figure.

"Y/N, you're here." Grievous said and came towards me, and hanging up on the call. "I have found someone that could make the Anti-Virus. It took me a while of course." He said laying his hand on my shoulder. He rubbed my shoulder and his eyes did  the happy thing again.

"General, I am ready to go on the date again, after that I can go to Dooku for my training." I say smiling and him groaning and coughing. "It is a possibility. Let's go to The Forest Moon of Endor, and quick after to Tattooine." He said turning around. "Get dressed, we need all the time. They are really far away from each other."

I was smiling and put on my jeans and black boots. I grabbed my cropped grey top and my Sith Cloak. Lightsaber now in my Cloak pocket, like my phone. Damn if I would lose it, I will lose all my happy memories. All star wars fans will be jealous if they notice it's real.

"Good, you're ready." He said grabbing my hand again. "Let's go dear." And out we went through the dark grey metallic halls, towards the elevator. Sometimes, the walk seemed longer than the other walks. Depends on how fast we walk or if you walk with others.

We arrived and went up with the elevator to the Hangar Bay to the ship on our way to The Forest Moon of Endor again. 

"So Y/N, why do you love this planet so much?" He asks out of no where, when we almost arrived. I smiled and looked at him. "Because the forest makes me feel relaxed, and the rain is really satisfying." I say and come closer to him. He pulled me on his lap, making me blush. The Droids in the other room, couldn't see us. 

"I see. Doesn't the rain make you wet?" He asks in a purring in a low voice close to my neck. I got a little excited and my cheeks heated up. "Maybe it does, but someone I know does that too." I say making a soft hum from my mouth. He groaned and he rubbed my waist. "I see, (Sith Name)." I blushed and I got off. We landed on the planet and we stepped out.

It was raining already when we landed, so I undid my Sith Cloak and ran outside spreading my arms and letting the rain pour on me. My hair was soaking wet and so were my clothes. Grievous came to me and groaned.

"We can walk around and check out a few things." He say making me look up. "Yes, let's go." I say grabbing my Sith Cloak and we continue our way in the forest. We walked next to each other around and I saw a small building on the ground. 

"General, what's that?" I ask curious going towards the building but Grievous grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "No, that is dangerous." He said and made me turn around. My curiosity got bigger as the rain got heavier and thunder eventually came.

"Can we turn back soon? It's getting scary General." I say by getting closer to him, not minding this at all. He liked being close to me.

"Of course, let's get back to the ship."  He says and wrapped an arm around me and his cape fell over me too. It felt warm being so close. He was being soft again, and he didn't even seem to bother. He would be the kind of guy that always acts though but when he has a girlfriend and won't get a hug, he would pull her into one, not minding his friends staring. 

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