Meeting Others

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Today is the day. Today I had to impress myself to others. I wasn't scary like Grievous or like Ventress, but I tried to impress myself.

I wore the dress I bought with Grievous. It looks cool, and the material is soft and comfortable.

[It looks like this, like the long sleeves, the buttons are not there, but around the waistline some diamonds/glitters, and it's a sort mermaid

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[It looks like this, like the long sleeves, the buttons are not there, but around the waistline some diamonds/glitters, and it's a sort mermaid.]

I did my hair in a messy bun, looking on fleek. I wore my black heels and grabbed my Sith cloak like cape, which I still don't know how it's called, and put my phone and lightsaber in the inner pockets.

Dooku helped me change the colour to red, so people won't mistake me for a Jedi. Thanks Dooku.

"(Y/N), are you ready? I'm waiting for almost an hour now." Grievous said and I groaned a little. "I'm done." I said and walked out the room. Grievous his eyes roamed over my body and got ashamed. "You look beautiful, princess." He said and I blushed. How did he do that. He only called me princess.

After a half hour we arrived at the mansion like house. It was beautiful? Dooku had a view from inside that looked beautiful. His house looked like a birdhouse but oval and big. "General, I'm a bit nervous. What if people don't like me?" I said and looked away. 

I felt tears prick in my eyes again. I wiped them away and sniffed a little. I can't believe I was about to cry again. His giant metal hand grabbed my hands and held them in his. "(Y/N), You are a strong girl, I'm sure you can survive this. I won't stay long, I have some business to do, but Dooku will look after you. So try to meet new people, I know it sounds scary, but try." He coughed and sighed a little. I wish I could repair him so his coughs won't bother anymore..

"I will beep you if I need help." I said and smiled. His hands let go of mine and he walked to his ship again. I waved a little goodbye and waited for him to leave. It was hard to think that when I have the Anti Virus this will happen again but much worse.

I walked to the door of the giant place and waited for Dooku to open. I looked around and saw a few other ships arrive, and walked to the door, in one of the ships I saw Bane, and in the other I saw Ventress. Bane in his normal clothes and Ventress wore a really beautiful purple dress. Ventress walked up to me and smiled. "Didn't expect for you to be here." She said and let out a dark laugh like? "Nobody expects me, but I'm still here." 

I said and heard the door open. "Welcome, come in." Dooku said and let us three in. I felt Bane stare at me. He checked me out, and it felt gross. I shrugged it off anyway. I saw other people at the bar or even on a couch with their significant other. So a meeting is called a party, and a meeting can be a meeting. When we walked in, Ventress went to the bar, Bane went to some others and well I stood there alone. I went to a couch and sat down. I don't like to be alone, my heart was pounding in my chest.

Out of nowhere Bane sat next to me. "Hello there, didn't expect you to be sittin' here all alone." He began and put a toothpick between his lips. "Well, I'm not really an outgoing person. So I technically mean, I hate everyone unless they start a conversation with me. Makes me less shy." I said and he laughed a little. "Well, don't worry 'bout that, we don't bite." I smiled a little and relaxed on the couch.

I came here for a meeting but it became a party. I looked around and saw some people look at me. They gave be nasty glares. I felt a bit save in Bane's arms but on the other hand I didn't.

Suddenly it was silence and Dooku spoke up. "We are all here.." He spoke and I didn't even bother to listen. I closed my eyes and thought back at the time I heard I was the chosen on to get sent to space. I felt like that day again. All over again. Suddenly Bane nudged my shoulder. "Dooku is asking you to come in front." I looked at Dooku and walked up to him, feeling if my stuff was still with me. "Sorry Sir, I dozed off a little." I said clearly feeling bad.

"(Y/N), tell about yourself." Dooku said and gave me a nod. "Oh well, My name is (Y/N), I'm from another planet far far away.. I got sent to space.. I don't know what happened either, but I feel like this place is a home to me.

It was silenced so Dooku spoke up again. I wasn't following much, but it was about me.

I was scared for some men in this room. They kept looking at my breasts, and they licked their lips. I felt gross. 

after some deep breaths a walked away, it was a party with some slow music but I just went out to grab some fresh air.

I went to the nearest balcony and took a few deep breaths. I got a really nice sunset view and took pictures with my phone. I feel horrible. That man looked at me like that creep from my planet. sometimes I really ask myself where I'm good for. I beeped Grievous to make sure he will come soon. I want to leave.

As soon as I wanted to turn back I saw Dooku standing in the doorway. He must have seen everything. It was a chaos night for me, and I really can't have much more drama.

"Are you alright?" He started and I looked away. "I think I am, it's just that I am not very outgoing." I answered and looked off the balcony again. Dooku wore his hooded cape and watched the sunset with me. "I see the problem. Don't worry about it." Count Dooku said and looked at me with a serious tone. I felt bad. "I ruined it didn't I?" I said leaning my hands on the balcony and moved my legs in a comfortable position. "No you didn't. people here don't know how to act around new ones and some do know how to act. In case here you are the first one." Dooku stated and patted my shoulder. 

"It isn't your fault, it's probably because of the way you grew up." He said and I smiled. "You are right, anyways, Grievous will be here soon. I will see you around most likely. Thank you for the invite." I said and he walked out the door. "Give it a few minutes before you go back." He said and walked away.

After a good 20 minutes I walked to the bathroom and made sure I was feeling well. Grievous didn't show up yet. I felt worried. I beeped again in the hope he would see it was serious. I walked back into the room and saw some people left. I sat at the bar and drank a alcoholic like drink. "I see you're back again." Bane said and smiled a little. "Yeah, Grievous won't show up so I kinda don't have a choice, plus, people started to bang in the room next to the balcony." I said and laughed a little. it was quiet for a little while and I heard different types of music come from the speakers.

I heard robotic footsteps and looked at the doorway to see Grievous standing in front of the opening waiting for me. "Bye Cad, see you around." I said and gave him a smile before I walked out the door with Grievous. "You took your time." I said and gave him a little stomp at his elbow. It hurts me more than he will feel. "It was an important job and than Jedi liked to bother." He answered and coughed again. I smiled and grasped my lightsaber and phone out my cape pocket. "Can I still do my training today?" I asked and ignited my saber. He laughed evil and grabbed his sabers. "Why not now?" He said and removed his cape. So did I.

He attacked first and I blocked it which was really hard since he was stronger than me. I swung my lightsaber to his leg which he deflects and stomped his claws on my arm. I laid there on the ground and he brought the lightsabers really close to my face. "You lost (Y/N)." He said and laughed. "That's what you think." I said and force pulled the lightsaber in my left hand swung it to his arms he stepped off my arm and I got back up. "You've grown stronger, my apprentice." He said coughing and swung his lightsabers at me. I blocked them and used the force to he slips and falls to the ground. I brought my lightsaber to his face. "I win." I said and made sure the lightsaber was off before I continued. I leaned down and tried to help him back up. "You did great (Y/N)." He said and put his sabers back.

We were back in the ship and I went to my cell again, getting in a more comfortable outfit, and removing my make up. "Sir, General Grievous wants to see you in the observation deck." a Droid said and I followed him to the observation deck. My eyes roamed outside and I saw stars. I smiled at what I saw. Planets and Stars were everywhere. Before I knew I walked into a wall. I continued my walk with the Droid.

I ask myself what it could be.

A/N - I hope you enjoyed this long part. I think I will write about Hondo Ohnaka in this story too. What do you think? Follow me on insta @ savvi.x and I will see you by the next part.

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