Secret Outpost

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Grievous asked me to come to the cockpit, to discuss some plans with Dooku and the Droids. He was acting a little odd around me after last time. I felt weird because of his actions. He didn't came near me so much anymore. He was busy with talking to the Droids about plans, hardly talked to me.

Maybe it was because I leaned my head on his shoulder/chest. Maybe because I was so drunk last time? Too much to think about.

I walked out in my comfy outfit and walked through the cold metallic halls towards the elevator. When I walked in, I saw Grievous waiting for me in there. I stood close in a corner, so I wouldn't bother him. I don't want to start a conflict.

"Y/N, change of plans tonight. I need to go to Oga's Cantina again. I want you to guard me." He said. I looked down. "Yes General." I simply answered and looked at my phone, seeing a few missed calls from my mom. She misses me, and I hardly spoke to her.

He groaned and grabbed my shoulder and pinned me against the wall. My heart was beating faster now and my legs became numb. I closed my eyes, scared to be killed in an elevator. 

"I want answers Y/N." He said, leaning his face closer to mine. "LOOK AT ME!" He yelled and I opened my eyes. Tears rolled over my cheeks. I never seen him before like this, in the series and movies, yes, but here, no.

"What do you want to know?" I ask in a soft tone trying to move myself away from his grip, but he tighten his fingers more around my wrists. I started to hurt and it would definitely leave a mark.

"Why did you do that. The thing with your head." He said and a growl left his throat. I blushed and looked down. His arms separated and he pushed my chin up with separated arm.

I felt like I was in a scene of a movie. His eyes were digging in mine, looking through my soul and beyond. My heart was beating so fast now, like I was in a roller coaster. My legs felt so numb, like jelly. I couldn't think properly anymore. 

"I don't know.." I said in a soft voice, but the tense didn't disappear. He wanted answers and I wasn't able to give them. I took a deep breath, making sure this wasn't a dream where suddenly things become, steamy.

"If you won't answer, I won't be able to trust you anymore." He squeezed his hands tighter around my wrists practically almost breaking them. It was hurting and I couldn't move away. Tears streamed over my cheeks and I was determined of wanting to pull my wrists away.

"I was tired.. I wanted to be a little comfy.. I'm sorry Sir.." I said and his eyes narrowed. He released my wrists and my chin and I managed to keep standing.

"Never let it happen again." He said in a stern voice and I gave a quick nod. 

The elevator opened and we walked in sync toward the cockpit, through the metallic halls. Some Magna Guard were waiting in front of the door. I felt myself being a bit left out in the complete picture on this ship. Grievous just turned me on and off at the same time.

I stood next to him, waiting for the holo call to appear.

"General Grievous, (Sith Name), we have a serious issue. The Republic found one of our secret outposts and is attacking it. I want you two to work together to stop them." Count Dooku said. "It will be done, my lord." Grievous and I said in sync, and the ship going in hyperspace to go to the planet with the secret outpost.

I walked away to the door, so I will be in the Hangar Bay to tell some plans to the Droids, but Grievous stopped me and pulled me back hard. "You are not going anywhere, this is too important." He said and kept me next to him. I felt bad.. I didn't know him like this like he was before.

"But what about the Droids, I always give them the orders." I said in a worried but stern voice, hoping he would let me, but no luck. He narrowed his eyes. "I know, but we have all the time to speak with them, twenty minutes don't go that fast." He said and sat down on his chair, me standing behind him.

"What about the Cantina?" I ask and looked at him. He probably had a bad day because he would never hurt me, right? "Yes, that's after this attack." He said groaning and resting his head on his left hand. I don't understand his mood now. But it's probably my fault.

He stood up, and grabbed my upper arm, and made me follow him to the elevator. "General, you could have told me to follow." I said yanking my arm away from him. He looked at me and let me go, making me follow. He didn't say a word, and I felt really alone here.

"Why are you acting like this?" I ask while he stops in front of the elevator waiting. "Everything is getting out of the hand, and you got an attachment to Hondo, which is not allowed." He says and steps in the elevator. "I don't like him, I was drunk! Second, I am trying to help you and guard you and protects you and now you treat me like shit!" I yelled at him. 

He stared at me shock, if he didn't believe I could have such a big mouth. I was in shock to and turned around.

"He grabbed my shoulder and patted it. "I hope we win this fight and they run away, it's not good." He suddenly spoke in a way softer voice than he did before. I knew he had mood swings, but damn, this was just more a tornado rainstorm or something.

The whole elevator ride was silent. He didn't speak, neither did I. As soon as I heard a ping from the elevator we both walked to The Soulless One and went to fly to the secret outpost. Grievous flew and I just my phone in my pocket and my lightsaber. I wasn't ready, not yet.

Grievous landed the ship and he went inside instantly, me having to wait outside the ship in the opening of the temple/outpost. I felt a disturbance in the force and contacted Grievous inmediatly.

"General, they are here." He didn't even bother to pick up the holo call. I walked inside and his behind a corner. I saw Grievous talking to Dooku on the holo call and some Magna Guards waiting in front of him. I heard walking inside the small halls coming closer. Grievous didn't bother to even turn around. I grabbed my lightsaber and undid my Sith Cloak.

Obi-Wan and a few clone troopers that didn't seem familiar came in. "So General, I see you brought your new friend again. You and (Sith Name) are going to pay for what you have done." Obi-Wan says and I ignited my lightsaber. It haven't really used it in a long time.

Obi-Wan and the clones attacked, I deflected the shots and Obi-Wan his lightsaber attacks. Grievous finally decided to join in, and slaughtered all the clones. His mood swung again. Great.

Me being in a deep fight with Obi-Wan, Grievous joined in and took him from the back, but Kenobi used the Force to throw him away. Grievous groaned and stood back up and attacked again. "Anakin I could use some help in here!" He yelled against the thing on his hand which seemed like a kind of phone thing.

This fight kept going on for a few minutes, until he decided to run away. I ran close behind him noticing he used the Force to throw the ship off the cliff. I used the Force to bring it back, but wasn't aware he would attack me. 

Grievous yelled and soon I heard two lightsabers burning against each other close to my neck. I was shaking and sweating in pure fear. Grievous saved me there. He grabbed Kenobi with his free hand and threw him away. I was trying my best to land the ship softly back on the cliff.

"Thanks Sir." I said and sighed in relief. "You owned me one." He said wanting to attack again, noticing the clones and the three Jedi had left already.

"All the information need to be brought back to our ship, or destroyed." I said holding my forehead. I was breathing a little heavier than normal.

"All information has been on my ship already and the temple will be destroyed. We need to leave now, before the rocks will crush us." He said leading us back into his ship again, flying back to The Invisible Hand.

A/N - Hello there, this update took me way too long to make, but something came up. I tried my best. If you want follow my insta, it's a private @ savvi.x  see you next time <3

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