Learning His Past

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We arrived back in The Invisible Hand and he brought me back to my room, completing the whole journey. In the Hangar Bay, to the elevator, down one level, through the metallic halls, and there were two rooms at the end. I think I know my way now, but Grievous still walked me or let his Droids walk me to my room. 

General Grievous opened the door and brought me in, him following close behind, shutting down the door and locking it behind him. His eyes narrowed as I stared in shock.

"Why did you do that?"  I ask as I sat down on the bed. He stood next to me, sitting down too. My feet didn't even dare to touch the ground while his did. He coughed and sighed looking at me. "I want to know more about you, your past." He said and looked me in the eyes making me look away.


[Curse words, bad memories and suicide thoughts. These won't stay later in the story, this is the past.] 

I sighed and looked down moving my feet in a slow rhythm. "It all began when I was younger.. When I did believe in the future.." I said. He was all ears.

"I had an abusive dad, who sometimes yelled at me and my mom. He always did horrible things, like getting drunk, having sex with whores, but my mom loved him, so she stayed with him."

"One day my mom left and almost got herself killed, and even me. I never felt so much hate before.. But it was just at my dad. He almost stabbed my mom with a metal pipe through her chest, like that Jedi tried with you.. So my anger and sadness took over."

At this part he looked at me with worried eyes, I could feel it, but I didn't look up. Tears welled up in my eyes and a few sniffs came from my nose. I can't believe I was crying again.

"Later on my life was better, my mom lived with her mom and me, so a woman household. It was all happy and cozy, but I got bullied at high school. I always had a little more fat back then, and I got bullied over my weird hairstyle, like space buns, or a high ponytail with a little braid in it. My clothing style wasn't the best either, stylish yes, but cheap."

"Later they told me to suicide and jump in front of the train because of it. I never did it. Here my three best friends and my two best guy friends showed up. The guys were popular and the girls moved to my school. They were popular there too, but kept me as their mom like friend."

I said and smiled. I looked at him and the small smile I had one, grew a little wider.

"What is a mom friend?" He asked and grabbed my hand rubbing it softly, showing he cared. He was a gentleman sometimes, but if his voice raised then most of the Droids wouldn't even dare to come closer.

"That's a type of friend that keeps the other friends from doing something stupid, they care a lot about their friends and make sure they won't get into trouble." I answered and looked into his golden yellow eyes.

"They cared about me and even helped me with stuff, one of the guys was in love with me, but I wasn't ready for a relationship yet. I even told them, if we would break up, it would ruin the friendship, which I didn't want and he completely understood." 

"Later on, bullies brought back up my old memories of my dad and what he has done to me and my family, which made me done with life. I almost hung myself at school. School took this seriously and expelled the bullies from school. My friends helped me with the bullshit I've been through and we went to grab dinner after."

"If I have to say, since then I followed my dreams. I loved space and start to photograph for movies. It was fun doing that, and now I'm here." 

He looked at me like I told a fairy tale to a little boy of five years old. He was still holding my hand and I started to cry again. He rubbed with the other hand the tears away, which was the sweetest he would do. 

"Before going to space, I had to do tests, finishing them with high scores and no mistakes, to be chosen, and that happened. After a few days, the leader raped me, tied me up, abused me and pointed a gun at me. I wasn't allowed to tell anyone, because I would die. That's how I lost my virginity. Rape by a horrible man."

"I am sorry for what happened to you. I am here for you." He said and rubbed my hand again. I smiled and cleared my tears. Me being a nosy ass wanted to know his story too.

"What is you past?" I ask and looked at him with a cheeky smile, making him back off a little. "Do you really want to hear it?" He asks and looks at me with a stern look, but looking confused at the same time. "Yes." I simply said and laughed a little. I thought about a confused puppy which I shouldn't.

"I lived on a planet called Kalee. My name back than was Qymaen jai Sheelal. I was a whole different species than I am now. I was a normal Kaleesh and suddenly the Huk attacked us, a species looking like animals more than human. We fought, and I got a good hand in fighting, and killed lots of them."

"People there say me as a demigod, and a girl named Ronderu lij Kummar fell in love with me, and I fell in love with her. The Huk killed her, so I changed my name to Grievous, and wanted to kill them all. The Huk asked the Republic for help, while they started it all!"

He seemed mad, so I rubbed his shoulder. His past was hurting him, just like my past was hurting me. We do have something in common.

"When I wanted to leave my ship exploded with me in it, and Dooku found me there, he told me it was the Jedi did this to me. Hate boiling inside of me and me wanting to kill them all. I turned myself into a cyborg so I could kill the Jedi. I don't care about their politics at all- I only lived to see the Jedi die!" He said mad, and coughed a lot making me feel bad.

"How did your cough happen?" I ask in curiousness and touched his chest, blushing to think he probably had fierce abs.

"Mace Windu crushed my chest using the Force, I wish I had my smooth voice back." He said and touched my hand, where I touched his chest. "I think you sound intimidating, kinda sexy." I said without thinking, covering my mouth after.

I didn't say that did I? Please tell me I didn't say that. He coughed a little and removed my hand. He laid his hand on my chest, even touching a little part of my breasts. "You sound like an angel, really soothing and beautiful." He said and I notice the sadness in his voice.

"I am terrible sorry for your loss, General." I said and touched his hand with mine. "I will be there for you no matter what." I continued and smiled at him. "Always." 

He looked at me with those happy eyes and pulled his hand gently away. He stood up and walked toward the door again. "Thank you, Y/N." He said and looked back at me. "I am glad you are here for me, that's why I didn't kill you. Not that you almost sound the same her, but because I can trust you with all my heart, which she didn't really show." 

And before I knew, he was already gone. He was thankful for me, and even touched my chest to say I sound like an angel. He was truly the guy I love.

A/N - Hello there! I finished the part in time and I'm proud. I hope you all liked it. Tried to make it cute as possible. <3 see you at the next part. Bye

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