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[This chapter is the one before the ending, so stay tuned<3.]

After packing everything and hiring marriage official for the big day, I let Grievous met my parents. Grievous met my mother and my grandparents and they were having deep talks about the battles and how me met.My mother wanted to make the snacks so he helped my mother with baking a cake and cookies, while my grandparents and I were decorating the whole scenery.

My mother wanted to make the snacks so he helped my mother with baking a cake and cookies, while my grandparents and I were decorating the whole scenery

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Yellow and white flowers around the arch, making the view way more better. The arch behind the altar was covered in yellow flowers and some white lights so at the evening they will look like stars. We were planning on marrying each other at the evening.

The few chairs were ready, the 3 for my parents and 3 for the Droids. The marriage official arrived early and my mother was helping him around. 

I stood next to Grievous, and we kinda cuddled before I had to get dressed. He held my side and my hand, he was nervous.

"General, it's almost time, so I have to get dressed and do my hair. My grandparents will lead you and what to do. You have the speech ready?" I ask and smiled at him. He couched and nodded. "Yes I have my dear. I feel honestly really anxious. This is a big day for the both of us." He admits and I looked down. "It is. I never thought it will eventually be this way." I answer and looked him in the eyes.

"Y/N dear, you have to get ready." My mother told me and so we both walked to the bedroom where I used to sleep. I grabbed my dress and my veil and got dressed. Grievous and I have been close, and opened up together to each other. I knew from the first days, that he didn't trust me, but he eventually did, which leaded to this moment. I think I will have to let him know who else to save before the end of the clone wars. 

After putting on my dress, I put on a ponytail and my veil over it. The yellow matching veil covered in little flowers and sparkles, while my dress was completely clean.

 The yellow matching veil covered in little flowers and sparkles, while my dress was completely clean

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My mother gave me a small present. "Here, for your dress. I know you always wanted this." Her smile was wide and I teared up. I opened the present and saw the necklace with stars and it was beautiful. I always wanted this one. "Thank you mom!" I smiled and hugged her. Tears streaming down my cheeks and she cleaned them. Its time, we have to go down.

My mother helped me with the Necklace and we walked down

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My mother helped me with the Necklace and we walked down. She gave me the yellow bouquet of flowers I wanted to hold for this day, and when the music starts playing we walked down the brownish yellow carpet. My grandparents and the Droids stood up, and looked at me. The yellow, blue and green lights made this evening perfect.

Grievous his eyes were shining with tears and he tried to hold them back. He was amazed. My mother brought me to the altar where me and Grievous held each others hands.

The marriage official started speaking.

I wasn't paying attention to him most of the time but eventually he told us to read our speech. "Miss (L/N) would you like to begin?" and I nodded. I grabbed the paper from my bouquet and took a deep breath.

"My dear Grievous. When we first met, we were unsure about our future, and we saw each other as enemies. Through the clone wars, though the battles we saved each others lives, and grew closer to each other. I felt a strong connection after you opened up, and knew you needed a supportive right hand next to you. We fought together every fight, and listened to each others answers for every battle. When I got a place at the separatist senate, I speculated with all of them giving speeches and you always stood with me, to support me. Now me finally came together in such a way, we will be together from time to time. I can't imagine a life without you, and can't imagine what will happen when someone will kill you. I will swear to protect you, even if it will cost my own life. I love you." 

He coughed and felt he was shaking. He grabbed his speech and held my hand. He cleared his throat and he began with a shaky voice. 

"My dear (Y/N). When I first met you, you were an enemy to me, but after growing closer to you, I felt a connection. We aren't that different and we are ment to be. Your support and my support fill each others gaps. I never ever thought I would fall in love, after what happened to her, but I was wrong, and found the perfect one for me. I will stay by your side whenever you need me, and I hope you will do the same. I love you my princess, my only one."

My tears couldn't help but fall down my cheeks. He cleared them for me, and held each others hands again. He was pure, sweet and loyal, someone with a heart of gold, yet made of stone towards his enemies.

"(Y/N) (L/N), will you take Grievous, Qymaen Jai Sheelal, as your future husband, and will stay with him in the good and bad times, and promise him to stay dear, loyal and protective for him?" I smiled and looked him in the eyes. "I do."

"And Grievous, known as Qymaen Jai Sheelal, will you take (Y/N (L/N) as your future wife and will stay with her through the good and bad times, and promise her to stay dear, loyal and protective for her?" He looked at me again and his eyes did the happy thing. "I do."

The Droids and my family stood up. "Then I will declare you as Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride?" He questioned and we laughed. We gave each other a Eskimo kiss and the 6 people in the crowd clapped and cheered.

After the beautiful evening some of the droids took some pictures of me and Grievous, ready to put it on our collage. 

I can't believe I married to the love of my life. I think I will live with him happily even after.

Hello dear readers, this isn't the end, one last chapter will come down, I may update this part for more details, but school is killing me. I hope you will understand<3 You are always allowed to follow my insta : Savvi.x 
I will also try to make another book maybe with star wars headcanons and stories based on the headcannons, for now I will try to finish the few books I have left. 
Bye bye and I hope to see you at a next book.

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