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It has been a few days since my date with Grievous, and we both seemed to enjoy it. He seemed really comfortable around me. He sometimes even waited for me to fall asleep. He has truly be more gentle than before. Such a feared General, Leader of the most powerful Droid army in the Galaxy, and still be so gentle. It even shocked me.

Today was my time to train the Droids for some simple techniques. This time would be aiming, and shooting. I honestly love the Droids a lot, they're funny and sometimes have iconic lines. Grievous hated them, but since I cared he destroyed walls instead. He is changing for me a little.

I walked alone to the cockpit this time, in the dress I wore to Dooku his meeting. I felt like a queen in this dress, but I was just a regular girl, dressed like a woman going to a cocktail party. I will ask Grievous out another time, when we aren't trying to take over planets or are in fight with the Republic.

"Okay Y/N, now where is the elevator?" I ask myself as I walked into the hallway further, but at the end not finding the elevator. "Wait, I never go to the sides, what the hell happened?" I ask myself once more, looking around for some Droids to find me but no luck.

I walked back trying to find my room, noticing I couldn't find it either. I was stuck in a maze, and now I don't know where to go, next time, go right. 

I went right and notice some doors at the end of the hallway. It was extremely weird for me to not find the way, after I walked here everyday and still walk the wrong way. By going right I achieved nothing. I saw two doors but no Droids either. I lost Droids, my sanity and the elevators. I might go crazy, because I can't even find the hella elevators.

I tried to look for my holo phone thing and tried to contact Grievous, but the thing is, how does this work. How do the most of these things work? I mostly receive the call, but now giving it is being the worst. I don't know how it works.

"(Sith Name), the General is waiting for you in the Hangar bay, why aren't you there yet?" A Droid asks me from behind. I sighed in happiness and turned around. "I couldn't find the way.." I say in a sad voice. He looked like a curious puppy, by cocking his head to the side. "I will contact him about why you are late, now follow me." He says and walked towards the elevator. I swear I just walked that way.

When we arrived at the elevator and we stepped in. He pushed the button and up we went to the Hangar Bay. Grievous stood there waiting for me. He looked at me with narrowed eyes like he was mad because of what I did. I came late while it was an order. He told me what would happen if I didn't obey his orders.

"You're late, (Sith Name). Explain why you are late." He says in a deep, growl. He came closer to me and I could hear his breathing. "I lost the way.." I say and looked down. "Don't let it happen again, these Droids need training." He said and stood there with a Magna Guards and B1 Droids.

"Okay hello B1 and B2 Droids. I will give you a few signs how to shoot a Jedi, without killing them." I began and grabbed my Lightsaber from my pocket. "If you want to stun them with your gun, it's easier to aim a little in front of where he runs or walks." I said and grabbed a metal board forming like a Jedi, on a little thing with wheels.

"I will pull this towards me, and  you will try to stun him." I said and let the first three come up to me. "You will work on this one together, stun the Jedi. Make it look like you see him in here walking towards the ship, make it look real." I say turning them around. "First I will say 'yes' and than you turn around trying to stun him with your gun, get it?" I say making them nod.

"Roger Roger." They say making me smile. They turned around again, and changed their guns to stun. "I pulled the little car towards me. "Yes." I say pulling it a little faster. They turned around and one of them aimed a little further, where he would put his steps, and hit the Jedi. "Good job." I say looking towards the other Droids.

"That's how it is supposed to work. Eventually, help each other out, running or coming close won't help, they probably will cut you in half." I say pushing the thing back again making the next three come.

I repeated the same action for fifteen times, and just 2 groups didn't achieve victory. Better than all failing. I was a bit stunned that Droids actually were hitting something, not like Storm Troopers on the Death Star.

"Okay for the two groups that failed, stay here, the others can do whatever they were doing." I say letting the other Droids go. The six Droids were a bit frightened that they had to stay.

"I will help you again, but in a different way this time. I can always give you an other job." I began and they stood in a little row in front of me. "I want to know each one of you, what were your jobs here?" I ask and looked at them pointing at the one who had to talk. "I moved boxes towards the shipping station." He said. 

"Okay, if you see a Jedi, and you miss, it can blow up the ship." I say pointing at the next one. "I work here as door Guard up there." He said and looked down, letting both of his arms fall next to him. "We do too." The three Droids next to him say. They were looking down too, clearly sad. "I work as control panel guard. I have to take control the alarm, the incoming transmissions to what is going in the ship." He said making me look up.

"Your job is, to help each other out. We do not want the Jedi to destroy this ship, do we?" I ask looking at them with a stern face. They were looking at each other and shaking no. "Well, for now on I think your job is warning others, you are not alone in this." I said giving them a small nod.

"Roger Roger." One said and I walked to Grievous. "So, Droid training is over, now what do we do?" I ask  looking at him. He looked at me with narrowed eyes. "We go to the training room, depends on how comfortable you are." He says walking towards the elevator me following him right behind. He was pretty fast with those big steps and long legs, but I was able to keep up.

We went into the elevator back down to my level and going to the training room, walk the ship almost completely out and than the first left. When we went in the Droids, as usual, stood outside. He made me back up into the wall, since he came closer to me.

"So I wanted to ask you a few things and something good." He began his eyes narrowing again, and him breathing in really hard. "First of all, you seem to dream about me, explain." He said making me feel bad. "It was a nightmare.. about you getting attacked and killed.." I said sad, looking down almost making a tear leave my eye.

"Second, I think to have found a cure for your Global Virus you talked about." He said moving himself off me, making me breathe a little faster. "But that's amazing, thank you." I said and grabbing his hand. "That mean a lot to me General." I said and moved myself closer, eventually gave a hug. He patted my head, and eventually let his fingers slide in ruffling my hair. Great.. just did my hair.

"But those nightmares, were they visions or just nightmares?" He asks as he pushed me off gentle, looking me in the eyes with the softest glance ever. "Just nightmares, I wasn't even truly in them, plus I was fighting in the Republic, which I would never do." I said giving him a soft smile.

He would be smiling back if he still had a mouth. He was being a softy again. "General, when do you think we would have the Anti-Virus?" I asked looking in his beautiful golden yellow eyes. "I think in a few days, it isn't hard to make. I understand if you wanna do something before we leave." He says in a soft voice. I smiled at his comment.

"Yes, can we go tomorrow, after we had our training?" I ask and looked down. I fiddled my fingers a little scared for his answer. "Of course we can, same as last time?" he asked me coming closer, slowly making me back to the wall. I nod at him and smiled. "Just the forest planet and maybe a sand planet. I heard about tattooine in my dream, it has two suns right?" He nods at the question. Let's go to tattooine first, and than to The Forest moon of Endor." He answers.

His face came to my neck again, while I held his shoulders. His face plate against a soft part in my neck, and a low groan left his mouth, making the face plate vibrate against the soft part of my neck. 

"I will keep you updated, (Sith Name)." he said, making tension between us. I felt myself getting a little excited, and my breath hitched a little. He loved doing this, didn't he?

He moved his face away again and walked out the door. "I will wake you up." He said making me blush again.

Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a date.

A/N -  Hope you liked this <3 my insta @ savvi.x yes it's a private.

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