I Am Glad You're Back

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[This will be the beginning of the birthday special you are coming back on Earth on 30th of May, my birthday is on 31 of may, so will make a birthday special. I will make the birthday special from 31 May. Please don't take it personal, it is for fun <3]


I got woken up by Grievous for the last time. "We arrived in your solar system, we went in cloak like you asked." He said, rubbing my cheek softly. He was being really gentle, things I will never understand. 

"Grievous.. Will I ever see you again, after my landing on my planet?" I ask looking at him with teary eyes. His eyes closed and put his forehead on mine. "I honestly don't know Princess, I wish I could change this." He said and his voice softened. I felt bad. Because of my sadness, I would never be able to see him again.

"Okay, we land on my planet in cloak, I will let my people know." I say hugging him. I held him tight in my arms. His hand on my cheek got a little loose, and he went with his other hand to my waist. "I will wait till you get dressed, we will walk together to the cockpit, I will listen to your orders for now." He said making me smile. I stood up, showing myself for the last time. He checked me out for one last time.

I put on my bra and my black dress he bought for me and my black Sith Cloak. He held me from behind and he checked me out in the mirror, looking at myself too. "You look as beautiful as ever." He said making me smile. "General, I will speak with my leaders on my planet, if possible I will lead your army when you are gone, I will get your freedom." I say giving him a small kiss on his chin. He did the happy things with his eyes.

I grabbed my lightsaber and my phone and put them in the cloak, giving my bag to one of the Droids. Grievous and I walked towards the observation deck, so we could see our landing, and take the commands. I kept close to him to whole time, every little moment needs to be shared before I won't be seeing him again.

We walked together towards the cockpit, and a Droid walked towards us. "Y/N, General, what is the plan?" I smiled and looked at the General. "We land on this base in Cloak, before that I will have to contact my people I'm coming." I said grabbing my phone, texting my mom, my friends and the people at NASA. 

I showed them the name of the landing base and the perfect spot to land, showing them the whole routine, and plan when we land. They agreed to it and took their way to the landing base.

"General, I will take your place here when you're gone, and I will save you." I say making him do the happy things with his eyes. I will fight for him, save him from The Republic and destroy the Jedi!

We were getting closer to Earth and the atmosphere was tighter than I remembered. "General, let's get ready, I want you to wait in the Hangar Bay before you go outside. It's too dangerous." I say, making him nod. The small walk rolled out and I walked out like the bad bitch I was.

My black heels, black dress and black Sith Cloak matching each other a complete set and they matched my H/L, H/C hair. My hood from my Cloak was covering my eyes in such a way I could still see everything. 

I walked with my hand behind my back, not showing my lightsaber to any of them

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I walked with my hand behind my back, not showing my lightsaber to any of them. Guns were aimed on me, following every move. I hardly believed I was here, back on Earth. I looked around me, seeing my mother and my friends at the side, under their aim.

I continued my walk with two Droids and one Magna Guard towards the man who had to take the Anti-Virus. I won't give it to someone until I got the money from them. I will get my revenge for what they have done to this planet.

"Project (F/L/Y/N-S/L/Y/N)-(B/D/-F/N), you are back with the Anti-Virus I hope?" The creep said. I was done with him. Shotguns on my back, aimed at me, the Guards and behind the man. He suddenly start yelling.

"So the slut has returned, but at what cost?" He began, and I felt anger burst out. I choked every guard except for mine, grabbed a shotgun, blowing the creep is head off. Blood flowing out his head, at least, what was left from his head.

I broke the guards necks, and so the ones that held my mom and friends under fire.

Silence followed, a dead, long silence. I was scared that this was happening. I became a murderer, but it was revenge. I cannot let that man harm other human beings.

"Another guard came up to me, and I force choked him, but lightning shot from my fingers. Before I knew, another ship landed, and a male walked out. 


The battle I wish that would never come, came walking towards me. Grievous was waiting inside the ship, and could't save me. I told everyone to back up and lower their guns, even the Droids had to go back to the ship.

"(Sith Name), I was waiting for this. There is just place for two Siths." He said in a low voice. I knew who he was, but shall I say? I don't know, this moment is really scary to me.

"I am strong Sidious, give up before I slaughter you." I say, threatening him. He laughed and ignited his saber. I waved everyone away and ignited my saber. I was ready for the battle. 

Sidious attacked me but I deflected his attack, our sabers crying at each others touch. I saw his eyes digging in mine, looking in my soul. He moved his saber away and tried to attack again, and so again I deflected his saber. I fought in a offensive and defensive mode, like Dooku taught me. I smiled and used the Force to blow him away, but for a reason, he deflected my attack.

Our fight went on for like 5 minutes, and he laughed and used the Force to bring Grievous closer. He used the Force, and ready to slaughter him. Our lightsabers still touching each other he grabbed another saber wanting to slaughter Grievous and me. Something I didn't want to happen but still did, my hand went to grab the light part of the saber. My hand would be cut up.

Everything went to fast, but my hand held the light part of the lightsaber, and my hand wasn't cut off. Instead I held it to save Grievous. So much anger was build inside of me, that I became stronger with the force and used my bare hand to stop an attack. He has probably seen it all now, a girl stronger than the most feared Sith Lord. Grievous landed on his feet, and I attacked Sidious again and threw is sabers away with the Force.

"It's over Sidious, leave now, before I change my mind and kill you." I say, trying to act stronger than him. He was not pleased with it, and used Force lightning. I wasn't able to reflect it and he attacked me. 

I was crying in pain, but became stronger and eventually threw him away. I was feeling a little light headed, but I knew if I showed the white flag, I will lose, and he will kill me.

When I stood up, Grievous helped me, but Sidious and his sabers where gone. Everyone was gone, except for my mom and my friends, Grievous and I.

"Y/N, are you okay?" He asked me, and his eyes turned soft. "I am, I am fine dear." I say, getting up.

"I will not leave your side, and if they want to take me, they have to go through all of us." Grievous said, making me smile.

"I'm glad you're back General." I said smiling giving him a nod, and three Magna Guards came, and four Droids. "I am too, Princess." He said making me smile. I will never forget this moment.

A/N - I am sorry for this short and messy chapter, I didn't know how to write it out, I am super happy for myself I will make a Birthday special, but it will be on 31 of may, because I am not able to write for everyone a new chapter. My insta is @ savvi.x so follow me, yes it's a private. Bye Bye <3

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