Meet Grace

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Grace's POV:

It was 8:00 AM when I was abruptly awoken by a shoe hitting my head and a yell.

"Get up! Breakfast is in 30 minutes." Yelled one of the workers.

I growled and rolled over in bed. Welcome to Hell. I was woken up like this most mornings. That's how things go in this home. I've been here since I was a baby. I was abandoned and had never met my parents. My girly, blonde room mate, Nikki, came bouncing in and pushed me back and forth babbling the whole time. She was always up before me. I didn't hear any of her words, just noise. I pulled my pillow over my head and finally got her to go away. We were complete opposites. I have medium length, dark brown hair, (Only because the Orphanage director won't let me dye it black. She's kind of a bitch but don't tell her I said that.) bright blue eyes, and a nose piercing, oh yeah and I'm 17 years old. I get made fun of for being "emo"and "crazy" but I don't really care anymore. 

I heard my name called again from downstairs and dragged myself out of bed. I got dressed in a Fit for Rivals tank top and, lots of bracelets, and black skinny jeans. I did my hair and makeup and went downstairs. 

"Oh look. There's the freak." said another blonde as I walked in. 

I just ignored her and sat at my table (Yes, they're assigned) and waited for an agonizing half hour until breakfast was over. I never eat breakfast. Or lunch for that matter. I only eat dinner because I have to. I'm anorexic if you hadn't guessed. Once we were dismissed, we were sent to our rooms to get ready for another adoption day. 

"I think today is the day. I have a good feeling. We're gonna get adopted today, I know it!" Nikki was babbling on and on. 

"What makes you think that?" I asked "It's just like any other days."

"I just have a feeling." She looked at me, shrugged, and continued what she was doing.

"Okay Nikki" I mumbled under my breath. 

"5 Minutes!" I heard from downstairs. Nikki ran out the door. She always gets so excited about these and I have no idea why.  I walked into the bathroom to check my makeup. I decided to step on the scale. 84 pounds. Shit. That's a pound heavier that yesterday.  I took out my blade from my pocket and cut my arm twice for slacking. No one will adopt me like this. Fat, cut up, and "emo". I sighed and went downstairs. 

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