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Andy's POV:

I woke up with Grace still in my arms after asking to sleep with me last night. She was so pretty when she slept. I was going to try to get up without waking her when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Andy, Grace is gone. Have you-" Jinxx opened the door. 

He stopped mid-sentence and came into the room. I softly moved a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet. Grace moved a bit when he had knocked, but was then still. Jinxx looked at me with a confused look. 

"She had a nightmare last night and came in here." I said quietly.

Jinxx nodded in understanding. "I told her we'd take her to get new clothes today. She has a theatre dress rehearsal later. I went to get her up, but she wasn't in her room so I kinda freaked out." 

He walked quietly out of the room and left me to wake her up. I didn't want to. I wanted to let her sleep longer. I had to wake her up though. 'No. A few more minutes.' I thought to myself. If I was honest, I didn't want to get up either. 

"Grace." I said quietly. "We should get ready to go shopping." 

I rubbed her back. She started to wake up. She took a deep breath and moved her head away from my chest. I let her go and brushed the hair out of her face. She opened her blue eyes and looked at me. I smiled back at her.

"Time to get up." I said. "Lot's going on today."

She nodded and closed her eyes again. I laughed and sat up. I pulled her onto my lap and she groaned at me. 

"I don't want to get up Andy." She said. 

I could tell she was tired. after all, she did wake up for who knows how long last night. 

"I know." I said. "Me neither."  

She sat up and I got out of bed, pulling her up with me. She shuffled into her room to get dressed. I did the same and headed downstairs to make her breakfast. We were going to try to have her sit with two or three people today, since she was doing better with just one of us. 

Grace's POV:

I walked into my room to pick an outfit. We were going shopping for new clothes today. I was dreading the 8+ hour theatre practice though. I picked out a plain black T-shirt and red skinny jeans with a denim jacket and a grey beanie. I pulled on my black converse and put my hair in a ponytail. I didn't feel like fixing it today. I went to the mirror and began putting on minimal makeup. My mind started wandering. 

'You're going to have to look in a lot of mirrors today. You'll have to look at yourself.' I tried to stop thinking about it. 

It was true though. I did have to look at myself in mirrors when we were shopping. I went back to my room and took out my box. I made a few cuts on my shoulder, in case I had to try on short sleeves. 

"Grace!" Andy called from downstairs. "Breakfast!" 

I put the blade back and put the box under my bed. I walked downstairs. Andy, Jake, and Jinxx were downstairs but Cc and Ashley weren't. 

"Where are the other two?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Getting ready." Jake said. "They take forever."

Andy handed me a plate with one pancake and some fruit on it. 

"Who do you want to eat with today?" He asked.

At that moment Jake's phone went off and he raised a finger up at me as he answered it. I pointed two fingers at Andy and Jinxx and motioned for them to follow me. I lead them to the living room and we sat on the couch. 

"Sleep ok?" Andy asked, winking at me. 

I nodded. They both laughed a bit and started eating.

"You excited to go shopping?" Jinxx asked.

"Yeah. Just not excited for practice later." I said.

"Why not?" Asked Andy, mouth full of pancake. 

"It's 8 hours long. And that's if they don't ask me to stay longer." I answered.

"Holy shit." Andy said. "Seriously?" 

I nodded, taking another bite if pancake. 

"Her performance is tomorrow night so you guys have to look somewhat normal." Jinxx said.

Andy looked at Jinxx, slightly offended. "Who wants to be normal?" He asked.

Just then Ashley walked down the stairs. "Morning." He said, coming over and giving me a hug. 

"Good morning." I responded. 

He walked into the kitchen and got breakfast. 

"Hey, go get your stuff for practice." Jinxx said when we had finished eating.

I ran upstairs and got what I needed. Once we were all finally ready, we headed to the mall. I never really enjoyed shopping, but the guys were insisting. 

We walked in and Ashley pointed to Victoria's Secret.

"Wanna go there?" He asked.

Jake punched him in the arm and I rolled my eyes. 

"No Ashley. But we can go if you need more underwear." I said smartly. 

A couple of the guys laughed and we went into Hot Topic. We all got a few things and headed to another store. I got some more clothes and we decided to go to the food court to get some lunch. 

"We can take this to the car if you want." Andy said as we payed. 

"No, it's ok." I said and he nodded.

Andy and I got Subway, Cc got McDonald's, Jinxx and Ashley got Panda Express, and Jake got pizza. We all met up and found a table.

As we were eating our lunch, a few people came up and asked for pictures, which the guys gladly agreed to. When we were finished, we climbed back into the car and drove to practice.

The guys all gave me a hug and Andy handed me the rest of my sandwich to take for dinner. (I had only eaten half.) I told them I'd call them when we were done and walked inside. 

I was surprised they trusted me enough to just let me take my sandwich and not stay with me to make sure I ate it. I signed in to practice and so the long 8 hours began.

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