A New Beginning

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Grace's POV:

I woke up later that night to Andy shaking me lightly. 

"Hey Gracie." He sat down on the bed. "I know you're not feeling too great, but you should probably try to eat something." 

"I don't want to." I complained.

Even the thought of food made me nauseous. 

"Please try. Just a little bread." Andy pleaded. "It would probably be good to get out of that bed for a little while too."

"Fine." I agreed.

I knew he wouldn't let it go. I was still in my pajamas from the night before. Andy reached under me and picked me up to carry me downstairs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my heavy head on his shoulder. 

"Hey look who's up!" Cc said as Andy put me on the couch. 

Jake put a blanket on me as Andy went to get some kind of food for me. Ashley sat down next to me and hugged me. The second he wrapped his arms around me, tears started forming in my eyes. 

"What's the matter sweetie?" Jinxx asked, noticing my crying.

Ashley looked down. He hadn't noticed. 

"I just hate feeling like this. I feel awful." I said.

Ashley pulled me closer. Then, Andy walked in with a piece of bread. 

"Can you try to eat a little?" Andy said, handing me the bread.

I nodded and took a small bite. Surprisingly the bread made my stomach hurt a little less and I was able to take a few bites. 

"You need more medicine." Cc said, coming over with another pill and water. 

I took the pill and was pretty thirsty so I took a few sips of water. 

"Easy there missy." Cc said, taking the glass from me. "Feeling any better?" He asked.

"Yeah, a little." I said. 

Cc put his hand on my forehead. "You don't feel quite as warm as earlier so that's good." 

I sat downstairs with the guys for a while, Cc and Jake started playing video games. I yawned a while later.

"Want to go to bed?" Ashley asked. "Despite sleeping all day, you still look tired." 

I shook my head but yawned again. A few minutes later, Ashley picked me up and carried me up to his room without asking. He put me in his bed and turned around to take his shirt off. He turned the light off and climbed in bed next to me. 

"Ashley, I can sleep in my bed. I don't want to get you sick too." I said.

"No. I won't get sick. Plus, I don't want you to sleep in your bed. I want you to sleep in my bed. With me." He said as he pulled me up against him. 

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Very sure. Goodnight beautiful." He said and kissed my head.


*Next morning*

I woke up, once again, in Ashley's arms. I felt a lot better than I did yesterday. 

"Good morning angel." Ashley said as I yawned.

"Good morning Outlaw." I said back.

He laughed. "Feeling any better?" 

"Yeah. Much." I said happily.


His arms tightened around me like he was scared he would have hurt me before now. I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his sent. Oh how I loved this man.

"Shall we go eat breakfast?" He asked.

"Five more minutes." I said, the words muffled.

"Ok love." He said, laughing a little.

 We eventually got up and walked downstairs. I sat down at the table with Jake and Andy while Ashley got us breakfast. 

"How are you feeling?" Jake asked.

"Better than yesterday." I said, taking some strawberries from Ashley. 

"That's good." Andy said.

"Hey!" Cc said as he came in. "You're alive!"

I rolled my eyes at him and he handed me another pill. 

"I know you're feeling better but take another one anyway." He said. 

"Ok. Thanks Cc." I said as he sat across from me. 

"Sure." He said. 

He reached across the table and felt my forehead. 

"Fever feels gone." He said happily.

"Thank god." I said happily.

Jinxx walked in. He was fully dressed. He said good morning and sat down next to Cc. 

"You look better. Yesterday you looked like shit." He said.

"Gee thanks Jinxx." I said sarcastically.

"Hey Grace, we have something to ask you." Andy said. 

"Ok..." I looked at him questioningly. 

"We were wondering-" Andy continued.

"If you'd like to come on tour with us!" Cc cut him off.

Andy glared at Cc. The guys wanted me to come on tour with them? That's sick! Pun not intended...

"Really?" I asked in disbelief. 

"Really." Ashley answered.

"Hell yeah!" I yelled. 

"The only thing is that if you came, we would be one bunk short." Jake said.

"I don't think you'd mind sleeping with Ash though!" Cc chimed in. 

Ashley kicked him under the table. He immediately stopped laughing. 

"No...I wouldn't mind." I said, smiling at Ashley.

He blushed.

"Great! We leave next week. The tour is only a month long, just up the west coast." Andy said. "You'll love it." 

I can't believe I'm going on tour with the guys. I was so excited. I am happier now than I ever have been in my entire life, and all because of BVB...


Thank you all so much for reading! I'm gonna finish the book here but if you have any ideas for other books, feel free to message me! I hope you liked it. This is my first book ever so I'm pretty proud of it. Anyway...Peace out friends! ✌

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