A New Solution

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Cc's POV:

'I hope Grace likes her room' I thought as we walked to the kitchen. 'And us.'

I grabbed all the ingredients to make the Pasta. As I cooked, I let my thoughts run wild. 

'She's perfect. I can't believe all those things could happen to one innocent little girl. Oh well I guess. Not really anything I can do about it now...except make sure nothing ever happens to her again.' I thought. Then I remembered when we were leaving the orphanage. 'She was so light. She didn't weight nearly as much as she should. I should tell the guys about it.'

All of a sudden I was snapped out of my thoughts when I burned my hand on the pot.

"Ouch!" I yelled.

"You ok Cc? What happened?" Jake asked.

"I'm fine." I said. "I just burned myself."

"Is something wrong Cc?" Andy asked, looking at my troubled face.

I looked back at him. "I'm worried about Grace." I said. 

"Why? What's up?" Andy asked. 

"When we were bringing her home," I began. "I mean, when I picked her up, she-" 

All of a sudden I was cut off as Grace came in. Everyone looked at her and then back to me. 

"Is everything alright?" She asked. 

"Yeah we're fine." Ashley said. "Cc just burned himself." 

She looked at me and asked if I was alright before sitting at the table with the guys. Something was off about her. 

"Are you ok Grace?" I asked. 

"Yeah, why?" She said.

"You just look a little...off." I answered. 

"Yeah, I just don't feel too great." she said. "Could I have a little less food please?"

"Sure." I said. I didn't know if I believed her or not.

I finished the food and put it on plates as Jinxx set the table. We all started eating and talked about whether or not Grace liked Batman. 

When we finished, Jake and I did the dishes while Andy put on, of course, Batman and Grace went to get a sweatshirt. I didn't think that was a bad idea so I went to my room to get one too. 

As I walked past the bathroom,  I heard Grace...throwing up? I knocked, opened the door and ran over to her. I grabbed her hair and held it back for her and rubbed her back. 

"Are you ok?" I asked when she had stopped.

"Yeah." She said. "I just don't feel well, remember?" 

She looked at me and I pulled her up off the floor and we walked to the living room. 

"Everything alright?" Ashley asked. 

I looked at Grace. "Yeah. Fine." She said. "What are we watching?" She asked

"BATMAN!" Andy yelled as he ran in with his mask on. Grace laughed a bit and we watched the move.

*Rewind to the beginning of dinner*

Grace's POV: 

I finished unpacking and walked in to the kitchen. As I walked in, I heard the conversation between the guys stop. They all turned and looked at me, and then to Cc.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah we're fine." Ashley said. "Cc just burned himself." 

I looked at Cc and asked if he was alright. He nodded and Andy called me over to sit down at the table. 

"Are you alright Grace?" Cc asked. 

"Yeah, why?" I asked. 'Please don't let him know. Please don't let him know.' I thought to myself as Cc continued.

"You just look a little...off." He said back to me. 

'What do I say. What do I say.' I thought to myself. 'Think of something.'

"Yeah, I just don't feel too great." I said. 'Please let him believe it.' "Could I have a little less food please?" I continued.

"Yeah." He nodded. I don't think he believed me. 

Cc finished the food and put it on plates as Jinxx set the table. We all started eating and Andy asked me if I liked Batman.

"Of course." I said. "How could I not.

"What about Hello Kitty?" Ashley asked.

"Eh. it's alright." I said.

"No. It's amazing." Ashley corrected me.

When we finished, Jake and Cc did the dishes while Andy put on, of course, Batman. I said I was going to get a sweatshirt. And walked to my room. 

'What do I do?' I asked myself. 'All those calories in that food. I can't believe I ate it. How could I not though. They'd find out."

"I know." I said. "I'll purge." 

I didn't usually do that, but I was desperate at the moment. I went into the bathroom and stuck my fingers down my throat. 

As I started, I heard footsteps walking down the hallway and a knock. Cc knelt next to me and grabbed my hair. He held it up and rubbed my back. He kept saying that it would be alright. 

'Shit.' I thought as it stopped. 'Cc has to know now.' 

He grabbed my shoulders. "Are you ok?" He asked. He looked concerned. 

'Now what??' I thought. Then I remembered what I said at dinner. 

"Yeah, I just don't feel good, remember?" I said.

Cc reached down and pulled me up off the floor. As we walked into the living room, we saw the guys all sitting on the couch except Andy waiting to watch the movie. They all looked at us. 

"Everything alright?" Ashley asked.

Cc looked at me. 

"Yeah. Fine." I said. "What are we watching?" I asked

"BATMAN!" Andy yelled as he ran in with his mask on. I laughed a bit and we watched the move.

Cc didn't say anything to me about earlier the rest of the night.

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