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Grace's POV:

"Gracie! Wanna go swimming!?" Cc yelled as we walked in the house. 

"Sure C. Lemme go change!" I called back.

"You're coming too, right?"I asked Ashley.

"Course." He answered as he put his bag down on the counter.

"Yay!" I said, and ran upstairs.

I changed into my swimsuit and walked out of my room. As I walked down the hallway, I ran into someone. He grabbed me by the arms and pulled me into him to keep me from falling. I looked up to see Ashley. He was in just his swim trunks. 

"Sorry Gracie." He said as he let go of me. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's ok Ash. Thanks for catching me." I said.

He nodded and we walked downstairs and into the backyard. As we walked out, I noticed Jinxx give Ash a look. I didn't know what it meant, but something was definitely going on between them. 

" 'Bout time!" Cc yelled from the pool.

Ashley shot him a glare and took my hand, leading me over. I felt arms around my waist and was pulled backwards into Ashley's chest. He fell back and we both went underwater. 

The guys and I just hung out for a while, messing around with each other. I noticed Ashley was quieter that usual. He had been ever since our walk earlier. 

"I'm gonna get a beer. Anyone else want one?" He asked, getting out.

"I'll take one." Jinxx said.

"Me too." The rest of the guys answered.

Ashley got five beers and handed them out.

"I'm going to sit for a bit." He said.

Ashley walked over to the edge of our yard where we had a steep hill overlooking the rest of the city. He sat down on the sidewalk and looked out at the horizon.

"Is Ash ok?" I asked, looking at the guys.

"He's probably fine." Jake said, taking a sip of beer. 

I looked back at Ashley and tried to get him off my mind. Jake was right. He probably was fine. No need to worry, right? 

"Want a sip?" Cc asked me, offering me his beer.

Andy glared at him.

"No thanks. I don't like beer." I said. 

"How do you know?" Cc asked.

"I've tried it. I don't like it. I like hard liquor." I answered.

"WOOOO!" Cc said. "That's my girl!" 

I laughed. Andy glared at him again and then looked at me.

"I don't even want to know." He said, taking a drink from his bottle.

"I'll tell you anyway." I said. "So, I went to this party and they were dong a drinking game to see who could take the most shots. There was one guy that said he could drink anyone under the table, so I challenged him, being the stupid person I am. Anyway, we both had taken 14 shots of whiskey before he fell over backwards and I was declared the winner. That night wasn't very fun after that though. Neither was the next morning." 

I finished the story. Cc high-fived me and the rest of the guys laughed and shook their heads. I looked at Ashley again and saw him finish his beer. I got out of the pool, grabbed another beer, and walked over to Ash.

"Here." I said, handing him the new bottle as I sat down.

"Thanks hun." He said and took it from me.

"What's going on?" I asked him. "You're quieter that usual and just seem like something's off."

"I'm alright." He said. "Just thinking."

"About what?"

"Stuff." He said and leaned over and touched his nose to mine.

I laughed at him and looked out over the city.

"It's so pretty." I said.

"It is." He agreed. "Just like you."

I blushed. "Huh?" I asked him.

"You are beautiful. And sweet, and adorable, and amazing." He said. "...And I love you."

My mind went blank. What did he just say? Did I hear him right? 

"What?" I asked.

"I love you. So, so much." He said, looking over at me. 

I didn't know what to say. I had never been told that before. I started playing with the hem of my bathing suit. My mind was freaking out. Ashley. THE Ashley Purdy...loved me? This couldn't be real...right?


Ashley pulled my hands away from my top and moved my face to look at him. 

"I want you to be mine. So...Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I looked into his soft brown eyes. I wanted this so much. I loved him too. Alot. 

"I...I..." I couldn't find words. 

My mind couldn't piece anything together. I nodded slightly. 

"...I..." I tried again.

I was silenced when I felt soft lips press against mine. Ashley's hand was still on my chin. It took me a moment to realize what was happening, but soon kissed back, my lips melting into his.

I heard cheers from behind us and jumped back. I forgot the guys were here. I looked away and blushed like crazy. Ashley laughed.

"You're cute when you blush." He smiled at me. 

I hit him in the arm playfully and he stood up, offering me help standing up. I took his hand and we walked back over to the pool. As we got back in, Cc whistled at us.

"That was cute!" He said, earning him a splash in the face by me. 

I walked over to Ashley and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He kissed me on the cheek. 

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. 

I looked at him and smiled. I could tell Andy wasn't thrilled about this, but he couldn't help but smile anyway. 

A while later, we got out of the pool and went inside. We just ate leftovers because we were all tired and didn't want to cook. I was so happy. Ashley was mine now. All mine. And I was his. I loved him so much. 

We put on a movie and all sat on the couch together to watch it. It was Batman (Of course).  Somehow, I didn't fall asleep, even though I had seen it a million times. Halfway through the movie, Ashley reached down and wrapped his fingers around mine and held my hand the rest of the movie. 

When it was over, we turned it off and went upstairs to get ready for bed. Ashley and I went up behind the rest of the guys and before I went in my room, he hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight love." He said.


I went to bed, thinking about everything that had happened today. I was so happy. 

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