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Jinxx's POV:

We got to the theater where Grace was performing and found our seats. We had gotten Grace some roses and a small box of chocolates to give her after the performance. I had gotten the guys to dress nice, mostly just black jeans and button-up shirts. Now I just hoped they would behave themselves. Just then, the stage curtain rose and the show began. 

*Time skip to after performance*

Everybody started clapping as the cast took their bows. All five of us stood up as Grace bowed and Cc and Ashley both started screaming. There goes my hope of behaving. To be fair, they were good through the whole show. 

We stood up and started walking out of the theater with the crowd of people. The director said the characters would be in the lobby to give autographs and take pictures, so we would probably be here for a while. 

Grace did so well. From the moment she came out on stage, she seemed so comfortable. She didn't mess up at all. She could be an amazing actress one day.

We finally got out the back doors and I spotted Grace's hat. I grabbed a couple of the guys and started weaving through the crowd. We stood by the wall until the people waiting for pictures left.

"Can we get a picture?" I asked as we walked up to her.

"Of course!" She said, not breaking character. 

We gathered around her as the girl who played Alice took the picture. Ashley had been hiding the flowers behind his back. Andy had done the same with the chocolates. 

After we all gave her hugs, Ash very dramatically presented the flowers to Grace. Andy gave the chocolates to her a bit more normally. 

"These are for me?" She asked. 

"Yep." Jake  said. "You did amazing." 

"Thank you." She said and took the gifts. 

She looked a little awkward. "You ok?" I asked.

She nodded. "I just never get things after shows." 

"Well, we need to change that I guess." Andy said.

She smiled. "I need to go change and then we can go home." She said.

"Ok." I nodded and we went outside to wait for her. 

A few minutes later she came out. She was in normal clothes and all her makeup was taken off. We all go in the car and started driving. We pulled into the mall parking lot and found a parking spot.

"I'm slightly confused." Grace said, looking around. 

"We thought we should celebrate so we're gonna go get ice cream." Andy said. 

"Oh. Ok." She said and yawned.

"Unless you're too tired." Ashley said. 

Grace shook her head and got out of the car. We all got our desserts and sat at the table in the ice cream parlor. It was late, so we were the only ones in there. We finished eating and when we got home, we all immediately went to bed. 

*Time skip two weeks later*

Grace's POV:

It had been about two weeks since the performance. My appetite was surprisingly almost back to normal and I was having fun living with the guys. I was still cutting...quite a bit. I knew it was only a matter of time before the guys found out. I was trying to stop. I really was. It's just so hard. 

I walked downstairs after getting dressed. I saw Cc sitting on the couch. I went into the kitchen to get breakfast and came back out and sat with Cc. 

"Where are the guys?" I asked.

"Well, Jake, Jinxx, and Ashley are at the recording studio working on chords for a new song. Andy is meeting with some people to see about doing a cover shoot with them." He said.

"Why didn't you go with one of them?" I asked.

"I didn't want to. Plus, I didn't want you at home by yourself." He said.

"I would've been fine." I said, laughing at him a bit.

"I know. It was just gonna be boring if I went with the guys. Plus, they think I'm childish." As he said this, he turned his nose up in the air and closed his eyes. 

I laughed at him.

"So...what should we do?" He asked. 


I thought for a second. Then I had an idea. I grabbed Cc's hand and led him into the bathroom. I looked in the cabinets and finally found what I was looking for. 

"'re gonna have to help me out a little he-" He was cut off as I handed him the spare box of black hair dye.

"Wanna dye my hair?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at him.

Cc nodded eagerly and opened the box. 

Eventually we were finished and decided to go play video games. A couple hours later, we heard Andy's car pull up in the driveway. I looked at Cc and he looked a mixture of excited, nervous, and outright scared. I patted his arm and stood up to open the door for Andy. 

He walked up and just as he was about to reach for the door knob, I opened it for him. 

"Hi!" He said, smiling at me.

His smile dropped as he noticed my hair. 

"Like it?" I asked as I struck a model pose. 

His smile soon came back. "Hell yeah!" He said, walking inside.

He put his stuff on the couch and ruffled my hair as he hugged me. He picked me up and pulled me onto the couch with him. 

"Did Cc do it?" He asked, looking at Cc.

"Yep." I said. 

"It looks nice." Andy said, standing up and getting a glass of water. 

When he was gone, Cc looked at me and held his chest as he took a breath. 

The rest of the guys finally came home and were also surprised by my hair. 

"Wow!" Jake said. He gave me a fist bump. 

"Alright!" Jinxx gave me a hug. 

"I like it." Ashley hugged me as he sat down on the couch next to me. 

He ran his fingers through my new hair and twirled some around his finger. 

"Ashley, as much as I like you playing with my hair, you're gonna make me lose." I said, not looking away from the game I was beating Cc at.

Ashley looked at me and all of a sudden tackled me to the floor. 

"ASHLEY!" I yelled.

"WOO HOO!" I heard Cc yell. "Finally I won one!" 

I pushed Ashley off me. 

"Sorry." He said. He shrugged, chuckling to himself.

I punched him in the arm. 

"Ouch!" He yelled.

"Sorry." I said and shrugged.

"I deserved that." He said and I nodded. 

We ordered food and hung out until bedtime. 


This chapter is inspired by me finally being allowed to dye my hair!!! Yay!! Also, you guys can comment. I don't bite...hard. Jk, but seriously, I want to know you guys's thoughts.

Anyway...Peace out friends ✌

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