Save me

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Ashley's POV:

"Cc." I said as I walked downstairs.

"What's up?" He said, mouth half full of pancakes.

"Grace is sick." I said.

He looked up from his breakfast. The rest of the guys looked at me too. 

"You want me to come see her?" He asked.

I nodded and he got up and followed me upstairs. 

"What's goin' on?" Cc asked as he walked into the room.

"I feel dead." Grace mumbled. 

"Aww. I'm sorry." Cc said, sitting down on the bed next to Grace. "Can I feel your forehead sweetie?" He asked.

Grace nodded and Cc brushed the hair off her face and placed his hand on her forehead. He left it there for a second and stood up.

"You feel pretty warm. Let me go get some..." 

I didn't hear the end of his sentence as he walked out the door. Grace looked at me confused. A few minutes later, Cc came back with a bowl full of stuff and sat down on the bed again. He took a thermometer out of the bowl and put it in her mouth. A few seconds later it beeped and Cc looked at it.

"102.3" Cc said. "You definitely have a fever."

Grace whined and closed her eyes. Cc took a bottle of pills out of the bowl and helped Grace sit up. 

"Let me help you." He said. "Lean on me." 

Cc handed Grace a pill and a bottle of water. After she had swallowed it, Cc helped her lay back down. He took a wet towel out of the bowl and put it on her forehead. 

"That should help with the fever." He said. "I'll leave the bowl here in case you get sick again, okay?" 

"Mhmm." Grace said. 

"Do you want to watch something?" I asked.

"No." She said quietly.

"You sure? It might help take your mind off things." Cc said.

"No." She said again. "My head hurts."

"The medicine'll kick in soon honey." Cc said. "Does anything else hurt?" 

"My stomach." She said quietly. 

"Can I feel your stomach?" Cc asked.

She shook her head slightly. "It hurts too much." 

"Gracie I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong." Cc said. "Please? I'll be gentle and if it hurts too much, I'll stop." 

She nodded hesitantly and Cc pulled the blanket down. He felt her stomach in a few places. Grace squeezed her eyes shut. Cc pressed down in the last spot and Grace yelled in pain. 

"I'm sorry honey. I know. Almost done." Cc said and pulled the blanket back up. "Is your chest tight?"

Grace nodded. Cc went to his room and came back with a stethoscope. I was honestly surprised he knew how to use it...

"I'm going to listen to your breathing to see if you're congested." He said and put the flat end on her side. "Breathe for me Gracie." 

She did and Cc moved the stethoscope a few times. Her breathing caught and she had a coughing fit. Cc and I pulled her up and it stopped. Sitting up made her dizzy and she put her hands on her face. Andy walked in the room.

"You ok honey?" He asked. 

Grace shook her head and we helped her lay down again. I put another pillow under her head and sat down next to her. Andy walked over and gave her a hug.

"Rest and get better soon sweetie." Andy said.

Jake and Jinxx came in too and we all sat with Grace for a while. Grace moved over and layed her head on my lap. I played with her hair and her eyes started to close. She was burning up even with a towel on her head. 

Jake nudged my leg and pointed at Grace. I looked down and saw she was peacefully asleep. I moved her back onto the pillows and kissed her burning forehead. We all quietly left the room and went downstairs to eat lunch. 

"It's probably just a virus." Cc said. "She seemed fine yesterday. She'll sleep it off and feel better soon." 

"What if it's not?" I asked.

"Ash, I know you're worried. We all are. But she'll be ok." Cc said, sitting down next to me. 

I nodded and finished my lunch, trying not to think about it too much. We watched the first Harry Potter movie and soon heard a call from upstairs. 


Grace had woken up. Cc got up and walked upstairs after Andy had told me to stay. 

Grace's POV:

I woke up in Ashley's room. I didn't really remember much of anything, but was painfully reminded that I was sick by the throbbing of my head. I knew Ashley had brought Cc up earlier so I decided to call him.

"Cc!" I yelled downstairs. 

I had a coughing fit after I yelled and tried to sit up, but couldn't. It hurt too much to move. I was aching all over and still felt nauseous. The door opened and Cc came in and sat on the bed. He helped me sit up and gave me another dose of medicine. 

"How are you feeling?" Cc asked me, feeling my forehead.

"Awful." I said.

My voice was really scratchy and my throat hurt when I talked. Cc gave me a sad smile. He put the thermometer in my mouth again and looked at it after it beeped a few seconds later. 

"102.1. It went down a little bit." He said as he wet the towel again. "Does your stomach still hurt?"

"Everything hurts." I said, closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry. You should be feeling better soon. I don't think it's serious. Get some more rest." He said, patting my arm and smiling at me.

He stood up to go back downstairs and I grabbed his hand, not wanting to be by myself. He turned around and sat back down on the bed. 

"Stay." I said, making puppy dog eyes at him.

"Okay." He smiled at me. 

I soon fell asleep to Cc playing with my hair. 

Ashley's POV:

I was getting worried. Cc had been upstairs with Grace for a long time. I stood up to check on them when Cc came downstairs. 

"She's out again." He said. "I gave her some more medicine and her fever went down a tiny bit."

"How's she doing?" Jinxx asked Cc.

"About the same. She says everything hurts." 

'Poor baby.' I thought to myself. I wanted to go sit with her, but she needs sleep.

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