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Grace's POV:

"Jake. I don't know if I can do this. I mean, after last night?" Andy said.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes. My chest was getting even tighter and I was trying my hardest to breathe, but I barely could. I couldn't take it any more. I was going to break. I stood up and ran upstairs. I heard them still talking so they obviously didn't notice me. I ran into my room and shut the door.

I sat on the floor and let the tears out. I pulled my knees up to my chest and entwined my fingers in my hair, rocking back and forth. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe and I couldn't hear the door open.

"Grace." I heard a voice say.

It sounded far away and muffled. I held my head tighter.

"Grace!" It sounded closer now. 

I felt large hands pull mine away from my head. Two strong arms wrapped around me and pull me to someone's body. 

"You're ok Gracie. Shh shh shh. Everything's alright." The voice was soothing. 

I opened my eyes and saw a blurry star necklace. I realized now that it was Ashley holding me. He started rocking me back and forth.

"I've got you. Breathe." Ashley said.

I couldn't breathe. That was the problem. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.

"I know it's hard and you don't think you can, but I need you to try to take a slow, deep breath for me." Ashley said softly. "You can do it."

I tried to take a deep breath and coughed it out, trying to somehow grab more air. 

"'t...breathe..." I said in between pants.

"I know. I know." Ashley cooed.

He took one of my hands and pressed it on his chest. 

"Try to breathe like me honey. Listen to my heartbeat." He said, still rocking me back and forth. 

I felt him breathing and tried to take another deep breath. That one also ended in me coughing it back out. I couldn't get enough air. I was dizzy and lightheaded now.

"Good girl." He said after I tried taking another breath. 

I felt him put his hand on my side. The pressure was soothing to my heaving body. I took another breath, this time exhaling a bit slower.

"There you go. That's it. Keep going." Ashley said. 

I kept taking longer breaths until my breathing was nearly back to normal. Ashley took his hand off my side and stroked my hair. He was still rocking me. 

"You're ok. I'm here." He whispered to me.

I felt him lean his head down so it rested on mine. We were still sitting on the floor. I heard the bedroom door open and felt Ashley lift his head up. He shook it and the door closed. He layed it back where it rested before. 

Ashley pulled me onto his lap and kissed my forehead. My face was buried in his chest and his arms were wrapped around me. My breathing was back to normal and I had almost stopped crying. I looked at Ashley's tattoos and began running my fingers over the lines on his arm. He noticed and laughed a little.

"Better?" He asked quietly.

I nodded, not stopping what I was doing. It was very calming. A few minutes later, Ashley let his arms down and lifted my face up to look at him. 

"I will always be here if you need me." He said.

"Thank you Ashley." I said, letting one last tear fall. 

He wiped it away and kissed my forehead once again. 

"Of course." He smiled at me. "Should we go back down?" 

"Not yet." I said, leaning back on Ashley's chest. 

"Ok." He said. 

I could tell he was smiling. A few minutes later, I felt my eyes getting heavy and I fell asleep in Ashley's arms. 

Ashley's POV:

A few minutes later, I looked down at Grace. She was asleep. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay like this, but I knew the guys wanted to talk to me after Cc came up here. As much as I wanted to hold Grace forever, I carefully picked her up and carried her over to her bed. I pulled a blanket over her and kissed her forehead.

I walked downstairs. I felt so bad for Grace. She was having a rough time and Andy freaking out didn't help. I knew she heard their conversation. That was what caused her panic attack. 

"What happened?" Jinxx asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"She had a panic attack." I said, sitting down. 

I looked at Andy. He was staring at the floor. 

"Is she alright?" Jake asked.

I nodded. "She fell asleep." 

"I'm sorry." Andy said. 

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to. That would be Grace." I said. 

I was so mad at Andy right now. Had he not yelled, that probably wouldn't have happened. Grace was already having enough issues, she didn't need to worry about us taking her back. 

"What caused the attack?" Cc asked.

"She heard the conversation. She ran upstairs when it got louder." I explained. 

"It could be trauma. Yelling could be a trigger." Jinxx said. 

"Poor thing." Jake said. 

We ordered dinner and didn't really do much after. The rest of the guys went to sleep, but I knew Grace was going to wake up so I stayed up. 

*Time skip to later that night*

I heard quiet footsteps coming down the stairs and looked up to see a tired looking Grace. 

"Hey Gracie." I said.

I put my phone down and motioned for her to come sit down next to me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as I pulled her into a hug.

"Ok." She said. "Is Andy mad?" 

"No. Not at all. He was just upset because he wants you to get better." I said.

I hoped that was true. If he really did want to bring her back, I wouldn't let him. Grace was part of our family now and nothing was going to change that. Also, I'm pretty sure there are three other guys that agree with me so...

"You're not bringing me back, right?" She asked.

"I would never let anyone bring you back. Ever." I said.

She just nodded.

"Come on. You need to eat. We have some leftovers in the fridge." I pulled her up and led her to the kitchen. 

I didn't give her much after what happened this morning and she ate it. The whole time, her eyes kept drooping. I rubbed her back to try to keep her awake. I felt bad for her. She cried her heart out today and now, even after she slept for a few hours, she was exhausted. 

"Done?" I asked.

She nodded and I took her plate to the sink. We walked upstairs to her room and I tucked her in.

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