A Turn in Events

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Grace's POV:

I woke up to Andy sitting on my bed and shaking my shoulder lightly.

"Gracie, it's time to wake up." He said.

I rolled over with a groan. "What time is it?" I asked.

"Almost 10:30." He said. "Breakfast is downstairs."

'I didn't want breakfast...' I thought. "I don't ever eat breakfast." I told him.

"Oh...You sure?" He asked.

"Mmhm" I responded. 

"Well...ok then." He said and walked out of my room. I was surprised he just left so easily. I got up and put on a plain black muscle tee and some sweatpants with a grey jacket and went to the bathroom to do my hair.

Andy's POV:

When Grace turned over, the blanket slipped off he shoulders and her arms were bare. On her arms...were cuts. Old and new. 'Why would she do this to herself.' I thought. 'Her beautiful arms are now scarred forever.'

I didn't say anything. I'd ask her later.

"What time is it?" She asked.

I told her it was almost 10:30 and that breakfast was downstairs.

"I don't ever eat breakfast." She said.

I asked if she was sure and she just nodded. I can't force her if she doesn't want it. 

I got up and went downstairs. When I sat down on the couch with the other guys.

Cc's POV:

'I need to tell them. But what if I'm wrong. No. I should tell them anyway.' I thought to myself when Andy came back. 'Well, here it goes.'

"Hey guys..." I started.

"Yeah?" Said Jake, not looking up from his computer.

"I need to tell you something..." No one moved. "It's about Grace."

That did it. Everyone looked up at me.

"What's up?" Ashley asked.

"Well, when I picked her up yesterday...at the orphanage...she felt way too light. Like a kid. Not a teenager." I said.

"...Okay..." Andy said, looking at me confused.

"I think something's up..." I said. This wasn't going well. 

"Like what?" Jake asked.

"Like...an eating disorder." I said cautiously. 

"You sure?" Andy asked.

Just then Grace walked downstairs.  

"Hey kiddo." Jinxx said.

"Morning." Ashley said.

"Hi and morning." She said.

I looked down at my phone and didn't say anything.

"Hi Cc." She said.

I looked up at her. "Good morning." I said.

Grace's POV:

Something seemed up with Cc. Now that I think about it, there seems to be tension between all the guys...

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

I was met with a chorus of 'yes'.

"Hey what do you wanna do today Gracie?" Ashley asked.

"Uhh..." Then I remembered. "Shit."

"What's up?" Andy asked.

"I forgot. I have a theatre rehearsal today." I said.

"What time? And do you need someone to drive you?" Jinxx asked.

"It's from 12:30 to 6:30 and nope." I said. "It's not very far away. I can just walk.

"Wait, It's 6 hours long?!" Ashley asked in disbelief.

"Ooh what musical are you doing?" Andy asked curiously. 

"Yes, Ashley. And we're doing 'Alice in Wonderland' Andy." I said, answering both their questions. 

"Well, if you're gonna walk, you may want to get going." Said Jake, looking at the clock.

"You'll miss lunch...and dinner." Andy said. 

I met his eyes and held his gaze for a few long seconds. He knew. Cc must have told him. I broke his gaze and walked into the kitchen. 

I made a sandwich (which I had no intention of eating.) and walked back upstairs to grab my bag.

"Look." I said, holding up the sandwich. "Here's lunch. They're buying us dinner." I said, making sure Andy and Cc both saw the sandwich. 

"You sure you don't want a ride?" Ashley asked.

"No, it's only a mile and a half away (It was actually three). I'll just walk." I said. They were all acting kinda weird. I took a bite of sandwich and walked out the door. "Bye guys! See ya later!" I yelled as I left.

They all said bye and I started on my way. I spit out the bite I had taken and tossed the rest in the gutter. I didn't need it. They weren't buying us dinner either. 

*Skip to end of rehearsal*

I started my walk home. I was exhausted. Theatre was one of the only things I really enjoyed so I put a lot of effort into it. 

I finally reached the front door. I had to stop for a second before I went in because I was seeing spots and was slightly dizzy. Once the dizzy spell passed, I went inside. 

Ashley's POV:

I heard the door open. Finally she was home. I hated every moment of her being gone. I wanted to be with her to protect her. 

"She's home guys!" I yelled to everyone, who, might I add, also came running. See, I'm not the only one.

"Hi guys!" She called. 

"Hey!" Andy called peeking around the corner.

"How was practice?" I asked her, getting up and giving her a hug, ruffling her hair. She did seem a bit skinny...

"Good." She said. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower and go to bed though."

"Ok then." I said. "Goodnight I guess." 

"Goodnight." She said to me and yelled again to the other guys. They all yelled goodnight from various places in the house.

I went and sat back down on the couch with my guitar and started playing some different combos for our next album. 

All of a sudden, I heard a loud thud from upstairs.

A/N Oh no! What happened?? I don't usually do author's notes, but let me know if you guys like it so far. I would love feedback as this is my first book I've written. Also if you have ideas, you could message me. I may not put them in, but I would love to hear them. Anyway...Peace out friends ✌

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