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Andy's POV:

We walked back out to the car from the hospital and drove home. Grace didn't say much the entire time we were out. I thought about asking her about the cutting. I haven't been able to get it off my mind. I decided not to and asked her about earlier instead.

"How'd it go with Cc this morning?" I asked. 

She kept looking out the window. "Fine." She answered me.

"Just fine?" I asked. I wanted to make conversation, but Grace was shy and timid, so it was difficult.

"Yeah." She sat facing forward now. "I mean...It was hard."

"Why was that?" I asked her.

She was quiet for a minute. "I guess because I haven't eaten in so long. It's...weird to actually eat now."

"I'm proud of you for eating." I said, looking over at her.

"It was only a few grapes." She said. "Not really anything to get excited over."

"It is." I said. "You took the first step to getting better. That was the hardest part." 

She turned back to the window and I reached over and held her hand. She jumped a bit at my touch, but then relaxed. 

A few minutes later, we got back home to an unusually quiet house.

"Where are the guys?" Grace asked as we walked inside.

"I'm not sure..." I said.

I looked out the window and saw them outside in the pool.

"Found 'em." I said. "They're in the pool."

Her eyes got bigger and lit up. Shit. I forgot to tell her we had a pool. 

"Do you have a swimsuit?" I asked her.

She nodded. I saw her face fall a bit. She was thinking about something...

"What's up?" I asked walking her over to the couch and sitting down with her. 

"I don't want to wear a swimsuit..." She said. 

I knew there were two possible reasons why she didn't. 1) She felt too 'ugly' to wear one. Or 2) Because she doesn't know I've seen the scars. 

"Why not?" I asked her. 

"I don't know..." She said, looking at the floor. "I just..."

"You're beautiful." I said, interrupting her sentence. "Let's go swimming."

She looked up at me and nodded. Then she got up and went up to her room. I went to mine to change as well. 

Grace's POV:

I went up to my room to change. I had a few swimsuits because I used to live in a home by the beach. Every free minute I had, I was in the water, mostly surfing. I love the water. 

I pulled out my three swimsuits and tried to decide which one to wear. I had a navy blue bikini with rhinestones. Not into sparkles at the moment. A plain light grey one with one shoulder strap. Showed WAY too much skin for my liking. I settled on my high-waisted one that was white with green leaves on the bottom and a ruffled, dark green colored, off shouldered top. 

I looked in the mirror. Fuck. Why do I have to be so self conscious? I forgot about my scars too...nothing I can really do about it now. Anyways, I hadn't cut since the morning of the adoption day. That was about a week ago.

 Hopefully they didn't notice...If they did, they were healed enough to say they were old and I don't cut anymore. Hopefully they believe me. 

I wrapped a thin scarf around myself and went downstairs. Andy was on the couch, already changed into his swim trunks. 

"Wow. You look nice." He looked at me as I came in. "Come here." He said, patting the couch next to him. 

I smiled, walked over, and sat down. Andy slipped the hair tie off my wrist and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. This was one ever really did my hair. I liked it though.

When he was done he handed me a towel and walked into the kitchen. "Here." He said tossing me half a banana. "Take it with you and eat it outside. Then we'll swim."

I caught it and just looked at it. Andy started walking outside and I didn't move. He stopped, turned around, and looked at me. "You ok?" He asked.

I looked up at him and nodded. "Can I eat it in here?"

"Sure. I'm staying too though then." He pulled me back over to the couch. 

I sat down and started to peel the banana. 'It wasn't very much. I could do it. It's fine.' I told myself. I felt Andy's arm wrap around me and was snapped out of my thoughts. I took a bite of the fruit. It was good. 

I was able to finish the whole thing without crying this time. I was proud of myself. Andy looked at me once I had finished.

"Good job." He said, smiling at me and taking the peel to throw away. 

"I'm not a baby Andy." I said.

"I know. I'm just happy that you're trying to get better." He said. 

Inside, I could hear thoughts telling me to stop. To not eat anymore. That I was going to get fat. Tears started forming in my eyes and I tried to hold them back. Andy's back was turned. I took this opportunity to wipe the tears from my eyes. 

"Ready?" Andy asked, turning back around, he saw my eyes were shiny with tears. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just thoughts." I answered. He couldn't do anything about them. 

I suddenly felt the urge to cut. 'No.' I told myself. Andy walked over to me by now and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, holding onto his bare chest. 

"Let's go swim." He said, and led me outside.


Sorry this chapter is a little later than I usually publish. I wasn't motivated for a little bit. I hope you guys are enjoying so far. I have an idea of putting Grace in a relationship with one of the band members, but I'm not sure if I'll do it yet. Let me know what y'all think. 

Peace out friends ✌

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