I need you

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Ashley's POV:

Grace fell asleep on my shoulder during the ride home. I couldn't blame her. I was close to doing the same. I shook her gently when we pulled into the driveway.

"Wake up Gracie, we're home." I said.

She sighed and sat up. We went inside, all of us exhausted. I helped Cc put the boards away while everyone else went inside. 

Grace's POV:

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I was so tired. 

When I got out, I had a really strong urge to cut. I thought about going and talking to Jake, but he would just tell the rest of the guys. I didn't want that.

"It's fine, they won't notice. Just a few." I said to myself in the mirror.

I took my razor and broke one of the blades off. I held it to my arm and pulled smoothly. I repeated it a few more times and then cleaned my arm up. I threw the blade away and went to my room. Ashley went into the bathroom right after me. 

Ashley's POV:

I went into the bathroom right after Grace to take a shower and get ready for bed. I closed the door and something shiny caught my eye in the trash can. It was a blade, slightly covered with a tissue, still wet with blood. I pulled it out and put it on the counter. Grace was cutting again. 

When I was done with my shower, I went into her room to say goodnight. She was laying on her bed, reading.

"Goodnight." I said, walking in.


"Hug." I said as I walked over to her bed.

She stood up and held her arms out to meet me. Before she could hug me I grabbed her wrist and pulled up her sleeve. She tried to get out of my grip, but I didn't let go and she started crying. There were about ten red lines on her skin. I looked up from her arm and she was staring out the window.

"Look at me." I said.

She did nothing. 

"Grace. Look at me." I said again, softer this time.

She slowly turned and her eyes met mine. She was crying silently. I hated seeing her like this. 

"Why?" I asked softly. 

She shrugged. "I needed to." 

"You never 'need' to." I said. 

I was still holding her arm. She tried to pull away from me again, but I still wouldn't let go. I pulled her closer to me into a hug and sat us down on the bed. She started crying harder and buried her face in my chest. I rubbed her back and rocked her back and forth. 

"It's alright. I'm right here." I whispered to her.

She sobbed into me for about half an hour before she started to calm down. I pulled her shoulders up and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you. I will help you stop. You need to stop." I said.

"I hadn't cut since Andy freaked out. I just had to tonight." She said.

I could tell she was trying not to cry. 

"Tell me when you want to cut." I said.

She nodded and I wrapped my arms around her again. I kissed the top of her head.

"We're not going to tell the guys about this." I said. "But if it keeps happening, I will. It needs to stop." 

I felt her nod against my chest. 

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked quietly.

"Of course, sweetheart." I said. 

Why would I say no to that? 

"My room or yours?" I asked, looking down at her.

"Yours." She answered.

I nodded as I brushed the hair out of her face. We stood up and I led her down the hall to my room. She climbed in bed and I took my shirt off and followed. She cuddled up against my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. She was still sniffling a bit. A few minutes later, her breathing slowed and I could tell she was asleep. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes, sleeping soon after. 

*Next morning*

I woke up before Grace, arms still around her. I looked down and watched her sleep. She looked so peaceful. I slept better last night than I have in a while. I looked at Grace's arm and remembered last night. I couldn't let this keep happening. 

A few minutes later, Grace moved a bit. She was starting to wake up. I leaned my head back down so it was resting on hers. Her hair smelled so good. Her eyes flitted open and she yawned. 

"Morning love." I said, loosening my grip on her.

"Morning." She mumbled and yawned again.

I smelled breakfast cooking downstairs. 

"I think the guys made pancakes." I told Grace.

"Mhmm." She mumbled, still half asleep.

I started rubbing Grace's back and eventually she was awake enough to sit up. As soon as she did, she squeezed her eyes shut and her hand shot up to her head. 

"What's the matter hun?" I asked worriedly.

She put her hand down and her face looked pale. She stood up and nearly fell. I helped her up and she walked quickly to the bathroom. I followed and saw her kneel down by the toilet and throw up. I bent down and grabbed her hair, rubbing her back. Eventually she stopped and was able to sit up. I gathered her in my arms and brought her back to my room, laying her on the bed. I put my hand on her forehead and felt for a fever.

"You're burning up honey." I said, sitting on the bed next to her. 

She whimpered and clutched her stomach.

"Ok hang on a second. I'm going to get Cc." I said. 

Cc used to be an EMT until Andy found him. That means we always go to him if anyone gets hurt. 

"Cc." I said as I walked downstairs.

"What's up?" He said, mouth half full of pancakes.

"Grace is sick." I said.

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