Beach day

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Grace's POV:

It's been a few weeks now since Ashley asked me to be his girlfriend. It was going well. I wasn't used to stuff like this and he was very understanding, which was amazing, so we took things slow. The guys were fine with it. Well, except maybe Andy, but he was getting better. I figured out that Jinxx was in on Ashley's little secret, which was what the look was for. We had gone out to eat a couple times. Just us two. I liked the idea of having Ashley to myself. 

"Good morning." Ashley said, coming into my room. "The guys want to go to the beach today so they told me to get you up."

I rolled over and pulled the blanket up to my nose. It was only 8 in the morning. It could wait. We didn't live that far away anyway. Ashley walked over and sat on my bed.

"C'mon babe." He said, shaking me. "Don't make me tickle you." 

I was very ticklish. I hated it with a passion.

"Don't you dare." I muttered into my pillow. 

"Then get up. I'll do it." He said.

I felt his fingers reach under the blanket and start to lightly touch my sides. I jumped away and turned so I was facing him. 

"Stop." I glared at him. 

"No." He said.

Suddenly he grabbed the blanket off me and started tickling me. We both started laughing. I tried to push his hands off me but he just kept coming back. This continued to the point where I could barely breathe anymore. 

"Ashley! Stop!" I yelled in between laughs. "Can't.....Breathe...." 

He stopped when I said that and I caught my breath. 

"Sorry babe." He said, giving me a hug. 

"It's ok. I would just prefer to breathe." I said.

Ashley pulled me off the bed and pushed me into the closet.

"Hurry up and change." He said. "I'll help if you want..." 

He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I shoved him out of the closet. 

"We're not there yet Purdy boy." I yelled as I shut the door. 

I heard him laugh and walk out the bedroom door. I put on the swimsuit Ashley got me for my birthday along with the cowboy hat. I went into Ashley's room. He wasn't in there so I grabbed one of his t-shirts and put on as a cover up, then walked downstairs.

"Nice shirt." Ashley said as I walked into the kitchen. 

"Thanks." I said as I did a twirl.

"Do we want to make sandwiches or just stop and get lunch on the way?" Andy said, looking in the fridge.

Jake, Ashley, Cc and I all said to stop on the way, and Jinxx and Andy wanted to make sandwiches. 

"We'll just stop." Jinxx said. "I don't think we have any bread anyway." 

Everyone agreed and we grabbed towels and headed out. We stopped at Subway and all got sandwiches to take with us for lunch. We set everything up and Jinxx and Jake made sure everyone put on sunscreen. 

"Gracie you know how to surf?" Cc asked me.

"Hell yeah!" I said. 

I hadn't been surfing for a while, but I'm pretty sure I can still do it. I took my- Ashley's T-shirt off and asked Jinxx to put sunscreen on my back. Ashley was turned around when I took the shirt off. 

"Grace did you- Woah!" He said as he turned to face me.

A goofy smile spread across his face and he lifted his sunglasses up. Andy walked behind him and smacked him with a towel. Ash jumped.

"Don't stare Ash. It's usually considered rude." He said.

Ashley rolled his eyes and turned back to me. He winked.

"It looks good on you." He said.

"The hat or the suit?" I asked.


Ashley picked up a surf board and started walking down to the water. 

"Which one you want?" Cc asked.

"The small one." I said and picked up the board. 

I took my hat off and followed Cc. We got out to where Ashley was and waited for waves. It was very peaceful to just float in the water. Eventually a wave came and Cc and I both went for it. Cc didn't catch it, but I was able to ride it most of the way back to shore. I jumped off before it was too shallow to do so and when I came up, I was met with applause. I took a few over-dramatic bows and headed back out to the guys.

Andy's POV:

I watched as Grace caught a wave and rode it most of the way back to shore. 

"I don't know if I really like Grace and Ash dating." I thought out loud.

"Why not?" Jake asked.

"I don't know. I guess because I don't want Ashley to hurt her." 

"I already told him he'd be hurting for a while if he did." Jinxx said, opening a can of soda. 

"So did I." I said. "I'm just surprised he asked me if it was ok first."

"Wait...he actually asked you first?" Jake asked in disbelief.

I nodded.

"That should tell you that he cares. He told me it was different this time." Jinxx said.

"I hope so." I said. 

Grace jumped off her board and we all clapped as she bowed and walked back out. 

"Let's go for a walk guys." Jake said and stood up. 

We did the same and started walking along the beach.

Grace's POV:

"Go Ashley!" I yelled as a wave began to swell towards us. 

Ashley turned his board and managed to catch the wave, but fell off halfway to shore. Cc and I laughed and Cc started a conversation.

"So you really like Ash?" He asked.

"Of course I do." 

"You guys are cute. He's really happy." He said. 

Just then I felt something hit my leg and I screamed and kicked, pulling my legs out of the water and onto my board. 

"What happened?!" Asked Cc.

He was genuinely scared after I freaked out. 

"Something hit my leg!" I yelled. 

A sputtering Ashley came up out of the water, holding his nose. 

"You kicked me!" He said, grabbing onto my board.

I pulled him up so he was sitting, facing me. 

"You scared me!" I hit him.

He laughed and apologized. He turned around and helped me paddle to catch the next wave. Neither of us stood up because we would've lost our balance, so we rode in on our knees. Cc stood up and got pretty far though. 

We all dried off and got our lunch out just as the rest of the guys got back. 

"How was your walk?" I asked.

Andy gave me a thumbs up because his mouth was full. We spent the rest of the day on the beach and watched the sun set, then headed home.

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