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Grace's POV:

"Gracie!" I was woken up by Ashley yelling upstairs for me. "Grace! Come down here!"

I growled and rolled out of bed. "What Ashley!?" There was no response. I started walking downstairs, not bothering to get dressed.

As I walked into the kitchen, where I assumed the voice came from, I saw Andy, Jake, Jinxx, and Cc sitting around the kitchen table...but no Ashley. I stopped at the doorway, squinting at the guys.

"Where's Ashley?" I asked. I know they knew what he was up to.

"He went to the garage to get something." Jinxx said, standing up. "He wants to show you something, but you have to eat and get dressed first."

Jinxx walked to the fridge. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asked.

"Uhh..." I didn't really want breakfast. I could feel Andy staring at me. "Strawberries?"

Jinxx took three strawberries out of the fridge and took me upstairs.

"So it's your turn now?" I asked as we got to my room.

"I mean...you could think about it that way if you want..." He said, sitting on my bed. "I volunteered."

I looked at him skeptically as I sat down next to him. I took a strawberry. "So...what is Ashley doing?" I asked in my sweetest voice. I leaned over to him and bit into the fruit. "Tell me."

Jinxx shook his head no.

"JIIINXX." I whined at him, falling dramatically into his lap.

"I'm not going to tell you." He said, grinning down at me.

"At least tell me what to wear then." I said, taking the strawberries from him.

He stood up and walked over to my closet. He looked through all my clothes in a matter of minutes.

"We need to get you more clothes." He said, still looking at my closet.

"I don't mind what I have." I said.

"No. We'll go tomorrow." He persisted.

"I have another theatre practice tomorrow." I said

"Okay. When?" He asked, still looking at clothes. I think he was secretly enjoying himself.

"Well, tomorrow's the dress rehearsal, OH! By the way, the show is on Saturday night! You guys have to come. I'll get tickets tomorrow." I started rambling about the show.

"Grace." Jinxx said walking over to the bed and looking at me. "Hold up for a second. I need the answers to these questions. What time is practice? What time is the show on Saturday? And is this good?"

He held up a P!ATD tank top, black ripped skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket. I nodded, finishing the first strawberry.

"Answer number one, practice starts at 12:30 and ends at 9. Answer number two, the show starts at 6 pm, but I have to be there at 3. And...Oh I already answered number three." I said, making Jinxx giggle at me.

"We'll go shopping before your practice then. We can just drop you at practice after lunch. I'll tell the guys they're going to a show Saturday night, and to dress somewhat normal." He said, processing all the information. "Hey go get dressed real quick."

I took my clothes into the bathroom and, when I was in the hallway, called for Cc to come up. I changed in the bathroom and came back to my room.

"You look good." Said Jinxx, looking up at me. "Hey...Grace?"

"Hmm?" I said, putting my pajamas away.

"You know that you can come to me to talk, right? About anything. If you need to." He said. I tuned around.

"I know." I answered. I walked over and sat next to him on the bed. "Thanks Jinxx." I said, wrapping my arms around Jinxx, giving him a hug.

He hugged me back. "Now eat your strawberries." He said.

"What's up?" Cc asked, walking into my room.

"It's about time Cc." I said. "Wanna do my hair?"

I already knew his answer to this question. Ever since they brought me home, Cc wanted to do my hair.

"YES!" Cc yelled. He ran over to the the straightener I had plugged in in the corner and sat on the floor. He patted the ground in front of him.

"I'm gonna go downstairs." Jinxx said. "Eat the rest of that fruit." He pointed at me.

"Bye." Cc and I said in unison. 

He started on my hair while I finished my breakfast.

"So...Cc..." I started.

"Yeah Grace?" He asked.

"You gonna tell me what Ash wants to show me?" I asked. Maybe I'd have an easier time getting Cc to spill his plans. 

"Nope." Cc said. He didn't even need to think about his answer. 

"PLLEEEEASE?" I whined at him. 

"NO." He barked back playfully. 

"Fine." I crossed my arms. 

"You'll find out. Calm down." He said.

We talked about random stuff for about 20 minutes until Cc was almost done. We heard a shout from downstairs.

"Are you ready yet?" It was Ashley again. 

"Almost!" I yelled back down to him. 

Cc finished my hair and we walked downstairs. Again, everyone else was sitting at the kitchen table...except Ashley. 

"Where's Ash-" As I walked into the kitchen, I was suddenly interrupted by someone grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up over their shoulder. Ashley had been hiding behind the door frame until I walked past it. He was walking with me out to the garage as I struggled to get out of his grasp. 

"ASHLEY PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled hitting him in the back.

"Nope." He said, still walking.

"Have fun!" Cc yelled as Ashley reached the door.

"AND DON'T GET HURT!" Andy yelled right after. 

We got into the garage and Ashley sat me down on something. Before I realized what it was, Ashley put a helmet on me. He already had one on and sat down in front of me. I was on his motorcycle. Ashley started the engine. 

"Hold onto me." He said. 

We started moving and I grabbed his waist tight. "Ashley!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He yelled back.

I didn't say anything. I felt him laugh. I held onto him tightly and we pulled up to a signal. 

"Grace...can't...breathe..." Ashley said, turning around to look at me. 

"Sorry." I said, letting go of him and blushing. 

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall. Just hold onto me...not so tight though." He said, laughing again.

"I've just never been on a motorcycle." I said. 

"Do you like it so far?" He asked.

"I would have liked it more if I wasn't forced onto it and had no idea what was happening!" I hit him in the back again. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked.

Before he could answer, the light changed green and we started moving again. I grabbed onto Ashley again, not quite so tight this time. 

A/N Gonna end it here...Sorry. Anyway, hope ya like it. I have a list of things I want to happen in this story so I'm slowly working through it. Peace out friends ✌

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