Please stop

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WOW I'm putting a note in the beginning? What? Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that this chapter was inspired by another book I read called:

"I'm fine" (Adopted by Black Veil Brides)
By North62737

So go read their story, it's very good. Anyway, enjoy!

Andy's POV:

I had to confront Grace about the cutting. I had noticed some new cuts a couple days ago and couldn't let it happen any longer. Now that she was doing well with her eating disorder recovery, we needed to stop the cutting. I thought about how I was going to do this when Grace came downstairs.

"Good morning." She said and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

We all said good morning and ate our breakfast. I'm pretty sure Grace doesn't think I know about the cutting, but when she moves a bit too far and her sleeve comes up, I see new cuts.

We finished eating and I walked upstairs into my bedroom. I sat down on the bed.

"Hey Grace! Come up here for a minute!" I called downstairs.

I heard footsteps coming upstairs and Grace opened the door. I motioned for her to sit down on the bed and she walked over and sat down next to me. 

"Am I in trouble?" She asked.

"Not at all." I said. "I just wanted to talk to you." 

She looked up at me and I could see in her eyes that she knew what it was. I saw tears starting to form.

"Are you going to take me back?" She asked.

"Why would we ever take you back?" I asked her.

"Be-because why wo-would you ever want-t a -a kid that cuts?" She started crying.

My heart hurt. I hated seeing her cry. I am legally this girl's father and I just want to protect her. I want all of this to go away. I want her to be happy. 

"We would never ever ever take you back." I said. "You are a part of our family now and we will never change that. It doesn't matter what you do, we will never get rid of you. I just want to help you. You have to stop hurting yourself like this. You don't deserve this."

While I said this, I reached for her hands and held them in mine. She tried to pull away at first but I didn't let go and she relaxed soon after. 

"Promise you won't get rid of me?" She asked.

"Promise." I said and held up a finger. "Pinky-promise even." 

She took hold of my finger and smiled sadly at me. 

"Can I see?" I asked.

I didn't wait for an answer, but grabbed her sleeve and started rolling it up. Grace looked away as I unwrapped the bandage she had tied around her arm. I saw 20 or 30 new cuts and countless scars. I did the same with her other arm. 

"Oh honey." I said.

I pulled Grace into a hug and she hugged me back. She sobbed on my shoulder as I rocked her back and forth. We stayed like this for a few minutes until her crying slowed. 

"Do me a favor?" I asked. 

She nodded. I walked into her room and came back with shorts and a tank top. 

"Can you put these on for me? I need to see how deep they all are." I said.

Grace took them out of my hands and went into the bathroom to change. I walked downstairs and told the guys everything and brought them back upstairs with me. 

A minute later, Grace came back in the clothes. Her arms were behind her back. She had cuts on her upper thighs too and probably on her stomach. I motioned for her to come sit down and Jinxx sat down with her. 

"Let me see." He said, holding his hands out.

Grace put her arm in his hands and Jinxx looked them over.

"They don't look deep enough to need stitches, but they really need to be cleaned." He said.

Jinxx got up to get a disinfectant and Cc came over and hugged Grace. 

"Do you cut anywhere else besides your arms and legs?" I asked her.

She nodded and lifted her shirt up a bit. She had cuts on her stomach. These looked deeper than the others. Just then, Jinxx walked back in with some towels, a disinfectant, and new bandages. He layed everything out and looked at Grace's stomach. 

"Give me your arm sweetie." Jinxx said.

Grace put her arm in his lap and Jinxx started cleaning all the cuts. Grace winced a few times in pain. 

"Hey let's talk about something." Jake said, sitting in front of Grace.

"Like what?" She asked quietly.

"Well, if you want, we can talk about the cuts. If not, then we can talk about something else." He said.

Grace was quiet for a moment. "Okay." She said. "What do you want to know about them?" 

"When did you start?" Jake asked. 

I was glad Jake was talking to Grace. I don't think I could. I was too sad right now.

"When I was 13." She said. 

Another knife went into my heart. How could she do this to herself? She was so beautiful. 

"What made you start?" He asked.

"I don't know. Lot's of things. People bullied me at school, people bullied me at the home. Then I got fostered and my parents beat me." She said.

A few tears rolled down her cheeks. I tried my hardest not to do the same. Yet another knife stabbed my heart. I hated the people who did this to her.  Grace winced again as Jinxx started cleaning her other arm.

"How many homes have you been to?" Ashley asked.

"11 including you guys." She said. "I was brought back every time."

"What happened? -If you don't mind me asking." Ashley asked again.

Grace shook her head and began to explain.

"I don't remember much of the first home, but I was neglected, the second and third homes didn't know how difficult it was and couldn't do it. The fourth home took me back when the father was in an accident and died. The fifth, sixth, and seventh homes abused me. The eighth home moved out of state and couldn't take me. And the ninth and tenth homes also abused me." She said. 

By this time, Jinxx had finished both arms and wrapped them. 

"Lay down." He said. 

She did and he did her stomach. The cuts on her legs were old and already healed. We continued in silence and when Jinxx was done, Grace went to change. 

"Hey." I called after her. "Can I have your blades?" 

She looked at me for a minute. Eventually she nodded and went into her room to get her small box. 

"Promise me you'll stop. You have to stop." I said, taking the box from her.

"I'll try." She said and I gave her a hug.

The rest of the day was spent watching movies and trying to get Grace to be happy.

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