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*Time skip to after practice*

Grace's POV:

Practice was finally over. I was completely exhausted. I remembered I had to call the guys to pick me up. I decided to call Jinxx. 

"Hey Grace" He said as he answered his phone.

"Hi Jinxxy. I'm done." I told him as I grabbed my stuff.

"Ok I'm leaving now. Be there in a few minutes." He said and we hung up. 

about ten minutes later, his car pulled into the parking lot. I got in the car and threw my bag in the back seat. 

"How was practice?" Jinxx asked as he pulled out onto the street.

"It was ok." I said.

"You sound really tired." Jinxx said, giggling at me.

"I am." I yawned. "Hey Jinxx."

"Yes Gracie?" He asked.

"Remember how you said I could talk to you about anything?" I said.

Jinxx nodded a yes to me. I prepared myself for the awkward conversation. 

"I need to go to the store please." I said.

"Right now?" Jinxx asked.

"Right now." I said. 

Jinxx looked at me, confused. "What do you need?" He asked.

Oh great. Here it goes.

"I got a visit from someone during practice." I said. 

I tried to give a hint so I didn't have to actually say that I was on my period. 

"Oh? Who was it and what does it have to do with going to the store?" He asked. 

I rolled my eyes. Guys don't get it.

"Jinxx." I said. "When a girl says she needs to go to the store, and doesn't tell you what she needs, what do you think she needs?" I asked.

I saw Jinxx's face suddenly change. I think he was blushing a bit, but it was dark so I couldn't see well. He looked over at me.

"Oh..." He said. "I got it now. Sure, we'll stop." 

"Thank you." I said.

We didn't really say much the rest of the drive. When we got to the store, I told Jinxx he could wait in the car if he wanted and, of course, he did. It only took me a few minutes until I had got what I needed and came back outside. 

"Got everything?" Jinxx asked. He sounded a bit embarrassed. 

I nodded. "Yep. Thanks again Jinxx."

"No problem." He said and we started driving home. 

"Did you eat the rest of your food?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. "I did." 

"You poor thing. You're so tired." Jinxx said, looking over at me. 

"I'm not that tired." I said. 

The moment those words left my mouth, I yawned. 

"Mm hm." Jinxx said. "Not tired."

We pulled into the driveway and Jinxx took my bag out of the back seat and handed it to me. We walked inside and were greeted by the guys all saying hi. Ashley and Cc were playing video games, Andy was watching them battle and eating popcorn, and Jake was on his phone.

"Hi guys." I said. I dropped my bag by the stairs and sat down on the couch next to Andy.

"How was practice?" Jake said. "You sound beat."

"I am. Eight hours of singing and dancing will do that to you." I said. 

"You did eat, right?" Andy asked. 

He looked down at me. I felt his blue eyes pierce my soul. I nodded.

"Yes Andy. I did eat." I said.

"Good." He said. 

"I'm going to take a shower and change." I said, standing up and heading upstairs.

When I was done, I came back downstairs. Ashley and Cc had finished their game and Jake and Jinxx were now working out chords on their guitars. I walked over to the couch and sat down in between Ashley and Cc. 

"Hey kiddo." Cc said. He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a hug. 

"Hi." I yawned. 

"You should probably get some sleep." Andy said. "Big day tomorrow. A performance tomorrow night and two on Sunday."

I nodded. "In a bit." I said. "I want to hang with you guys for a little while." 

"Are you nervous for tomorrow night?" Ashley asked me.

"Not really." I answered. "The only reason I think I'd be nervous if because you guys would be there." 

The guys laughed.

"Don't be nervous." Andy said. "You'll do great." 

Andy noticed I was starting to fall asleep and told me to go to bed. I said goodnight to everyone and went upstairs to bed. 

*Time skip to next morning*

Ashley's POV:

"We should let her sleep. She's got to be tired after last night. And shes got two performances tonight. She can skip breakfast." I said.

"We just have to make sure she eats lunch and dinner then." Cc said.

"She'll be gone for dinner. She has to be there at 3." Andy said. 

"We'll just send something with her and tell her to call us while she eats." Jinxx said. 

We were all trying to figure everything out for tonight. Grace had to be at practice at 3. We were coming to the show at 6. We had to make sure she ate dinner. We also had to make sure to dress, as Jinxx told us, 'Somewhat normal'. 

"We should bring her flowers." I said.

A couple of the guys nodded in agreement.  A few hours later, Grace woke up. She had about an hour and a half to get ready. Andy was in the kitchen making Grace a sandwich to take with her. 

"Face time us when you eat it." He said as he handed it to her. 

"Ok Andy." She said and put it in her bag. 

I was driving her to practice. (Not on my motorcycle.) After I had dropped her off, I stopped at the store to buy some flowers and then came home to get ready. 

Grace's POV:

It was finally dinner time. I called Andy as I sat down at the table backstage. 

"Hey Andy." I said as he answered.

"Hiya." He said and walked out to the kitchen.

We ate together over the call and when we finished, it was time for hair and makeup. I was the mad hatter so I had quite a bit of work to do. Once we had finished everything, I went to the bathroom to put my costume on because all the changing rooms were full. 

I was really nervous. The guys were going to come and see my show. People almost never come to see me in a show. 

My hands were shaking as I tried to button up my costume. I remembered that I had put a blade in my theatre bag a while back and dug it out. I cut a few times because it always helped my nerves calm down. I cleaned the cuts and his the blade back in my bag.

I finished getting dressed and ran backstage just in time to hear the five minute curtain call. 

A/N Hey sorry this chapter is a little long. I wanted to keep going but I thought I should stop for now. Also, were at almost 100 reads! Thank you to everyone who read and voted on this book, I am eternally grateful. Anyway...Peace out friends ✌

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