Wake up

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Ashley's POV:

All of a sudden, I heard a loud thud from upstairs.

I put my guitar down and walked upstairs. Grace and Jinxx were the only ones up here. I walked to Jinxx's room and he asked me what happened.

"I thought it was you." I said. He shook his head.

I walked back out to the hallway to the closed bathroom door. 

"Grace." I said and knocked. "Grace!"

There was no answer. I opened the door. She hadn't even locked it. I opened it to see a fully-clothed, unconscious Grace laying on the bathroom floor. I ran and sat down next to her. I picked her up and held her in my arms. She was pale and barely breathing. I clutched her to my chest.

Jinxx came out of his room to see what happened. "ANDY!" He called downstairs and knelt down next to us. 

Andy came running. "What happened?" He asked and didn't even wait for an answer.

"Grace. Grace, wake up." I was starting to panic. 

"Call an ambulance." Jinxx said to Andy. 

Jake and Cc had now come upstairs. 

"They're coming." Andy hung up the phone. "We'll go wait." He said and grabbed Cc and Jake.

"Grace." Jinxx said grabbing her shoulder. 

"Come on Gracie." I said. "Please wake up."

Jinxx got a towel with cold water as I rocked her back and forth. I was crying now, which I don't do often. 

A few agonizing minutes later, we heard sirens and a yell from Cc right after. I picked up Grace and carried her downstairs to meet the ambulance. Jinxx grabbed his keys and we all got in his van. It was probably a good idea for him to drive. We were all shaken up. He drove as fast as he safely could and we finally got to the hospital. 

The receptionist sent us to room 31 on the second floor and we got there in time to see medication being administered to Grace and a feeding tube being put in. 

The nurses left and the doctor asked us to come with him to his office. 

Andy's POV:

We followed him down the hallway and all sat down in his office. I looked at all the guys to see how they were doing. Ashley and Cc looked the worst but to be fair, we were all shaken up.

"What relation are you to Grace?" The doctor asked.

"I'm her legal guardian." I answered. "What happened?" I'm pretty sure I know what it was anyway.

"Anorexia." He said. "Based on the state she's in, she's had it for a while. My guess is probably about two years."

"We only adopted her a couple days ago." I said. 

"Now what do we do?" Jinxx asked.

"Well, what we've done so far is induced a coma and put a feeding tube in." I'm sure we looked confused, so he continued. "We gave her medication to keep her asleep because she has such a low weight that she needs more time to heal. When she's asleep, all her vitals will slow and we can give her food and vitamins through the tube. We'll wake her up in a couple days."

"How do we help her when she wakes up?" Jake asked.

"She needs to start eating again. I recommend sending her to a rehab facility." He said.

I looked at the guys again. "Can we talk about it a bit?" I asked

"Of course." He stood up and opened the door for us as we walked out.

We went back to Grace's room and sat in the chairs that had been brought in. She was connected to several machines and it was difficult to process all that had happened. 

Cc's POV:

"I don't think we should send her to a rehab facility." Ashley said. 

"Why is that?" Andy asked him. 

"She just came from an orphanage and only has us. We can't just send her away again." He did have a point...

"I agree." I said. "We could help her."

"Can we? Are we enough? We don't even know what to do." Jake said.

"I had a friend in high-school that had anorexia. Her parents didn't care so I helped her recover. I'd be willing to do it again." I said.

"Ok then." Andy said. "We'll talk to the doctor and see if we could do it."

The second we said that, as if on cue, he came in.

"We decided that, if it was possible, we would like to do it ourselves." Andy said.

"It's possible but it's a lot of hard and emotionally straining work. It's a mental condition that takes a lot to get rid of and even then, it never really goes away." He said.

"I've done it before." I said. "Also, we think it'd be better for her."

"Ok." He said. "I'll explain everything to you."

We nodded and started the long conversation. 

"Start small. A couple grapes for breakfast, a few spoonfuls of soup for lunch, and about a quarter of what you guys are having for dinner. I know it doesn't seem like enough, but she has to get used to eating three meals a day again. She has to re-develop hunger cues. Don't let her use the bathroom for at least half an hour after eating because she may develop bulimia. Don't let her even see any scales. If it's hard for her to eat with all of you guys, just one of you could sit with her. If she won't eat, we'll give you some packets that you can mix with water and give her through the tube. Um...She's 83 pounds right now. She needs to gain about 30-40 pounds to be at a healthy weight. When you weigh her to check her weight, make her turn around so she doesn't see the numbers, it just makes it easier. If you feel like you can't do it, please bring her to our recovery facility." He continued for a few more minutes before giving us what we would need and leaving the room. 

"This is going to be difficult." Jake said.

"We can do it." Ashley told him, not looking up from Grace's face. "We will do it."


I am not a doctor. I probably have no idea what I'm talking about in this chapter. Also, idk if Cc had a friend in high school with anorexia, I just put it in for the story. Thanks for reading, please comment if you have any ideas. Hope you have enjoyed it so far!

Peace out friends ✌

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