Pool time

429 13 4

Grace's POV:

We started walking out to the backyard when Andy turned and looked at me.

"You know what I just realized?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Ashley may be excited to see you in that." Andy laughed as he said that. "Don't worry, I'll try to keep him off you."

I playfully hit Andy in the shoulder. I think I may have been blushing because he laughed. Andy grabbed my cheeks and kissed my head. His hands felt cool. 

"C'mon." He said.

We finally made it outside and all the guys turned to look at us. 

"DAMN IT! THEY FOUND US!" Cc  yelled. 

Andy let go of my hand. He ran and jumped in the pool, almost landing on Cc. He came up and grabbed Cc, pulling him under. 

I laughed and walked to the edge. I sat down and put my feet in the water. I could feel Ash looking at me. Just like Andy said. Jake walked over and leaned on the wall next to me. 

"They're weird." He said. "And annoying sometimes."

"They're just having fun." I said.

"I know. I just don't get it though." He said.

At this point, Ashley had joined in and sided up with Cc to try and take down Andy. Jinxx was trying to stay out of the way. He saw us and came over. 

"Hey Jinxxy." I said when he got out of the splashing.

"Hello." He shook his hair like a dog would, splashing me a bit. "You coming in Gracie?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. I will. In a minute." I looked over at the other three. 

"Ok then." Jinxx said.

The splashing was starting to subside. Jake and Jinxx went back over as Ashley noticed me. He walked over and splashed a bit of water at me. I glared at him.

"You look better without that tube in your nose." He said, smiling at me. 

"Thanks, I guess." I said, laughing at him quietly. He was dripping wet from the now ended battle. 

"You are gonna swim, right?" He asked. 

I nodded. "In a bit." I said.

"Hmmm..." He was thinking about something. His face told me I wouldn't like it. He took a step closer to me and stood up. 

"Purdy." I said warningly. "Whatever mischievous idea is in that head of yours, don't do it."

He smiled, taking another step. 

"Ashley!" I yelled as Ash jumped out of the water and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me into the water on his way back down.

I came up and coughed, not prepared to suddenly not be able to breathe. I hit Ashley in the arm and wiped the water out of my face. I peeled my wet scarf off me and threw it out of the water. 

Ashley had disappeared. I looked around for him when I suddenly felt something come up from underneath me and lift me out of the water. Ashley had swam up underneath me and I was now sitting on his shoulders. 

I realized this and grabbed his hair and held on tight. "ASHLEY! PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled.

"OUCH!" He yelled and laughed. "No! I won't put you down. You're mine now." He held onto my legs and started walking over to the rest of the guys. 

We got to where they were and I had an idea. "Put me down Ashley." I said in a warning tone. 

"Nope." He said again. 

"Ok." I wrapped my legs around his neck and held my nose. I fell backwards off of him, dragging him with me by the neck. I stood up and a second later he came up, sputtering. All the guys cracked up. Andy and Cc high-fived me. 

"Not fair." He said, pushing the hair out of his face.

"I warned you...you wouldn't put me down." I said and shrugged. 

"I'll get you back." He squinted at me.

Andy and Cc stepped in front of me. 

"We shall guard her." Cc said in an official sounding voice.

Ashley splashed them both with water and jumped at me, pulling me under. I opened my eyes underwater and he smiled at me. I smiled back and saw a hand reach down and grab Ashley, pulling him up. I stood up to see Ashley in Jake's grip. 

"Ash, chill. She just got out of the hospital. Don't send her back." Jake said, still holding Ashley. 

Ash glared at him and fought out of Jake's grip. I giggled and swam over to Jinxx. I held onto him and he picked me up underwater. 

"Look at them. They're fighting over me." I whispered in his ear.

He laughed. "I didn't even need to fight." He whispered back.

I giggled as everyone calmed down and came over to us. 

"Can you do a handstand Gracie?" Cc asked.

I nodded. "Pretty good actually. Not to brag or anything..."

Jinxx laughed. I walked over to Cc and flipped into a handstand. I kicked water at them as I put my legs down. 

"That's better than mine..." Andy said. 

"That's better than all of us." Jake said in a matter-of-fact way. 

I took an over-dramatic bow and walked over to Ashley. 

"Let's go in the hot-tub." Andy said. "it's getting chilly out here." 

With that, Ashley picked me up, walked over to the hot- tub, and dumped me in the water. Everyone else followed. 

"What are we doing for dinner?" Andy asked. 

"Not sure. You want to pick something Grace?" Jinxx asked. 

I shook my head no.

"Let's order pizza!" Jake suggested enthusiastically. 

"Sounds good to me." Ashley said and everyone agreed. 

I didn't want pizza. There were a lot of calories in it. A few minutes later, it was almost completely dark so we got out and dried off. Ashley got on the phone to order and we all went inside.

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