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*Time skip to two weeks later*

Andy's POV: 

It had been about two weeks since Grace's re-lapse. She was doing better and we had made up the next morning. We were all helping her and it was working. Her cuts were healing too. Jinxx changed the bandages every day until they could be left un-bandaged. 

Today was Grace's birthday and we were going to have a small party. Just with us. We got a cake, hoping she would have some, and Cc was going to grill hot dogs and burgers outside. It was the middle of summer so we were going to swim and just hang out all day. 

Grace didn't know any of this yet and we were setting up decorations, since she hadn't woken up yet. Cc was getting food ready, Jake and Jinxx were taping up streamers, I was setting up gifts, and Ashley was messing around like he usually was. 

"I think we're good." I said after everything was done.

"I'll go get Grace up." Said Cc, running upstairs before we could say anything else.

Grace's POV:

I was woken up by Cc jumping up and down on my bed. I rolled over and glared at him. 

"What do you want Cc?" I asked, covering my head with my pillow.

"I have a surprise." He sang out.

Cc walked over to my closet and picked out a set of clothes. He pulled me out of bed and pushed me into my closet to change. 

"Cc why do I need my bathing suit?" I called to him out the door.

"Why do you think? We're going swimming later." He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes and got dressed. I didn't even bother doing my hair because I'm pretty sure Cc would have ran out of patience halfway through. I came back out and Cc picked me up and carried me piggy-back downstairs.

When we reached the bottom, he put me down and graciously allowed me to walk into the kitchen. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" The guys all yelled in unison as I walked in.

"Wow!" I said, admiring the streamers on the wall. 

"You are now officially an adult." Cc said from behind me.

"I forgot it was my birthday." I replied.

"How do you forget your birthday?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know. It was never really celebrated." I shrugged. 

"Well, today we're going to swim, grill lunch outside, eat cake, open presents, and just have fun." Andy said. 

"Awesome!!" I said, hugging all the guys one by one. "Thank you guys so much!"

"Don't thank us yet." Cc said "We haven't done anything."

Just then, I was scooped up by Ashley and carried out to the backyard. 

"Let's go swimming!" He said. 

"ASHLEY! DON'T YOU DARE THROW HER IN THE POOL!" Jinxx yelled after us. 

Jinxx may be the only one Ashley will actually listen to. Surprisingly he didn't throw me in the pool and instead put me by the edge. The rest of the guys came out and took their shirts off. I did the same and jumped in after them. 

We swam for a few hours and then ate lunch, provided by Cc. Ashley insisted that we go inside and open gifts, so we did, just to get him to shut up. 

Andy got me a Batman pajama onesie and a pair of red converse with black and yellow striped knee-high socks. Jake got a new leather jacket with my name on the back over angel wings and a new sketchbook with some pencils. Jinxx got me a necklace that had a small ring on it with peridot around the edge (My birth stone) and a record player with a BVB record. Cc got a stuffed bear with a leather jacket on it, a small box of chocolates, a FIR hoodie, and a new hair straightener (Because mine was almost dead). And finally. Ashley got me a new swimsuit that was surprisingly pretty. It was black with rhinestone stars all over the top and tassels hanging off the sides of the bottom. He also got a black cowboy hat and a jeweled belt. 

After opening all the gifts, it was cake time. I had a small piece and it was actually very good. We watched a movie and just hung out for the rest of the night. 

Ashley's POV:

 Everyone had gone to their rooms for the night. I was freaking out. I was going to ask Andy's permission to ask Grace out. He was, after all, her dad. I walked down the hallway to Andy's room and knocked. 

"Come in." Andy called.

I walked in, trying to keep myself together. 

"Hey Andy, can I ask you something?" I started.

"Sure Ash. What's up?" He put his book down and sat up on his bed. 

"Well, uh, Grace is 18 now. I was wondering if it would be ok if I asked her out." I said.

I waited for his response. He thought about it for a minute before answering me.

"Ashley. Is this going to be just another hookup?" He asked.

"No no no no I swear." I said. "It's different this time. I love her. She's not just a one-night stand. I promise Andy." I pleaded.

He had to say yes. Andy sighed and spoke again.

"I fucking swear Ashley. You break her heart, and Jake, Jinxx, Cc, and I will beat your ass." He said.

It took me a moment to register what he had said. 

"So you're ok with it?" I asked in disbelief.

I didn't think he would be ok with it.

"Yes. I am ok with it. Only because I can tell she likes you. But you mess this up..." He said, shaking his head.

"I get it. Don't mess up. Don't hurt her, or I will get hurt." I said quickly summing up what he had said. 

"I swear Ashley!" He yelled as I ran out of the room. 

I was so excited. I couldn't believe he said yes. I was going to ask Grace out tomorrow. I couldn't wait. My mind was so busy, it was difficult to fall asleep. 

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