Starting over

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*Time skip to the next day*

Jinxx's POV:

They had stopped Grace's medication about an hour ago and said she should be up soon. They had given her several "doses" of food through the tube and even just after the first one, Gracie had gotten less pale. There was always at least one of us at the hospital since last night when Grace was brought in. We all got here when they took her off the medication. At the moment it was my turn to sit with her. Andy and Ashley went to go get coffee and Jake and Cc were asleep on the couch in the corner. I was sitting in the chair next to the bed, staring at the floor.

I heard Grace take a deep breath and looked up. She was starting to wake up. She moved her head to the side. I grabbed her hand and rubbed it with my thumb. 

"I'm right here Gracie. It's ok. You're ok." I said quietly to her.

Andy and Ashley opened the door and came in with five cups of coffee. Grace's eyes partially opened slowly. 

"Ashley..." She said weakly. 

Ashley put down the two cups of coffee he was holding and walked over to the bed. I moved and he sat down and took her hand in his.

"I'm right here honey." He said. "It's alright."

Jake woke up and Andy went to get Cc up. 

Ashley's POV:

Grace reached up to her face and tried to grab the feeding tube. 

"No no no, Gracie, leave it in, sweetie." I said and took her other hand down to the bed. 

I just sat there, her hands in mine, for a few minutes. It was hard to even look at her. I just wanted to protect her and keep her safe from everything. I reached up and brushed the hair out of her face. She opened her eyes all the way and looked over at me. I, and all the guys, smiled back at her. 

*Time skip a few hours later*

Grace was able to sit up, talk, and drink water now. She was still a bit groggy from the medicine but we were allowed to take her home. It was about 6 pm and when we got home, she was going straight to bed. 

She was taken out to the car in a wheelchair and Andy picked her up and put her in the seat next to me. The whole ride home, she leaned up against me and I held onto her. 

When we got home, I picked her up and carried her bridal style to her room. I laid her down on her bed and pulled the blanket over her. The other guys came in and said goodnight.

Cc's POV:

I came in to say goodnight to Gracie and give her a hug.

"Cc." She said.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Will you stay?" She asked, grabbing my hand.

I looked at Andy for approval. After all, he was technically her dad. He nodded.

"Sure sweetie." I said and sat down on the bed next to her. 

She didn't say much after that and a few minutes later, she fell asleep. I followed not long after. 

Andy's POV:

I came in to check on them a couple hours later and found them both asleep. Cc was leaned up against the wall in a position that looked uncomfortable. 

I remembered when I came to wake Grace up and saw the scars. I figured I'd wait until all of this was sorted out first. Maybe she had stopped already and they were older than I thought they were. I'd just keep an eye on her. 

I turned the light off and closed the door quietly. Tomorrow was going to be tough. I went back to my room to process everything that had happened over the last few days. Jinxx came in and said goodnight and told me not to worry. He said it would all be fine...I hoped so.

I got ready for bed and happily let sleep take over my busy mind.

A/N - Sorry, I know it was a short chapter, but there wasn't much else I felt I could do with it. I didn't want to start the next event and have to pause it halfway through to start a new chapter. Anyway...Peace out friends ✌

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