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*The next day*

Grace's POV:

I woke up to banging on my door. 

"Wake up!" A voice yelled from the other side. 

"OKAAYYY" I yelled back. My head was throbbing from the blow I took last night.

I got dressed in a MCR tank top with a Sleeping with Sirens hoodie and ripped jeans. I went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup and tried to hide the bruise from last night as well as possible. 

As I was going downstairs I was stopped by the director and told to go to her office when I was finished eating. She didn't even wait for my response when she turned and closed her office door. 

'That was weird' I thought. 'It can't be good. It's never good...'

"Hey freak!" I turned and saw Nicole. "Nice face!" She and her friends all laughed.  

I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat. Breakfast was full of people pointing out the bruise like I didn't know it was there. I heard a knock at the door and voices enter the director's office. They were probably going to transfer me to a different home after last night. Great. I put my earbuds in and played "I am bulletproof" by Black Veil Brides. 

Soon we were dismissed and I got up to go to the director's office. I took my earbuds out because she always got on my ass about having them in. I knocked and heard her say "come in". I opened the door and my jaw dropped.

Sitting at the director's desk were all five members of Black Veil Brides. I had to be dreaming. 

"Hi there Grace." Andy said. Cc gave a little wave. I waved back.

"Grace, come sit down please." The director motioned to a chair near her. I walked over to the chair and sat down. I didn't look at any of them. How could I? They couldn't really be here...Could they?

"That's a nasty bruise ya got there Grace." Cc said. Ashley elbowed him in the gut and he let out a huff. Andy glared at both of them. I giggled slightly.

"So how old are you Grace?" Andy asked. 

I knew he already knew the answer to that question but I didn't want to ruin this by being a smart-ass. 

"Seventeen" I answered. I snuck a look at them and they were all looking at me, which I should expect. 

"Is something wrong?" The director asked, looking at me. I shook my head 'no'. "Can you stop staring at the ground then please?" 

I looked up and met Jinxx's eyes. He smiled at me.

"It's ok. I understand." Jake said. "I'm shy too." 

That was part of the reason. I was shy. How was I supposed to react to THE Black Veil Brides sitting in front of me?

"Say something." The director whispered to me.

I couldn't stand it any longer. "Fine." I said "What are you guys doing here anyway?" I asked. 

"The same thing everyone else is doing here." Andy said. "We want to adopt a daughter."

"But why me?" I asked. 

"We saw you and thought you were perfect." He said. I tried not to roll my eyes. "Would you like to come with us?" He asked. 

"Yes." My eyes shot up to meet his. "I do."

"Well then, go pack your bags." Ashley said.

I jumped out of my chair and ran up to my room to pack my things. 

Andy's POV:

When Grace had left to pack her things, the director turned to us and began getting papers out. The moment I saw here I knew she was the one. I was pretty sure the rest of the guys thought that too. 

"Who will be signing?' The director asked. 

We had decided that I would sign the papers. Even though I was the youngest and we were all more like brothers that dad material. I took a pen and filled out all the paperwork. 

"She is a big fan of you guys." The director said. "There are a few things you should know first though.  She had gone through so much in her life that she shouldn't have gone through."

"Like what?" asked Jake.

"Well, we don't even know who her parents are. She's also been to about 16...I think...foster homes."

"Wait, why so many?" Ashley asked. I could tell he was a little worried about the answer. Honestly I was too.

"You could call it bad luck I guess." She said. "A couple homes neglected her, a couple abused her, one was a drug addict and the police brought her back when they caught him, some changed their mind after a few weeks. Things like that. She started cutting a few years ago, but now she stopped."

I didn't know what to say and could tell the guys didn't either. 

"After everything she is jumpy and a bit hard to get to. She doesn't trust anymore. You just have to give her time." She said. 

Jinxx just nodded. Ashley was staring at the floor. 

"We will." I said. I'll be patient with her. All I want now is to protect her...

I handed the papers back to the director and she stood up and showed us out. She called up the stairs to Grace to hurry up and turned back to us. 

"She should be down here soon." She said.

"Would it be alright if we helped her pack?" I asked.

"Of course. Her room is upstairs, third door on the right." She said.

We walked up the stairs and found her room. Our knock was returned with a 'Come in'. I opened the door and Grace zipped up her suitcase and looked up at us. 

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready." She said. 

"Is this it?" I asked, picking up her two suitcases. 

"Yep." She said. "I don't have much."

Grace's POV:

Andy walked into my room and picked up my two suitcases and gave one to Ashley. I made sure to  hide my razors in the suitcase lining so no one would find them. All of a sudden, I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted off the floor. Cc had picked me up and was carrying me bridal style to their van. 

"You're not very heavy." He said. 

I grabbed his neck. I never liked getting picked up. 

"Easy there." He said. "I won't drop you. Promise."

We reached the van and Andy and Ashley put my stuff in the back. Cc put me in the car and shut the door. I was sitting next to Andy. 

"Ready to go home?" He asked.

"Definitely." I said. "Oh, by the way, which one of you is my dad?"

"Technically I am." Andy said. "But we think of you more as a sister than a daughter."

"Oh." I said. "Okay."

After a while, we got back to the BVB house. They all lived together, which I thought was cool. Ashley and Andy took my bags again and Cc showed me to my room. 

"Here ya go." He said as Ashley and Andy put my bags on the bed. 

"You want help unpacking?" Jinxx asked.

"No that's ok. I got it." I said.

The guys told me to come out to the kitchen when I was done because they were making dinner. 

'Oh great.' I thought as I unpacked. 'Now I have to come up with excuses to not eat. 

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