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I got in line with the other girls. I just stared at the floor. I was at the end so I had a while before people got to me. People mostly just walked past me. I heard some squeals of joy and turned to see Nikki hugging a well dressed couple. This was always depressing. 

After about an hour, I decided to leave. I went out to the alleyway behind the home and jumped the fence leading to a nearby park. There was a small maintenance building at the end of the field that I had figured out how to climb. I got up on the roof and just lied down. I was staring at the sky when I remembered the blade in my pocket. I took it out and gave myself a few cuts. It made me feel better. My stomach growled and I just ignored it. I usually do. It doesn't bother me anymore. 

I stayed on the roof for a few hours and eventually decided to head back to the home. They were beginning to serve dinner. It was spaghetti. I sat down and took a few bites when there was a knock at the door. I heard some voices by the door and then noticed a commotion at the other end of the room. 

Nicole, the girl who made fun of me this morning, was cornering a little girl and yelling at her. I jumped up and ran over to them. 

"Leave her alone!" I yelled at Nicole as I stepped in front of the girl. I didn't know her name because she was new. 

"Go away freak!" She yelled back at me. I felt the little girl hold onto my shirt. 

"I said leave her alone!" I pushed Nicole backwards and she punched me in the face. Everything went blurry for a second and then I realized I was bleeding. "Back off!" I yelled again, holding my face. 

"What is going on out here!?" The director had come in. There were some people with her, all dressed in black. I couldn't see who they were because my vision was still a bit blurry. She saw I was bleeding. "Go to the nurse. Now!"

"I'm not leaving her." I said looking at the girl.

"Yes you are." She said. "I will handle it. Go. Now." I glared at Nicole and stormed out of the room. 

Ashley's POV:

We were lucky enough to get to the home before they closed for the night. We saw this girl's file online and thought we could use some company. Her name was Grace and she was perfect. She wasn't fake. The director greeted us at the door and was going to take us in to meet her when we heard yelling from another room. 

"Please, come in. Excuse me for a moment." She said. She looked both worried and angry as she quickly walked into the room the noise was coming from. 

We followed her in to see two girls, one trapped up against a wall. We watched as the trapped one got hit in the face. It looked like the pictures of Grace we saw. She was bleeding. Then I noticed the little girl behind her. Was she protecting her? I wanted to run over and show the other girl what getting hit was like. But Andy held me back.

The director yelled at the girls and sent Grace to the nurse. As she was walking out, I was going to say something to her but Andy stopped me. 

"Not now." He said and I closed my mouth. We all shared a look as the director came back to meet us. 

"I'm so sorry." She said.  

"It's alright." Andy said back to her. 

He always spoke for everyone. I wanted to ask if Grace was ok, but I knew it wouldn't be appreciated right now.

"I sent her to the nurse and then bed. I'm so sorry, I was going to have you meet her, but I feel like it's not a good idea at the moment." She said.

"We could come back tomorrow." Jinxx said, looking at Andy in agreement. "If that's alright."

"That would be wonderful!" She said as she walked us out.

"What time?" I asked.

"10:00 AM would be a good time." She said. I nodded.

I wanted to meet this girl. She seemed like a perfect little sister. I wanted her in this family. 

The short drive home was mostly quiet after we talked a bit about what happened. I wondered why she didn't hit back. Oh well, it didn't matter I guess. Our song "Savior" started playing on the radio as I though about what just happened.

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