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Ashley's POV:

It was the next morning. I had barely slept last night. I walked downstairs and made some coffee. Back in my room, I waited until I heard Jinxx wake up and ran back downstairs to pour him a cup. He walked in and I was sitting at the kitchen table with one cup of coffee in front of me and one next to me. Jinxx stopped and looked at me tired and confused.

"What do you want Ashley?" He said.

"Nothing. I'm just being nice and made you coffee." I said. 

"Usually, if you do something nice, you want something." He said, sitting down and taking a sip of coffee. "Plus, you're never up this early." 

"Fine. I want to talk Jinxx." I answered.

"About what?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"I need advice." 

"About what?" He asked again.

I explained everything that happened last night with Andy. He sat there quietly and just listened, nodding every now and then. Once I had finished he spoke again.

"Okay, so, you want to set something up? To ask Grace, right?" He asked, trying to gather everything.

"Yeah. I just don't know how to ask her and I'm nervous. That's why I'm up so early is because I barely slept last night." I explained.

"Don't be nervous." He said. "She likes you too. I have an idea how you could tell her." 

We sat at the table and Jinxx explained his idea to me. I liked it. I was just so nervous. I hadn't really ever liked a girl like I do Grace. There's just something different about her.

"Andy's right too." Jinxx said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You hurt her and I'll beat your ass." He answered.

"Noted." I nodded in understanding.

Jinxx scared me sometimes. 

"Do you want the other guys to know?" He asked.

I shook my head and just then, Jake walked in the room and the conversation changed to something else. My mind was still pre-occupied with plans though. 

A few hours later, Grace came downstairs in a SWS t-shirt and red ripped skinny jeans. She got some cereal and came to sit at the table. 

"You ok Ash?" She asked, looking worriedly at me.

"Yeah why?" I questioned.

"You look tired. Did you sleep ok?" 

"I didn't sleep much last night." I said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Aww, I'm sorry." She said.

I smiled at her and went upstairs to get ready. I had to go get a part for my motorcycle and was going to get Grace to come with me. Then I'd take her to lunch and we'd stop at the park.

"Hey Grace?" I asked as I came downstairs. 

She was sitting on the couch with Andy and Cc. Andy gave me a look to warn me yet again. 

"Yeah Ash?" She asked.

"I need to get a part for my bike. You want to come?" I asked. 

I hoped she said yes. The short silence was rising in suspense. 

"Uhh, I don't know..." She answered.

My stomach dropped. Just then Jinxx walked in.

"You should go." He said, pulling her up and sitting down in her spot.

"I mean...I guess." She said, looking at Jinxx suspiciously. "Just let me grab my sunglasses. last time, all the wind made my eyes water."

She walked upstairs and I walked over and gave Jinxx a hug. 

"Thanks Jinxx." I said as he pushed me off.

"No problem." He say.

"What's goin' on?" Cc asked, giving us a confused look.

"Nothing." Jinxx and I said in unison.

Grace came back down with her glasses. We walked out to the garage and got on my bike. We could still ride it because it wasn't broken. I just needed to replace a part that was getting old. 

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yep." She said, grabbing onto me.

I started the bike and we headed to the auto parts store. 

"So...what do you need?" Grace asked me when we got there. 

"Brake pads." I said, opening the door for her.

She smiled and walked inside. I knew exactly where I needed to go and soon found what I was looking for. As I waited for the cashier to ring us up, I noticed Grace was looking at me.

"What's up?" I asked, smiling at her to let her know I saw her.

"Nothing." She turned away and I saw her blush. 

I paid the cashier and we walked out to the bike. 

"Wanna go get lunch?" I asked as I put the bag in the compartment on the side. 

"Sure." She said. "Where?" 

"What food you want?" I asked as I put on my helmet.

"Uhhh...Chinese." She said.

She was fidgeting with the strap on her helmet. 

"Ash." She said.

"Here, let me help."

I took my gloves off and fixed the strap.

"How's that?" I asked as she adjusted it on her head.

"Good, thanks." 

Grace climbed on the bike and put her glasses on. She looked awesome sitting on the motorcycle. I couldn't help but smile. 

"What?" She asked, blushing a bit.

"Oh nothing." 

I climbed on and we drove the the Chinese restaurant down the street. We went in and ordered.

"Will that be for here or to go, sir?" The woman asked.

"Uhh. To go." I answered. 

The woman nodded and went to the back to get our food. Grace looked at me confused.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"You'll see." I said.

I wanted it to be a surprise. We got our food and I put it in the compartment. It barely fit. We pulled into the parking lot and found a place to sit.  

We ate and took a short walk after, talking about random stuff. I was too scared to tell Grace I loved her. I couldn't do it. I would be so angry at myself if I didn't though. We finished our lap around the park and came back to the bike. 

"That was fun Ashley." She said. "Thanks for taking me."

I was so upset with myself.

"Of course. I enjoyed it too." I said as we pulled onto the street.

As we were driving home, we stopped at a signal where a man in the car next to us rolled down his window and whistled at Grace. I looked over at him and flipped him off just as the light turned green. We sped off and I heard Grace laughing behind me. 

I couldn't help but smile.

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