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Grace's POV:

I went upstairs to shower and change. 

I got my Batman pajamas and got in the shower. When I got out and changed, I brushed my hair and went back to my room. I saw my box of blades and picked one out. I held it to my wrist and gently pulled, trying not to go too deep. I heard the doorbell ring and jumped. I made a few more cuts and walked downstairs.

"Nice Pajamas!" Andy yelled as I walked out.

The pizza was here. It was pepperoni. It smelled so good, but I knew I shouldn't eat it. I saw Andy and Cc both look at me and I saw Andy pull Ashley aside.

Ashley's POV:

"Ash." Andy grabbed my arm and pulled me into the other room. "Can you sit with her tonight?"

"Why me?" I asked him.

"You haven't yet. I want all of us to help at some point so she's comfortable eating with us." He answered back.

I nodded. "Ok."

He nodded back and started to walk out.

"Andy." I stopped him. "What do I do?" I asked.

"Just sit with her. Don't force her to do anything, but make sure she eats at least half a slice."

I followed Andy out and grabbed pizza for both me and Grace. I took her by the hand and led her to the living room. 

"Here you go." I said, handing her a slice. 

She hesitated for a second and took it. She just held it for a few minutes. 

"Everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said. "Can I take the pepperoni off? And eat the crust first?"

"Yeah sure." I said. I didn't know what I was doing. 

"How much do I have to eat?" She asked. 

"Andy said at least half." I told her. 

She looked at the pizza again and slowly took a bite. She looked really upset.

"Are you ok?" I asked, putting my pizza down.

She nodded. 

"Liar." I said, rubbing her back. She blushed a bit. "Sorry for earlier. You know. Pulling you in the pool." I said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. 

She looked at me. "It's ok Ash. It was fun."

She took another bite of pizza. I took a few more bites. Grace looked like she was really having a rough time. I pulled her into a hug and saw a tear fall. I pulled her up and looked her in the eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

Grace's POV:

"Nothing. It's just difficult." I said and took another small bite.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Ashley asked me.

"Not really." I said.

He pulled me back into a hug and we just sat there for what seemed like hours. I felt safe for once in my life. I didn't want to move. Ashley was warm and I felt protected. I finished half the slice and put the rest on the plate. 

"Good, Gracie." He said, not moving. 

I glanced at the clock. It said 9:30. The pizza got here just before 8.  I yawned, tired after today's events. Ashley chuckled at me and tightened his hug. 

"Tired are we?" He asked, jokingly.

I play hit him in the arm and then nodded. 

"Owwww!" He dramatically wailed. 

This made me laugh. He laughed a little back and I buried my head in his neck. We stayed like that a few minutes longer until Andy came in, followed by the rest of the guys. 

"Finished?" Ash asked, getting up and taking my plate. 

I nodded. 

Andy sat down next to me and hugged me. "My turn." He said. 

He let go and Ashley came and sat back down on my other side. We watched Sweeney Todd - per Jinxx's request. Cc had made popcorn. I hadn't had popcorn in years. I took a small handful and savored the buttery treat. 

Pretty soon, I felt my eyelids start drooping and leaned on Ashley's shoulder. I managed to stay awake for a few more minutes before my eyes closed and I drifted off into sleep.

Ashley's POV:

Grace fell asleep on my shoulder about halfway through the movie. Cc was already asleep. When it finished, Jinxx turned it off and laughed as he looked over at us. 

"You should bring her to her room." Andy said quietly to me. 

I nodded and slid my hand under her head. My other hand grabbed her legs and I picked her up bridal style and walked to her room. I put her on her bed and pulled the blanket over her. This reminded me of when we brought her home from the hospital. I kissed her forehead and walked out, quietly closing the door behind me. 

I love Grace. Today was so fun. Although, I did take kind of a risk by pulling her into the pool. I laughed to myself as I walked to my room and got ready for bed.


I did it! HAHA! I have started something...


I hope you're enjoying this book. I put a lot of myself into this chapter...Anyway...Peace out friends ✌

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