I promise

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Cc's POV: 

I came downstairs the next morning sore from last night's sleeping arrangements. When I left, Grace was still asleep. I smelled pancakes and turned the corner to see the rest of the guys sitting at the table, all with coffees in hand. 

"Morning." I mumbled.

"Morning." They all said back as I helped myself to pancakes. 

"Cc." Andy said. 

"What's up?" I asked, sitting down at the table. 

"When you're done, you mind getting Gracie up and getting her to eat?" He asked. 

"Sure." I said, glancing up from my pancakes.

"If you don't want to, you can say no." Jake said.

"No, it's ok." I said. "I've done this before. I'd like to think I can be quite persuasive."

That got a chuckle out of Ash and Andy. They nodded and finished their coffee as I finished my food.

I went up to wake up Grace.

Grace's POV:

"Hey Grace, wake up." I opened one eye to see Cc sitting on my bed. "C'mon Gracie."

Cc started rubbing my back. If anything, that would make me stay here longer. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I glared at him.

"Up." He said smiling at my glare.

He got up and went to my closet, picking out some clothes for me. 

"Here." He said, handing me the stack. "Don't make me dress you too." He laughed. "Better yet...I could get Ashley to do it."

That got me up. I stumbled into the bathroom and started to put my clothes on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I still had a feeding tube in and for the first time in a while, I noticed how pale I was. I finished changing and came back to my room. Cc was still there, now with some fruit.

"Come here." He said patting the bed next to him.

I walked over and sat down. "I know what happens now." I said, looking at the fruit in his hands. There were some grapes, two strawberries, and an apple. 

"Oh yeah? And what is that?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"You're gonna tell me that I'm sick and need to eat. Then if I refuse, you're gonna tell me that if I don't eat, you're going to make me eat. I say 'oh yeah?' and you say 'yeah' and then I say 'how are you going to make me?' and then you threaten to either shove it down my throat or put it through the feeding tube." I said, describing the whole next scene. (I was still tired so half of it was somewhat slurred.)

Cc laughed. "I didn't think I was that mean...anyway, I would prefer if you didn't hate me after today. I'm not going to force you but some of the other guys may. I prefer the 'beg til you lose your mind and give in to save what little sanity you have left' method."

I rolled my eyes and snickered at him.

"Think that's funny do you? I will beg. Here, pick something." He said holding out the fruit to me. 

I didn't want to eat. Well, my body didn't want to. My mind did. I wanted to get better, to be normal again. A tear rolled down my cheek. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cc.

"Grace...Grace." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked in my eyes. "Hey...What's goin' on? Talk to me." He said, noticing I was crying. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. 

I didn't say anything, just let another tear lose. He looked at me again. I could tell in his eyes that he wanted to help me, I just had to let him.

Cc's POV:

I looked her in the eyes again. It hurt me to see her cry, but I saw something in her eyes...like she was begging for help but couldn't say it. I held out a grape to her. Still in my hug, she timidly took it and raised it to her lips. She bit half of it. I felt another tear fall and held on to her. 

"It's ok." I said soothingly. "It'll all be ok."

She ate the other half of the grape. I offered her another. She took it less hesitantly this time. 

"Hey." I said.

"Yeah?" She asked quietly.

"Promise me you'll try to get better." I said. "I don't want to lose you."

"...I promise." She said, eating the second grape all in one bite this time.

Grace's POV:

"Promise me you'll try to get better." He said. "I don't want to lose you." 

No one had ever told me that before. No one ever cared enough to want to help me. I really did want to get better. I wanted to enjoy food again. To eat without thinking about how many calories were in it. 

"...I promise." I said, taking another grape.

They were so sweet. I missed tasting good things like this. I would keep my promise. I had to...that's how promises work, right? I was just worried.

"If I gain weight..." I started. "Will you bring me back?"

"Why would we ever bring you back?" Cc asked, turning me to look at him. 

"I would be...ugly." I said, avoiding his eyes. Another tear rolled down my cheek.

"You won't be ugly. Even if you were, we would still keep you. You deserve a family. It doesn't matter what you look like. We will all still love you." He said. He gave me another hug. 

"Thank you Cc." I whispered over his shoulder.

I ate a few more grapes and we went downstairs together. All the guys said good morning and asked how I was feeling.

"I'm ok." I said. I sat down next to Andy and Jinxx. "When can this come off?" I asked, pointing to the tube. 

Andy looked at Cc and then at Ashley. Jake looked at Jinxx.

"When will it not be needed?" Andy asked.

I looked at Cc. "It's already not needed." I said.

Andy looked at Cc again, who nodded. "Well, why don't we call the hospital and ask?" He said, looking down at me. He grabbed his phone and called. a few minutes later, he hung up.

"They said they could get you in today." He said. "You sure you don't want to keep it a while longer?" He asked.

"Not really..." I said.

"Well, I guess we better get going then." He said and led me to the car. 

The rest of the guys were staying here.

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