1- Welcome to the Family

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"Oi, Sleeping Beauty!" I shouted, pounding on his bedroom door. "Yuki! It's time to get ready for school!" I didn't expect a response, but the door breezed open and he stepped past me in two strides.

"I'm heading to school a bit early." He was already dressed for the school day. He bound down the stairs taking the steps two at a time.

Once he was out of the way I shrugged and headed back into my bedroom. The window was open, allowing a cool breeze to air out my room. The early morning sun would do some help in clearing what looked like was going to be another day of sweltering weather. Hey Shigure!" I shouted, leaning out the window. "Did you make breakfast?"

"You want breakfast come make it yourself!" His voice came from somewhere inside the house. "Oh, Hello! This is a surprise!"

"What!?" I leaned out the window again. "Oh!" Tohru Honda stood on the front stoop, talking to Shigure. I grabbed my book bag and ran down the stairs, stopping just short of running into Yuki. "Tohru is here." I whispered, peering around the corner.

"What do you mean?" He asked, stepping out from my hiding place when Shigure started his normal 'Preying on young girls' routine. "Will you at least try to control your pervasive urges?" He asked, slamming his messenger bag down on Shigure's head. "Miss Honda, Hello! I hope my cousin here hasn't frightened you too much!"

"Honestly Shigure, I thought you were over this!" I said, flicking him on the forehead. "Hello Tohru!"

"Yuki Sohma! Sato Sohma! What are you- I mean Good Morning!" She bowed.

"Whats this?" Shigure asked, looking up at me. "You three know each other?"

"Little bit," I nodded.

"She's in our class." Yuki confirmed.

"I'm Tohru Honda! Nice to meet you!" She bowed to Shigure, and I snickered.

"No need to bow to that dog!" I smirked, heading down the path. "You two get acquainted, I'll meet you at school!"

"That was mean!" He hollered after me, shaking his fists in the air.

After I was about halfway down the stairs to the main road, I heard two sets of feet running down after me. "Sato, wait up!"

"Oh Tohru! I see you were able to get away from Shigure. He's all talk, I wouldn't worry about him." I smiled, turning my attention to her. "What brings you around our neck of the woods?"

"I live around here, that's all!" She said frantically, and I cast a glance at Yuki.

He shrugged and brushed past me. "Well, I think we should be headed off to school now. I've got club duties this morning."


I sat down at my desk, hoping to get a few peaceful moments in before class started, but out in the hall I could hear some girls frantic yelling and sighed. It wasn't going to be very peaceful if I didn't go and investigate the ruckus. I stepped out into the hall and my gaze fell upon an angry Motoko Minagawa yelling at a confused looking Tohru. Of course. "She was just walking with me, you idiots!" I shouted, walking down the hall towards them.

"Oh! Miss Sohma!" One of the girls said, bowing towards me. "Motoko!" She hissed through her teeth.

"Miss Sohma!" Motoko cried, bowing next to her friends. "Please forgive our crudeness!"

"Hey!" A sharp voice came up behind me. "Don't pick a fight over something stupid just cause youre ego got bruised!" The voice was Uotani, and her friend Hanajima.

The girls rushed away and I nodded. "You good Tohru?"

"Yeah! Thanks!" I nodded and walked away so her friends could help her. Those girls were always causing trouble for anyone who even laid eyes on Yuki, which I didn't really get because he was kind of an idiot. I made my way back to my desk and sat down, finally relishing in the quiet.

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