Chapter 10

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After the movie is over, we crank the stereo. I notice Donnie giving Adam shit over by the bathroom. Donnie looks pissed at first, but then seems to relax after something Adam says to him. The rest of the night goes smooth and I have a lot of fun. Around two in the morning TJ and Janae decide to go and since Donnie rode with them he has to leave also. He pulls me out of my apartment into the hall. He's looking at me holding both my hands in his. "I had a nice time Carly." I'm starting to panic thinking he is going to kiss me. Instead he says "See you at school Monday," and follows TJ and Janae out the door.

I step inside and close the door. I don't realize I'm holding my breath until I let it out. I'm leaning against the door slightly drunk and a bit tired. "You alright," Adam asks. His voice making me feel dizzier than I already am. "I'm good," I smile at him. "I think your drunk bad ass," he says in his soft sexy voice. Shit that voice turns me on. I stare up into his blue eyes. I feel myself getting lost in them. I wish he would kiss me. He's so close I want to reach out and touch him. I don't. Instead I just stand there staring into his eyes.

He reaches out and pushes back the hair that has fallen into my face. I lean into his touch and close my eyes. I know he's gone before I open my eyes. When I open them, he's standing over at the stereo. He changes the station to a heavy metal station. Rage against the Machine is playing. I stare at his back. His broad shoulders and muscular arms make my heart beat faster. I've never felt this way before. Not even Mike had this effect on me. I look at Adam and want him. Really want him. His beautiful eyes and hot body make me giddy. Well that and the beer.

I realize I must be drunk. I don't really know Adam that well. I just know he's nice. Donnie is nice to. He must feel me staring because he turns to look at me. I smile at him and he smiles back. My stomach flutters like a thousand butterflies have been release. It's then that I notice both Ava and Nat staring at us. I feel the heat creep up my face and peel myself off the wall. I walk over to Ava and Nat. "I think someone has a crush on your brother," Nat says to Ava.

I sit on one of the chairs at the breakfast nook. "I'm just drunk," I say. "So, tell me how to get Donnie to lay off and give me some space," I say to Nat and Ava. "I thought you like him," Nat says. "I do, but I haven't had enough time to figure out how much. I feel like he's pushing me and I'm not ready to make that kind of decision yet. I mean there are some seriously hot guys at your school." I forget Adams there. Nat and Ava take a seat. "I'd like to keep my options open for a while," I tell them. They laugh. "I so suck at this stuff. I followed Mike around like a puppy for years and he never even gave me a second thought in that way. It took all of this for him to finally tell me to get lost." I stop talking. I realize I'm rambling.

"That's the guy in all the pictures," Ava asks. I shake my head yes. "So what's the story," she asks. I stand up and get another beer. "He was my first friend when I moved here. He lives across the street from my aunt and uncle. We sort of grew up together. I developed feelings for him freshman year. I was actually "saving" myself for him." I do the air quotes around "saving". I think he may have known how I felt but obviously didn't feel the same way about me. I think maybe he liked knowing how I felt and let me think maybe one day. I don't know. Maybe it's all just in my head. Maybe he didn't want to lose our friendship, so he ignored my obvious feelings. Calling Dr. Phil," I say downing my beer. "He sounds like a real ass," I hear Adam say as he comes up behind me. "That's the perfect word for him," I say, and we all laugh.

We sit eating chips and drinking beer. I learn that Nat is adopted. She lives with several other kids that were adopted also. Her adoptive parents also foster. She has interesting stories. I sit listening to her tell a story about one of the foster boys that lived with them for several months. His father had been abusive and put some heavy duty scars on him. "The cigarette burns are probably the ugliest scars I have ever seen," she says. "What happened to him," I ask. "They sent him back home. I never heard from him again," she says. "Doesn't that suck," I ask her. "You get use to it. They come and they go. Most you never hear from again. Every once in a while one will keep in touch."

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